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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. Hey it is good to seen an Aussie who is as big as me. Just wonder if it is a beer problem?
  2. I hope that some effort is applied by the government and people are fined for burning crops etc. At least Thailand is not still building and using coal fired power stations. or using coal for manufactoring, like a few other countries still are. Just do not start some carbon tax scheme.
  3. Really!, I do not believe that. but of course I am Canadian.
  4. I bet Elon Musk will never give me any of his money, as I have no plans to ever buy a Tesla EV anyway. Been a Ford owner for years.
  5. I agree, as I spent a couple of nights on Koh Chang with my Thai family and we all have some great meals and a good stay on the island.
  6. Uh posters, this story is about Europe, the the4 USA, or is my sense of Geography all messed up? I would also add, it is about time, but maybe already too late for Europe, and the UK.
  7. Jealousy the green eyed monster that it is. RIP to the man killed.
  8. Another motorbike driver that did not wear his helmet. It is sad that so many people in Thailand think it is cool to not wear their helmet. The pothole did not help the situation.
  9. Richard, thanks for your post. My Sister in Law's daughter may try to go to Bangkok from Canada, to catch that show. She has showed me picutes and posters of the band. Some posters could go on google and learn something, but I doubt that they will. So Thanks again Harvey M
  10. Is the4re not buses and trains that can go to Singapore for those who want to go to a legal casino? i was there for 3 days, and though it rained some of the time, there were many indoor places to enjoy my stay, including a casino.
  11. My question is. How can anyone in Thailand go against a Royal Pardon? Are there any Thais on this forum that can answer this question? Just wondering.
  12. If this happened in America, there would be a dead trans teacher in the shower area, and a student with a smoking pistol, who did not like getting fondled. In My Opinion anyway.
  13. I am glad that there is a death sentence in Thailand for murder, and this ex monk is a murderer. he should at least have to spend the rest of his life in prison for his crime.
  14. When anyone panics, bad things can happen. This woman panicked and look what happened. I hope she pays for all the damage. That would be a lesson she will never forget.
  15. Just another stupid man, who thought he was being funny, and brave by not wearing a helmet. If you do not have a valid license either, just proves the stupidity. My last visit to Thailand last year, i saw many foreigners with no helmets on motor bike, what a bunch of morons. I hope this guy had to pay a big fine for his foolishness.
  16. Yup another sad story. Thai parents gone somewhere and aunt has to watch the children. Where are the parents?
  17. Well cannot have corruption without greed now can we?
  18. Well IMO Electric Vehicles and flooding do not mix very well. Wind mill energy is not a good way to get electricity, very high maintenance and high cost as well. Nuke energy is the best, hydro is good if you have a mountain near by. Solar is great until the big hail storm hits and wrecks the solar panels. Go ask India and other countries that still use coal how things are going. Oh and if the Earth is warming its self up as in global warming, well we puny humans cannot do much to stop that from happening. My googled picture of CO2 for those who think that it is the only thing causing the warming.
  19. I guess he was no5t a scientist, well I hope he was not.
  20. I guess the Trump supporters think that his constant lying is okay. My brother even tries to convince me of his good qualities, I told him that I disagree, and we should not talk about American politics.
  21. I am like a lot of posters on this forum, a senior, who escapes the cold Winter of their homeland. In my case Canada. I like the tropical weather of Thailand, as well as a lot of the food, the banking system is okay compared to Central America countries, and even mexico. Big plus is the cost of accomadation is much better.
  22. It seems that many people believe in climate alramists. There is lots of places in Phuket that are far above sea level, as are many of the roads. If drainage is improved in the parts of Phuket that flood after a big storm, the whole situation would improve. Global warming is affecting all of the world and not just Thailand. CO2 is still less than one half of one percent of the atmosphere3, and methane is still a trace gas so the climate alrmists can pound sand. Harvey
  23. I have heard that a lot of Europe countries have been in financial ruins for quite a long time already. I am glad that the French fellow, Macron has spoken up. At least he live in the reality of the situation. IMO
  24. I cannot believe Musk any more than i believe anything that Trump says. i absolutely do not believe Trump.
  25. I hope the boxer is in jail until he is a very old man. End of career days. IMO
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