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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. After I had 3 vaccines, I caught COVID, and it took a week to get over the cold, then flu symptoms, then another week to get over Bronchitis. I had 2 relatives die from the first 2 variants of COVID, and since then a few friends. I read that this flu season is supposed to be a bad one, and I do not need to catch it either. I will be masking up again when I am in a place with large crowds like malls and grocery stores. I just hope that the present variants of COVID stay weaker than the first 3 ones were.
  2. It is a good idea just to scrap this Pie in the sky dream from the present folks who are trying to flog it. As usual, only applies to the total rich, and I know a few who have shares in a resort, and get a room for free for 3 or 4 weeks per year. Most rich do not desire to be in any tropical country for the whole year. Just my opinion on this fantasy idea.
  3. People who over stay their welcome and resist the police deserve to get court time, then a trip to the airport to be sent out of the country, if they do not go to jail first. Say Bob you seem to be a newbie with your less than 300 posts, are you even in Thailand yourself?
  4. Thanks again for the news update and the pictures. The USA guy in the orange is a great thought. Sounds like this Winter will be a good one for tourism, considering that most of us have not gone anywhere for the last 3 years in some cases. Hope the experience is good for every one.
  5. hotchili I hear you, but there are some new posters who forget that Thailand does not have the same conditions that their home countries have, like a living wage, or such. Thailand has people who survive on a very low wage. It is a shame that poster on this for are not educated enough to realize the difference. Thanks.. Harvey M
  6. Death and taxes are two things all of us have to face. Suicide is a terrible way to end your problems. RIP to the fellow who felt that there was nothing else for a solution.
  7. RIP to the woman, and I am glad that I was not one of the 3 escorts. Many questions to be answered, if she was of high society.
  8. Maybe like in a lot of countries, if you build in a known flood zone, you cannot get insurance. It would be interesting to find out if this also applies to Thailand.
  9. Bangkok has always had air pollution issues. Good thing most Thais and expats have N95 style masks to wear on these bad air days. EV are subject to catching on fire if they get too much water on those very expensive, non recycle batteries. Plus the electricity needed to charge the hordes of these EVs may be more than the grid can take. Just my opinion on EVs, I would rather have a hybrid vehicle.
  10. I just love how some politicians will say they are fighters, then resign the very next day. I think the lettuce won. Thanks for the news update. It was refreshing to see some news from the UK as well. It seems that there are many leaders in several countries that are less than popular. Maybe there is very little good leaders left, too much corruption, too much dishonesty. Then there are the Putins and Xis in the world. What a mess.
  11. When the police are selling some of these guns, no wonder there are so many guns on the loose in Thailand.
  12. The watch man is not any more corrupt than a lot of other politicians or even a few former presidents else where in the world. There are many corrupt people who have stolen or caused other people to become broke. Honesty seems to be a scarce commodity amongst politicians.
  13. Thai AIrways could cut the amount of their management by half again and still have too many managers. I have enjoyed flying with them in the past and their flight attendants were always very professional. I had worse service from the old Air Canada flight attendants. I have seen many very uppity passengers who seemed very spoiled during a lot of flights, also people who had no manners or couth, noisy talkers and slobs when they ate. I have also enjoyed flying with EVA and Cathy Pacific, and feel fortunate to have enough money to travel about the world.
  14. I prefer the term Global warming, since the earth itself is also causing changes in the climate. Volcanoes, Earth quakes, Forest fires, Floods. These events caused by too much rain, too much sun, too much ash and gases released by volcanoes. The media likes the term climate change, so they can hang the causes on mankind, and not mention anything about the Earth causing a lot of changes. In my opinion of course.
  15. And here I thought that military prisons were more secure. Well This is definitely Thailand.
  16. I may be wrong, but when I stay in Hua Hin some Winters, I see a large amount of rainy days in Thailand s far south. I went on a trip to Pattani and Yala several years ago and even in November we has some rain problems with flooding in those areas. I am fortunate to be able to travel around Thailand and avoid the areas that have weather problems. I hope the Winter months are more pleasant for all.
  17. Was this a propane tank? If so that is what have seen in many Thai homes. In Canada a gas tank is for Gasoline, or benzine, and not propane, etc. I am a bit confused about this story.
  18. This Is Thailand, there have been fires in the past, and there will be more in the future. If lots of people die there will be news stories for a few weeks, but not much will change. Why, well as I said, TIT. How is that for an opinion?
  19. Well at least Thailand is not like Iran and Belarus in supporting Russia. If it is a tourist destination for the people who want to escape a cold Winter, I guess that is the same for other tropical countries that do not have a huge military or such. The size of Thailand's air force, and navy is also not huge like Russia, China, NK or USA. It is just another tropical country that has a good climate for tourism.
  20. Most countries in the world have a long way to go before having the same gun problem as the USA does.. The same goes for the amount of people killed each year, except in some war zone. USA is number one. I guess the big population in the USA and gun attitude with the NRA at the top of the heap, does not help the situation. Oh well the world keeps on turning. Carry on.
  21. There are lots of parks in Bangkok to rollerblade, only idiots would try that on the streets.
  22. No helmet, no sympathy. I see may people without helmets, and when I have seen a few of them crash and injure themselves it does not bother me. I feel sorry for their families and friends if they get killed, but no sympathy for the person without a helmet.
  23. Reading the posts on this topic, it would seem that some posters have forgotten just how well off they are compared with a lot of Thai families. I have some Thai family members who live up country, and they are always happy to see us when we visit, and help them out a bit financially. I believe there are a lot of expats, that enjoy their lives blissfully ignorant of the poor Thais around them. Harvey
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