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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. I am boycotting the USA, Just remember it was the American people who elected Donald Trump to be their president, same for his VP. I wil not travel to the USA for the next 4 years, and will not buy anything that is made in the USA. Yes I will have to give up a few things, but that is fine.
  2. Get this fellow cremated, then have the ashes sent back to home country, it is a lot cheaper, than sending a body back. My opinion anyway. Less looking around for other people money for sure.
  3. I hope this guy loses his property and vehicle etc to pay for his damages. Even in Thailand there should be some sort of justice.
  4. With the amount of corruption in that area of the world, this is not a surprise to many of us. The media coverage was corrupt as well. After all why whould a Palistine show any negative things about their own people. UNRWA should be shut down. IMO
  5. A formeer novice monk is what the ehad line should be, disrobing must have happened, as well as justice served to an 18 year old Thai adult in a robe. Of course this is Thailand so I wonder what did happen to this guy?
  6. The reporter was so bad that they did not say what aircraft company or type, eg. B737 9s a Boeing 737. The airline is not important as anyone could have had this happen. No it isw not defamatory to mention this information by the way.
  7. Once a thief, always a thief. Lock him up for a long time then deport him forever.
  8. Some curves in that area. Maybe tired driving and speed as well.
  9. Well the GF can decide if she wtill wants this hot head as a BF. Some people do not think of the big picture sometimes, guess this may have been the case here..
  10. I have been to the island and glad that I flew in and out of the island as it was quite windy when I arrived and also when i left. I chatted with some travellers that took the ferry and they were really happy to have reached the island with out the ferry capsizing. I had a great 3 days on the islande and took a motorcycle around the island as well.
  11. Russia invades the Ukraine, and now is using NK soldiers to help in their war, as well as these other terrorist people. This means that Russia and Iran plus NK have no morals. IMO I am glad that I do not like vodka or anything else that has come from Russia, Iran or NK. Way easier to boycott them all.
  12. Stick to beer unless you buy your own liquer bottles of the strong stuff. Be cautious and live, or drink the cheap stuff and die. What a choice. Methanol kills and here is more proof of that. RIP to those who have.
  13. Tourists and expats should all remember one thing, not matter how stoned or drunk they are. They are in Thailand, not their home country. I also bet in the ME, this kind of activity does not happen very often. I told a few people in my travels to get a room, and when they saide they had one, I said go to your room then, you are in Thailand not your own country with all the freedom of having public sex.
  14. Sounds to me like another ex pat that may soon be heading back to his home country to get his noggin sorted out. IMO that would be the appropriate step.
  15. Hamas claims to be the ruling government for Gaza, and until they surrender absolutely to isreal and quit fighting this war in Gaza will not end. Most military do not hide amongst their own population when fighting a war that they caused. Hamas has killed and kidnapped Isrealis and they are still killing their hostages instead of letting them go free. Anyone who is using the Hamas slogans, and waving around flags, half way around the world do not have my support. In the Muslim area of the world Isreal is the only country that is non Muslim, and it even has Muslims living there as well as the rest.
  16. I hope this guy gets the maximum sentence for traqfficing drugs. That is a lot of MJ. Now he will not have to worry of going anywhere for quite a few years.
  17. Oops sorry for all the capital letters in my last post, guess I hit the wrong button.
  18. I feel sorry for the American tax payers who pay the wages of all these politicians. Yes the Federal tax the Government of America comes from companies, and hard working tax payers. They make a ton of money and if they are the wrong people for their positions in government, it is a waste.
  19. Is it free speech when people are yelling out mis information, and out right lies about the subject they are talking about? Living in this new woke world, i am curious about this aspect of people speaking in public, and lying.
  21. The world economics are in trouble, and yet some countries are taking in refugees that have to be housed, fed and taken care of, as they do not talk the language of the country and cannot work to earn their own money. This puts a strain on the country and its population. Then some rich countries are taking their tax payer money to send it to some climate organization to help poor countries, when the rich country has its own homeless people as well as refugees and immigrants. IMO
  22. China, Russia, ME and USA among others will not quit using oil, gas, deisel or even coal, for the sake of the Green people, if the green energy is going to be so much more espensive to use. There is common sense, then there is the woke people in the world. Electric vehicle fires are very hard to put out, and it seems that EVs are catching on fire quite often lately, especially after a car accident.
  23. Any rip tides in that area per chance? Most people do not know how to swim in a rip tide, and panic, wear themselves out and drown.
  24. I heard there is more cold and snow in Canada, than in England. Good for Ellen, she can afford the move.
  25. Speed was also part of the problem. IMO
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