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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. I hope the rain goes to fill up any reservoirs that are still needing the water. Is it raining in the hills of western Thailand or the north west in the hills and mountain areas?
  2. Are pen guns now legal in Thailand? That is my question.
  3. Wow, I doubt that my country would pay me one cent to return to the home country. These people did not get forced to go to work in Isreal.
  4. For first degree murder, and especially for multiple murders, the killers should get the death penalty. In Canada, the Canadian population never got to vote to end the death penalty. It was done by politicians. A life sentence in Canada is not a life sentence, just 25 years no matter how many killed is considered the humane amount of time for a person in prison, and that is just wrong. IMO of course.
  5. I just paid 65 Canadian dollars for my 60 day Thai tourist visa. I guess Canada is not on Thailands list for anything new. Oh well at least I am lucky enough to be able to escape a bit of the Canadian Winter.
  6. Besides 7, 11s what other business operates through the night.? Just bars and night clubs and taxi services if you are lucky. Oh and hospitals do not count or Ambulance services. Just my opinion of course.
  7. Money, greed and corruption. Yup that seems to be what makes the world go round. When I see these 3 words, I think of politicians is so many parts of the world.
  8. Lots of good looking women take part on this err race, and yet the over weight, over stuffed posters on this forum are not happy and have to criticize their looks. Sad guys! In My Opinion. I would rather be there looking at these women than a bunch or 250 pound and over, fat expats and tourists run along the beach.
  9. Well November and December are the starting months of High tourist season, so I guess TAT may get the numbers they are after. There are many retired people from northern countries that are headed to a tropical country to escape the cold and snow of Winter. Good Luck Thailand.
  10. Earlier reports said that Thais in Isreal and area were mostly working on farms, and I suspect some are also domestic help for the richer Isrealis. All foreignors should be leaving this area now, as Isreal is being threatened by more than just the Palestines. IMO
  11. If this group was some sort of gang, then they should all be deported after facing justice in Thailand.
  12. Just nother drunk wearing a saphron robe. I have met many monks who do not drink or smoke. Thise other guys who make the news for being drunk, or acting up are not monks in my opinion.
  13. Yes, Maybe some brave people can fly to Isreal, rent a car and go into Gaza and tell the Hamas terrorist to quit holding those hostages. How about go to Doha Qatar and talk with the Hamas leader, get him to call his soldiers and tell them to give up the hostages. Oh not so simple a solution is it. Did everyone forget that it is Hamas who are holding the hostages?
  14. Great picture, water spouts, and flying fish if they are small enough to be lifted.
  15. It seems like some newbie posters like to post before reading an entire arcticle. Way to go you old posters, thanks. Brave shop owner.
  16. Tim I did the bus ride to Ayuttaya to see the ruins, and a boat ride back to Basngkok. It was my interesting tour during my first visit to Thailand. No plans to go see some other ruins, as I have seen all the temples and museums in Thailand I want to see. The marble temple in northern Thailand is one place I would like to see again.
  17. Will Hanas fight like soldiers, or will these cowardly terrorists keep hiding among the Palestine population? It would be nice to see all the hostages released, then the Isreal military can go after the terrorists strongholds and tunnels etc.
  18. How about, schools are back on and people with kids cannot go on holidays. Maybe it is still rainy season, or low season but TAT is forgetting about that.
  19. It there more than just Hamas terrorists in Gaza? Maybe there are a few other terrorist groups in that part of the world. Something to consider..
  20. A Lot of Pooyais are really Poo Nitnoys. Big Head, Big Ego, small actual stature. Oh and loss of face, can happen so quickly with these kins of people. I am not talking about just Thais as well. I seen many tourists who thought in this fashion as well. It is the world we live in.
  21. In My Opinion, only alcoholics and true P*ss Tanks need more time to drink beyond 2 AM. In Jomtien Beach I was kept awake by a bar noise until 2 am, and that was late enough. There was some sports activity taking place in Europe and the Euro types were across the street yelling and cheering until 2. Thankfully most Winters are more peacefule.
  22. Well, I think tourism in Isreal and Palistine has also been affected. Any posters here planning a fun trip to either of those countries? Hamas should all be treated as terrorists, right up to and especially their leaders, like the one living in Doha.
  23. I just thought that gaming was a fad, am I wrong? It is hard to say what the young generation will do in their future. With AI and robots getting more popular, maybe gaming will be the new human activity. I am glad that i am in my 70s and do not get involved with stuff like gaming.
  24. Well he is an ex criminal no longer. A bit hard to feel lots of sympathy for the man, I only have feelings for the family and friends he may have had, in most cases, ex convicts have few real friends.
  25. Simple solution would be to carry 2 sets of keys at all times, but most smart people do not think of that. It may not be comfortable but I am able to lock up my car and get back in after getting my mail, etc. Breaking a window is expensive, but maybe a lesson would be learned from the car owner. IMO
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