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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. The way the teachers are treated as someone special, I do not see anything changing in Thailand for a long wile yet. A few years ago I was in norther Thailand. A school was getting renovated. The teachers office and living quarters was finished, but the rest of the building was in tatters and the children were being taught outside. I did not see anyone working on getting the rest of the building finished, and when I asked the teacher said they were out of money even though his office had teak wood trim, and fancy furniture. Oh well, It is Thailand. Cheers Harvey
  2. Hey Rooster, I hope you are still going to do a weekly report as well. I enjoy your pictures. As well your writing style. Anyway good to see you on the screen. Harvey M
  3. Yup a trans with a fake sounding name. I wonder if this is a genuine story.(sarcasm)
  4. Yes it is amazing, and there are some Chinese police stations in Canada, believe it or not. I cannot see how they can legally operate in a foreign country.
  5. Wow at his age, he must either be from a rich Russian family, or had made lots of money before coming to Thailand. He is now got to get some quick money to get a ticket to some other country or say a quick Hi to Vlad before visiting Ukraine for a while. For now it will be bye bye Thailand.
  6. I actually believe that the Earth is warming itself up. The trace gases are not even 2 percent of the total atmosphere, so how can they really be the big change that the Climate Alarmists would like us all to believe. I am starting to see reports of people doubting the alarmists.
  7. For the Expat, guy, If your country was invaded by Russia and you are fighting to survive, would you not want some aircraft to fight back with? Some posters on this forum, seem to forget that it was Russia who invaded Ukraine and started this unwanted WAR. Just expressing my opinion here. I also read on other forums of, let us all quit supporting Ukraine. I can imagine that if it was any of your expats home countries, you may think a bit differently. Harvey
  8. I guess that International Airspace is not so international any more. This is for the posters who forget this little fact. The drone was in international airspace, and the Russian fighters had no business hitting the drone. Just saying....
  9. Overstay of a visa is a crime. Period. I thought that foreigners needed a return ticket when they fly to Thailand. So a date of change for flight charge should be all that is needed for the tourist to fly back to his or her country. I guess this would not be something that an Expat staying in Thailand might have knowledge of.
  10. There are no Russian refugees. Russia started the war with Ukraine by invading it. Russia could stop the war just as fast. If there is a Russian who is on over stay, deport them back to Russia. If they are rich Russians they will fly to some other country, if they are not rich.... Oh well life sucks to be a poor Russian. IMO
  11. I hope this guy when caught gets the death penalty and that it is how he dies.
  12. There is a big difference from being an arms exporter country, from a country that has invaded a neighboring country. Just for the poster who thinks differently.
  13. I am a senior, male. I do not do pro nouns for anyone. These alphabet people sure cannot behave sometimes. I guess they do provide entertainment for those around them, and more work for the police. I still like t listen to the Murry Head song One night in Bangkok, it says a lot.
  14. Well this Thai man who lives in America with his American wife, is lucky to not have lost a limb to a stray dog, while he was on holidays back in Thailand. I got chases by a pack of strays, and the next day I went back with several hamburgers for the dogs. They never chased anyone after that. I had one rich guy in the area who stopped me and thanks me for my service. He had been harassed by these dogs lots of times. Sometimes you just have to solve a problem by yourself. There are still a few million stray dogs that should be dealt with however.
  15. The Men- children around the world will never grow up and be true adults. The fragile egos will continue to act out like a spoiled child until they die. That is an unfortunate truth.
  16. I do not trust discount airlines. They operate on a high risk situation, with only a couple spare airplanes. If the company has mechanical break downs, people have to wait long hours, or even days of delays. The low cost Aussie airline showed that example in Thailand. In other parts of the world, passengers have had long delays. I only trust big airlines that have enough airplanes of all sizes, as they have a few more spare aircraft, and can rent another airline's aircraft if they have to. Who in the world likes long delays and extra costs in their vacation, or other travels? I sure do not. Harvey
  17. BKK Brian thanks for your chart, but Americans and the NRA, and the 2nd amendment etc. plus attitude, will not change in our life time. it is a bit like the pollution in Asia, not going to change in our life time either. There may be a few changes in a few laws, but all in all, do not expect to see any major changes. However in Canada it seems like the current government with the Liberal party is trying to outlaw all but a bolt action, lever action or pump action non automatic gun. It is very hard to own a pistol in Canada and unless you belong to a gun club and shooting range, I think it is useless to try own any kind of pistol with the present laws in Canada. I have to take a course and test if I want to purchase a rifle as well. That is my rant about gun ownership.
  18. I image that this will make the banking industry in the USA, smarten up a bit. I am so glad that the major banks in the USA are a bit more stable. Can a person in the USA still go to a bank and buy a house with nothing down. It was possible a few years ago, and I thought that was a pretty risky thing to be involved with. I still remember a few other financial high risk ventures in the USA that went south, and cost people lots of money losses.
  19. Seeing the Thai and Chinese on the jackets, makes me wonder if Thailand is not a bilingual country? Wow times have changed. What is next I wonder?
  20. When I see the satellite maps and the burning in the surrounding countries, it makes me realize that most of Asia has a lot of poor farmers who cannot change their habit of burning, cane leaves and their crops. I do not see any changes in the next 50 or 100 years. Maybe the developed countries could send all their ultra green people to help the poor farmers. Just joking of course. Good Luck to all.
  21. It is always nice to see the employees and management getting their bonuses, before the business goes bust. It show the honesty of them all. NOT.. I hope people did not have all their savings and such in this bank alone. Only trust the major banks a bit more, as they will likely not go bust as quickly.
  22. Great to read your article Rooster. I have good memories of Koh Chang. Visited there with my Thai family several years ago. I also visited Phuket several years ago, and when i went back the last time some places where I used to stay are gone. My Thai family said the same thing about Koh Chang, More developed and some places new and modern built where some old places with cabins once stood. I am glad to hear that the beaches are still in good shape and the ocean still looks clean.
  23. The British family could get an airline ticket and go to Thailand to either say goodbye to their son, or at least see him in the hospital. if he is going to live, then the family could find out how much it will cost per month until this guy can fly back to the UK, when he has recovered enough to do so. If they are not rich enough to pay for a special flight, then face reality like the rest of us have to.
  24. If a lot of the pollution is coming from countries around Thailand as well as in Thailand, this yearly pollution will never change. All Asian countries have to get serious, before anything will change. Blaming the Thai government is just foolish, as all of Asia is to blame.
  25. Why was this Grande son staying at his granddads home anyway? I hope he rots in prison for making his grand parents homeless.
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