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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. Maybe it is superman disease? Any of you know how to fly without being in a helicpoter or some sort of aircraft? and no parachutes and hang gliders count as well. Thankfully I have not witnessed any of these falls.
  2. I imagine that this Brit chap will have to pay the hotel some additional expenses as well. I feel sorry for the cleaning staff that will have to put up with his stink.
  3. My Thai family and I went to Phuket with a mini van and driver, the tour was great and we stayed at a nice guest house. My advice though is, do not take a speed boat tour to Phi Phi, the big boats are much better if you want some scenery, and not get bounced around. I did notice how much more Phuket has been developed, and there is a lot more vehicles on the roads.
  4. I always think of tatoos in the same way I view brands on a cow or calf. Most are not pretty, and when they get old, they all look faded ande ugly. Just my opinion of course.
  5. I did not know that pen guns were legal. Surprise surprise.
  6. The illegal workers that Thailand needs should be able to get this favor from the Thai government. Thailand needs them for the labor jobs that richer Thais will not do. Rich expats that can afford to stay in Thailand just have to spend a certain amount of money and be in Thailand a certain amount of time and can get a citizenship, drivers license and the like. Those that cannot afford it can head back to their home countries. That was my choice.
  7. Now here is a non muscular guy. I like the strange humor of the Brits, as well enjoy drinking with the Aussies and Kiwis. Too many drugs and not enough beer, makes some people behave strangely like this chap. I wonder if he will find his shoes?
  8. Deport and ban for life. Problem solved for this likely Russian Mafia man.
  9. Wow being fired as a monk must be a big loss of face. I thought that they were not supposed to own anything, or drivee etc. , but have read many stories of monks driving and getting into trouble.
  10. I wonder just how many WOKE tourists think that Thailand will cover them if they need medical insurance for injuring themselves. I guess there are idiots all over the world. i do not like the extra expense of medical insurance, but hospitals in Thailand are pretty expensive, if you have to stay in them for any length of time. Get your insurance! Have a good worry free holiday vacation.
  11. Hey can I get one of thiose brown envelopes from Mr Fehr? Just curious how much $$ are in each bag?
  12. Sounds like the brown envelopes have already been handed out.
  13. After these two men get fined and spend time in prison, they should be deported and banned for life from Thailand.
  14. I wonder who came up with this flawed idea. boarding passes have information on them that benefit both the passanger and the Flight attendants. Face redognition could help catch the worlds criminals, but that does not help anyone with, seating on an aircraft. Just another bad idea.
  15. Another driver who was too stupid to pull over and take a rest. I hope he has enough money to pay for all the damages he caused.
  16. Putin and his supporters are evil people. I guess some posters here do not think that Ukraine is its own country that Putin and Russian military invaded and is still at war with. The Houthis are just another terrorist group. It seems that Yemen is another failed country that cannot keep this terrorist group out, just like Lebenon, or Gaza. I always wonder how much longer before a nuke bomb gets released.
  17. Well until an EV vehicle can go 1500 miles or 2400 Kilometers on a single charge in hot or freezing colde weather, I will not buy one. Canada is a big country. The UN has not given me one dollar to pay toward the carbon taxes I have to pay here in Canada either.
  18. Well this news story shows that a Mosque is not sacr3ed even to some Muslims. The same goes for Churches, they cannot protect people if the killer wants their victim dead.
  19. Well this would not have happened in the good ol USA, guns would have been drawn and then Della and the Dealer and a cat named jake and a dog named Kalamazoo would have headed into the sun set. In Thailand though, it is that nasty loss of face that seems to cause a lot of these fights.
  20. I am just happy that in most of Thailand it is considerred cold if the temperature is lower than 20C To be fair, I ould rather spend Winter months in Thailand and not in Siberia, I am sure that most expats would agree.
  21. i am not a fan of lying Donald, and the way he puts down military people as well as anyone that he thinks is not on his side. The world regards all Americans as the same people no matter what political party they believe in, Donald Trump does not believe that fact. I am just glad that I am not an American.
  22. Well I guess I should be happy that I am in my 70s. 555 My Canadian pension is so much better, with OAS, Old Age Security check to help me as well. i do feel sorry for the senior population in Thailand. Unless the person was a rich business owner or politician, the Government pension is not at all enough. Life is hard enough, but gets harder when you get old and need more medical help.
  23. So what is America goiong to do this November? Are there enough voters to keep Trump from getting his wish? Will he cry when he gets defeated? Well at least it is not much longer before all the Americans in America and abroad get the chance to vote.
  24. Yes, those asian foreignors from other poor Asian countries, must be a severe problem for Thailand. Most of them are likely working dangerous construction jobs, etc that most Thais do not want in the first place. At least these foreign workers were working and not sitting around getting money, housing and food from the Thai government.
  25. Well I wonder if he has to still pay taxes on his property?
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