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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. Yup CO2 and Methane which are both trace gases, sure need to be taxed on. Check the chart. Yes Mars has lots of CO2 but it is so much smaller than Earth, and Venus is so much closer to the Sun. Just My Opinion
  2. If she booked the seat and someone else is in the seat, she should have calmly showed her ticket to the flight attendant and had the airline sort it out. Getting unruly is just not the way to go. Better luck next flight.
  3. Hey 88 years should be long enough for everyone in Bangkok to move to the new capital city in Kow Yai. Lots of higher ground up there, and then Thailand would have a still fairly new, only 88 year old capital. Problem solved. No the sky is not falling for anyone but a climate alarmist.
  4. Climate change is happening, Global warming is happening. La Nina and El Nino are only two of natures influence. Forest fires affect CO2 getting released into the atmosphere as they release lots of it and other gases. Volcanoes also release lots of gases into the atmosphere but since they are natural causes, I doubt that the climate scientists are putting out much data publicly about that aspect, but lets all pay a carbon tax for driving our cars and trucks with gasoline ( benzine) or diesel because us humans are the big problem and cows are a huge problem with methane. Some people think that the percentages of these 2 gases in the atmosphere are large. I am not a climate change denier however I do not like the climate alarmists who spew false information every day. Period.
  5. Hmm, it is now 2022, so 2050 is in the future for those that can add. I am more inclined to believe that maybe by 2150, the ocean level may rise enough to over take Bangkok. Then again even though I do believe that the world may be warming itself up and climate change is happening, I am not a climate alarmist. I can see that many places in the world are being affected by hotter or wetter weather than usual, but I am sure there have been some times in the past, maybe distant past of more than 100 years, where the weather has been extreme as well. Hopefully the sky is not falling as well.
  6. It would seem that Mr. Putin will not live to old age if the special operations in Ukraine kills off way too many Russian soldiers. I can not imagine that all the people of Russia will stay silent and supportive if they lose a million of their young men and women in this invasion of Ukraine. That is my 2 cents worth of opinion.
  7. Well 20 meters while the truck driver got on the brakes to stop would be expected. At least he did not keep driving for any longer. Lucky ladies to be sure, and car is repairable as well.
  8. I am glad that my Thai family mostly live in Bangkok, and have good common sense. The younger members do no get to ride the motorbikes until they are legal. They have all taken lessons, and wear their helmets on the bikes. The small kids all have their own helmets as well. Being that this happened in the NE of Thailand, likely meant that the family was not too rich, but to be ignorant and let a 14 year old drive around on the bike, and for her not to have the intelligence to stay off her phone, is the fault of the girl, and of her parents for letting her drive the motorcycle.. Plus no mention of a helmet usually means no helmet was worn. So sad for someone so young to die. RIP
  9. Another high tech trained 26 year hiker without a compass, hiking in the afternoon what possibly could go wrong. Well getting lost is what went wrong, so I hope he has learned something from this adventure, that lucky for him some Thai rescuers were around to help him out. Just my opinion.
  10. Maybe the COVID pandemic really has affected a lot of people globally, and there are not as many big spenders travelling around. I am hoping that Thailand will soon realize that the old days are gone and TAT and government should be happy that anyone visits Thailand. I believe the TAT forecast of numbers are as accurate as a 2 week weather forecast.
  11. Yup 13 people in a pickup, sound like a Thailand accident to me. RIP to the poor people who died.
  12. Some days there is great news, some days there is sad news. Today it is fantastic news. A small step indeed, but maybe a step in the right direction. Time will tell.
  13. Was this monk a former politician? He sure seems full of excuses.
  14. I have heard that Arabs can lose a hand for stealing, and lose their heads for serious crimes, so I am assuming that they are blowing off steam in Thailand. I agree that they should be sent back to their countries and banned from Thailand for 5 years or so to let them know they cannot ignore laws.
  15. For the people who see other unmasked types on the BTS car they are on, look carefully and see if some are the I do not care young crowd, or expats and other travelers. When I chat with my Thai relatives, they tell me that they are wearing their masks, sometimes for the pollution, and also sometimes when the BTS car is packed and people are crowded together. The Asian attitude is a bit different than Western culture and attitudes. Of course I cannot get that into the heads of know it alls. Carry On. Harvey
  16. There should have been lots of barriers for a hole this size, I wonder why the sand or concrete barriers were not in place for the night times. Many unanswered questions to this story.
  17. Another great article Rooster, and keep those pictures coming, they are a nice addition. Good luck in maybe getting a real democratic party in after the next election. These military people sure like their power, and coups. After all, look at how many years Thailand has had military generals running the country with the permission of the powerful people in the country.
  18. Yes, this bridge looks like it was only rated for about 20 people max. Smart teachers to let the entire class get on the bridge at one. Amazing Thailand. Great construction.
  19. Maybe in Kuwait, these guys would get a lot worse treatment than in Thailand, so they came to Thailand to fool around, in more ways than one.
  20. If the numbers in the article is true it only adds up to 2 million for the top 5 countries, so the other 2.5 million came from many many other countries? I would believe TAT if they actually showed the countries and numbers that did add up to the 4.5 million. The fantasy team for sure. Tis is Thailand.
  21. Leaving keys in the ignitions is a pretty lazy habit to still be doing. In this case, maybe costly as well, if the vehicle is found all smashed up.
  22. If Sia B is a man with lots of money, then I will speculate that it was his money which expanded the Mountain B and got it made into an entertainment spot. Follow the money is always a good thing to do, and how could a 27 year old have the money or even credit to have this place built to such a large size?
  23. No one forces anyone to become a drug user, or an alcohol user. It is a sad world when your offspring cannot keep a job, then comes home to demand money for his drug problem. I hope the mother can do okay in the future.
  24. In the UK you can live near the ocean, but can you take a dip in the ocean year round? I am glad that I can afford to live in Canada, yet, but the costs do go up a little each year. I do have good health so far, and ion Canada, I can see a doctor and get fix up fairly quickly. I also cannot go swimming in the Canadian oceans from November to June, unless I wear a wet suit. Cheers.
  25. Well Thailand is basically next door to China, and can be reached by air and train, and maybe even by car travel, so is this a big surprise? I guess when China lets its people travel abroad, Thailand will be a near by place to go.
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