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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. Well I hope this teacher has lots of time in jail to actually teach something. Being that Nan is a smaller place, likely every one there will know who she is. I feel sorry for her dad. If she gets over her gambling addiction, she will have the rest of her life to maybe pay back her father for destroying his house and all that was in it. I doubt that will happen though.
  2. Such a lovely looking foursome. It almost sounds like some posters would want them as friends. Good job that they were caught and are being charged. Just my 2 cents worth of opinion.
  3. Another reason I would rather invest my extra money than be a land lord of any property. I have had several friends who were and still landlords, and all have some horror stories like this one. It is amazing how some people can live like an animal and live with all the stench that garbage creates. My one friend had pictures of his one tenant, and put the pictures with a bar across the eyes. But most people in the small place recognized the creep anyway, and he had to move out of the area shortly after that.
  4. Critics or crickets, I like crickets better. Thanks for updating me on the news Rooster. I live in Canada, and when most England Royals visit Canada, us tax payers pay for their visit. Even if the Royal family is one of the top ten richest families in the world. We had 10 days of mostly news of the Queen, so I am glad that is all over with. We taxpayers pay for our rich governor generals as well, how lucky are we. Keep those pictures going Hey, and would you post one with your self with sun glasses on, or a side pic like Alfred Hitchcock of old? I am always ready to get back to any city after a trip to the country side and having the roosters or other critters waking me up way too early. Since I retired, I do like sleeping in a bit. Thanks Harvey M
  5. I have worn a mask for the bad air days in Bangkok, you know smog. That was before COVID even came along, but the rest of you expats know best. When I hear people around me coughing in a crowd I now mask up as well as I am old and do not need or want the regular colds or flu that is also out there. Thanks.
  6. I am just happy not to be the foreigner involved. This is Thailand and not everybody can afford a pickup or even a car, so a motorcycle with side car will not disappear even if they are considered illegal. You expats are richer than most middle class or below Thai families, try to remember that fact. Thanks in advance.
  7. Err would any of you posters be any different if you were a teller and some jerk stapled money together? Just wondering? I give all tellers a good thumbs up for their patience. I have seen many unruly people over the years and some were customers at stores, banks and other businesses. Most of the time the staff have way more patience than most posters on this forum. Just saying Harvey M.
  8. Another baby to be born in the Bangkok Hilton, (prison). Sad that the mother does not care if her baby is healthy or not, as she needs her drugs to live. Some posters comments or criticism is sad as well.
  9. Say have any of your anti masker expats hear of the term Pollution? There is many reasons to wear a mask, especially in Bangkok. I even do not want to catch the regular flu or other diseases from you. Go to the UK catch what ever sickness they have and bring it back to Thailand, great thinking. Just my opinion of course. Harvey
  10. Yup, getting rid of old ammunition is a noisy affair.
  11. I feel sorry for the passengers in the car, and the Train driver and passengers on the train as well. Many lives were affected by this car crash.
  12. Greece is one of the cheaper places to visit in that part of the world, so I can understand why it is popular to visit. Tourism is important for Greece as well as Thailand, so good luck to both countries.
  13. Well when it rains in northern Thailand, and there are rivers that flow into the Chao Phraya, the notice should be, Hey everyone, rivers in the north are flooding, and soon the Chao Phraya will be flooding as well. Get ready! That is the problem with living next to a river, and not being at least 10 meters higher than the river. Good Luck to all affected.
  14. Since a war years ago, Pattaya was known all over the world as an R and R place. Not Rest and Relax, but Romp, and Rowdy. 555. My 2 cents worth.
  15. Wow, that must have been some sort of BIG time grope...!
  16. If the resort is illegal, knock it down. End of story, why do the rich Thai families get away with these illegal places. Enough.
  17. Hey all you posters, do not forget that it is Thailand that you are talking about, and a lot of Thai people do not have the money that you all have, or you would not be staying in Thailand year round. Baby steps are better than no steps at all. Just saying the obvious. I chatted with some expats who were grousing about the Thais and their problems, as it turned out these expats were making almost 100 thousand US dollar a year in retirement. I reminded them just how well off they were, and they got upset with me showing them, their ignorance.
  18. Deport this fool, Thailand does not need any more meth heads. I hope he is a known drug used in Taiwan as well. My opinion.
  19. Just wondering if Bangkok is getting more floods with the rains up river of the Chao Phraya? Has any of the Khlongs been dredged?
  20. I think that at the end of April 2023, TAT will more accurately be able to say whether or not the 2022, 2023 Winter was a great success or not. For now it is a bit like a weather forecast, and will be only so accurate. Meanwhile I was told that Air Canada in Canada will only allow 1 piece of luggage free on international flights, and is charging 100 dollars for the 2nd piece of luggage. How is that for a policy change? I will be checking to see if any Asian based airlines are doing any changes like this. If not I will not be flying via Air Canada this Winter. grumble grumble.
  21. I enjoyed the news update Rooster. Regarding Global warming, well with the last one of many many years ago, there were large trees that grew in the arctic of Canada on Ellsmere Island. The world warmed itself up for that last occasion. What if the world is warming itself up again? I have seen and read of news from the climate alarmists, and as some posters said, their predictions have not came true. I refuse to buy an Electric Vehicle, until it can go 1600 KMs or 1000 miles in a day, when it is a hot Summer day or a cold -30C Winter day. For now, there is no EV that will go even 600 KMs on a Hot or Cold day. We do have catalytic converters in our vehicles, and I would consider buying a hybrid vehicle if the right Van model is manufactured. The effects of climate change are real, but does anyone in Thailand pay a carbon tax like we do in Canada? How about the USA, Russia, China, M.E. South America, Africa or Australia? No. I doubt that China or India or even Russia will stop using coal to fire their Power stations, even though there are some nuclear power plants in those countries as well. Canada has mostly LNG fired power stations, as well as hydro dams near the mountains, and lots of subsidized Solar farms and Wind farms. Most of us Canadians are not fans of the carbon tax, as the cost of living has gone up, because we have to pay taxes on every liter of gasoline (benzene), diesel fuel, and likely on the LNG we use to heat our homes. It does nothing for the carbon dioxide levels, but is making our lives more expensive to live. I cannot ride a bike in the Winter like you can Rooster as the ice and snow and cold temperatures keeps me in my warm vehicle for at least 4 months of the year. Well rant is over.
  22. What some poster born in 1959 was offended by this story, and wants the coyotes dance banned. Well <deleted> off this is Thailand and the Thais can do what they want. If an expat is offended, maybe it is time to go to some other country where you will not get offended by this situation. When I visit Thailand, I always remember that I am in Thailand and not my home country. Best way for me to enjoy my time there. Still love eating Roti, and Kanom Kroke (forgive the spelling) and other good tasting food.
  23. These were on 2011 11 12. so the 2011 flood in November was impressive enough for me. My Thai family had 2 of their houses flooded quite badly on the ground floor. One family flooded enough that they had to replace Fridge and some furniture as the water was 4 feet deep in their house. I hope the floods this year are not as bad.
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