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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. The pictures are a great addition top your articles Rooster. The Mountain B fire, should be a wake up call to the RTP to check all the other bars, and close down the illegal ones permanently. I hope that Thailand continues to modernize and eventually get people to follow the seat belt laws, and use child seat for their young ones. Seeing multiple people on motorbikes with no helmets for most or all, is still a big concern, and same with people in backs of pickups. I doubt that Thailand will change very much in the next 10 to 20 years though. Cheers.
  2. Wow. lot of rainy during rainy season this year. At least Thailand is not in a drought like the UK and some other areas are. I hope all the reservoirs are all full enough for the other drier seasons.
  3. Thailand can put up this rich fella until his money runs out. He does not need the security that he would need if he stayed in Sri Lanka.
  4. She may be Nun the wiser, but hopefully will be none the richer in the future.
  5. The F35 is a bit of an Edsel if you ask me. It is way too over priced, only one engine, and why does Thailand need a stealth fighter? It is too bad that the general Thailand population was not educated in all that can be known about this fighter jet that Thailand does not at all need.
  6. The owner illegally changes this business into a night club, no license, and how many more rules and regs did this guy not follow. Now I am supposed to feel sorry for him, sorry I will not. I feel sorry for the families and friends of all the people who died, and feel sorry for all the burned victims as well, none of them deserved for this to happen to them.
  7. I wish Thailand would be like Mexico. No visa needed for 90 days. It would be nice to have this in Thailand as my Spanish is terrible.
  8. This Is Thailand, what more needs to be said? Do any of you expect to see changes. Well do not hold your breath.
  9. How about a new title. Phuket Thailand s wedding hub. I remember that Thailand seems to like hubs.
  10. Well one thing for sure the guy will not abuse her or anyone else again. This is one Thai woman who had made a decision and her ex boyfriend died. Basically end of a sad story.
  11. Wow, this woman really celebrated her birthday. Good for her, too bad that she forgot she was in Thailand. Seems like the country just will not let everyone have any fun. Prudish police in my opinion. I seen an old fat foreign guy do that on his birthday and he only got laughed off the stage.
  12. Well a country that is ran by a military kind of government needs their military toys, don't they. Makes one wonder if the country will ever become a democratic country in the true sense. Then I watch the news of the USA and see the present and possible future presidents and have to wonder about that as well. It looks like these new vehicles are good for the flooded areas of Thailand in the rainy season.
  13. Hey just quit monkeying around and you will not get the pox. Go to Thailand and have a great vacation, stay near the ocean, and eat the great Thai food and some sea food as well. Then in Spring when Winter is over go back to your northern home and enjoy the return of Spring. Well that is my intentions for this coming Winter anyway.
  14. Do you actually believe that a trace gas CO2 or Methane or the other trace gases should be worried about as much as we are supposed to be? Give me a break, and if you try to compare Venus to Earth, Venus is much closer to the sun, so much hotter, and hence the different atmosphere. Do not trust governments.
  15. No pilot wants his airliner to be the target of a missle. For a poster to rant on about masters etc, just shows the lack of brain power. We can all hope that the China leader has his calm down drink and tensions cease shortly.
  16. The guy is just another fat tourist who is likely a jerk, whether he is drunk or sober. Being really drunk and maybe high on yabba, as well did not help the situation. Will we get a follow up story on what nationality this guy is at a later date? Deport the jerk and show him a lesson on how to behave when you are visiting a foreign country. IMO.
  17. You may know that the word estate means more money, well the same goes for stealth. The F35 is a stealth fighter, and it only has a single engine. The F16 if it can be purchased new is a much better fighter for a country like Thailand. If the military generals were being honest they would realize this fact as well. Not every one can afford the most expensive car, and most countries do not need the most expensive jet fighter.
  18. If it was raining and the plane was okay except for being stuck, well I can see why 90 minutes before the people were let off the plane into buses. These heavy aircraft are not easy to get out of anywhere if they sink into the ground that is not pavement. I can imagine that all the planning needed to get the plane back onto the pavement is something new for most of the people at that smaller airport. Interesting to read some of the comments though, as many experts on this forum.
  19. Since the police were advised of drugs being sold, then investigating, it sure sounds like a self defense shooting to me. If the father knew that his son was dealing drugs, well he sure does not sound like a prize winning Dad. How many posters on this forum would like to be a policeman, and have to deal with these kinds of people all the time?
  20. A country like Thailand certainly does not need the F35 fighter jet. If they bought the latest generation of the F16, they would be much better served. The Chinese subs, are just to keep that branch of the Navy happy. I guess the Thai military still needs all its toys to keep the many generals happy. I wonder just how the military spending in Thailand compares with the militaries of Vietnam, or Malaysia?
  21. Rooster, great to see you did not take too much time off. I have to content myself with the 2 video clips to make it through the week. Just not the same at all. Since my drug is caffeine and an occasional beer or two, I am not very affected with the new Thailand Freedom situation. Plus if I do not have any weed on me then I hopefully do not have some planted to make my life miserable, on my departure of the land of smiles back to the Frozen Winter or early Spring of Canada. At least you lucky people in Thailand are not forced to pay a carbon tax like we are. Cheers. Harvey
  22. Que Sara Sara, The futures is not ours to see. The PM has a crystal ball now, how nice for him. We will all see for ourselves just how nice the Winter will be, and how many people will travel to a hot country to escape the cold weather. Will there only be one war going on, or is China going to make this Winter a nightmare? Is that being cautiously optimistic?
  23. How many people would really want to have to invest this kind of money into a Thai bank account just to be able to get a house in their own name. If I can buy a condo, which does not have a yard that has to be maintained, and other expenses attached with getting a house, if I was rich enough, renting a house would not be that more expensive, unless I was to be living in Thailand year round, and that would get boring. Rich people like to move around, since they have the money to do such things. Just saying.
  24. One meaning of a great beach is that it can be enjoyed at least 6 to 8 months of the year, because it is located close enough to the equator to achieve this status. I have been to lots of secluded beaches that do not make the great list, and that is okay, be as they do not have a city near by, and all the people associated with that situation. So if the best beaches make some list, really does not mean that they are the best beaches to relax at, or enjoy the cleanest water to swim in. If you have a beach that you consider is nicer than a famous beach on the top 10 beaches, just enjoy it and do not spread its location to too many people. Thanks
  25. I would be surprised that in July August and even early in September, there would be a lot of travelers, It is Summer time in the northern half of the earth, and most countries are not that bad to stay in. A tropical country, usually calls Summer months, low tourist season. October through Winter until April would be the time that more people want to get away from the cooler and cold months, hence High Season. I guess Thailand is hoping that lots of people will travel from October until the end of December and give Thailand some better tourist numbers for 2022.
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