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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. Until people learn to drive unsistracted and completely sober nothing will change. Stay off you cell phones while driving. If you are drunk, stoned on drugs or both, take a bus or taxi or stay home. Thailand with all its hordes on the highways during the holiday periods, is one reason not to be with them trying to get anywhere. Goode Luck with the rest of 2024. Happy New Year
  2. If Thailand is actually serious, then give a lot of countries 90 days visit without the need of a visa. TAT, are you listening?
  3. If Thailand is actually serious, the give a lot of countries 90 days visit without the need of a visa. TAT, are you listening?
  4. Hey, it is sort of a good news story. Why dull it with the facts, of Bangkok being a major Hub for aircraft landing in Thailand. TIT. Smile....
  5. A thief is a thief, and being a thief in a foreign country does not make the situation any better. Jail time for this thief, maybe lesson learned.
  6. There are low l;ife thieves all over the world, I am glad these ones were caught. In Arab lands they would likely lose a hand, at the least. What punishment will they get in Thailand, I winder.?
  7. I have a feeling that Yemen Houthis may in the near future, see an incoming missle or two. I thought Yenem was in enough troubles allready, but i guess not.
  8. Well no matter what this Lawyer is charged with, it looks like he will not be as rich in the future. Maybe Trump will fund him some of the money for his loyalty, ha ha ha.
  9. This Is Thailand, but When a dog kills, it should also be put to death. Relocating these dogs will not change their attitudes. IMO
  10. What country needs over stayers? If you cannot get a visa extension, well time to go back to your home country. Love or not, there are a thousand other reasons and excuses for trying to stay abroad.
  11. Oh yes, Thailand, favor one country with a free 90 day visa. Russia is at war, and yet you want to favor that country? The rest of the world will remember your policy.
  12. Duty free shops on arrival have never made any sense to me. Unless you are a near by traveller, after even 5 hours in a jet plane, all you want to do is get to your hotel, or home. More likely the arrival shops were losing money anyway.
  13. Thailand is where you expats live, are you still surprised about this? Most people are not. I guess Thaksin will have to pay for his own food, etc now, so there is that.
  14. The leadership of Hamas have to be considered war criminals as well, and arrested and jailed in what ever country they live. Without leadership of support, Hamas would not exist for too many more months. When I see the fighting are men on TV in Palestine, I wonder how many of them are wounded Hamas fighters being taken to a hospital? After all where do they all go when they are injured?
  15. That should be fighting aged wounded men.
  16. The leadership of Hamas have to be considered war criminals as well, and arrested and jailed in what ever country they live. Without leadership of support, Hamas would not exist for too many more months. When I see the fighting are men on TV in Palestine, I wonder how many of them are wounded Hamas fighters being taken to a hospital? After all where do they all go when they are injured?
  17. Well I would hope that this Thai woman ends her marriange and either kicks the Thai guy out of her house, or if the house belongs to the husband, she should see if she can store her stuff at her relatives until she can find a place of her own. This Thai husband is not going to change.
  18. I think the whole world economy is still recovering from the pancemic. Why would TAT, Thai government or anyone expect things to recover faster than it is, especially when there are wars and fighting in some of the world still. Good thing that Thailand has other industries to help its GDP. It is also a good thing that Thailand is a tropical country, where people from the cold parts of the world want to come to to escape the cold and snow of Winter. IMO
  19. Yup, that vehicle is toast.
  20. So, do war criminals like Putin need a special visa to travel abroad and not be arrested? Just wondering. With the amount of fighting aged Russian men and women getting killed, I wonder how the factories and other businesses in Russia will be staffed after this Ukrainian war is over? Are all the Seniors in Russia rich, or are they the ones working now? Just wondering.
  21. With the latest in a string of Tesla recalls, I will wait for another 5 years to make sure all the bugs are worked out before investing in an EV. I hope the power grid around Thailand is enough for all these EVs to be charged every where. I may buy a hybrid for my next vehicle, but Canada is too big of a country to have an EV, if I want to go out of my province and visit a city in the next one. I have a couple of friends who drove to another city in Alberta and had troubles finding an available quick charge station to get their battery charged enough to come back to Calgary. Now they have a small gas powered second car for the long trips, and uswe their EV for local drives.
  22. What is a police spy? I never heard of that position in the police force before. Amazing Thailand indeed.
  23. So the leaders will be out and about handing out N95 masks? What else can they do once the fine dust is in the air? Have any ot the cane farm owners been charged for burning their crops yet? I doubt it.
  24. The 4 AM to 6AM crashes will keep the police night shift busier, I imagine. That may be one aspect of this longer opening times, not thought of, than the crashes that used to happen after 2 AM. IMO
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