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Everything posted by Stargeezr

  1. It seems to me that Thailand had a lot larger percentage of the Thai population who were working in some capacity with tourism, than the government thought was affected. Maybe it is also because there were a lot of rich Thai families and businesses were involved with companies that were connected in some way to the vast tourism machine in Thailand. Either way these 18 months have affected a ton of people all over the world, as well as in Thailand. Maybe the value of tourism will be better for a few months, before we are all just a money source as we were before the pandemic. Just a thought. Geezer
  2. Now that most expats have used the Phuket sandbox for their return to Thailand, it will be interesting to see how many real tourists do show up from October until December, which is the start of the normal High Tourist Season. Some people in other countries see that the COVID numbers in their countries are still high, with or without the vaccines, and will likely be wanting to escape the cold Winter, no matter if there are still risks in the tropical countries. This is maybe why Thailand and other tropical countries will try to open up for the tourist dollar, and tourists. Good Luck everyone, I hope you all get your 2 vaccine shots soon. Geezer
  3. As she seems not to be connected to someone wealthy or powerful, I hope she and her fellow thieves get lots of jail time at COVID central in Northern Thailand prison. Geezer
  4. They are talking about children over 12 and teens getting the jab. I guess they do not want the higher grade schools to be total COVID factories. Any child under 12 will not be vaccinated, and those will be the ones bringing COVID back to Mom and Dad and other family members. Good Luck parents. Geezer
  5. Do not despair , all you expats. If you have gotten your 2 shots of some sort of vaccine, it is likely that you will not die if you contract COVID, but again no guarantees, because if you have other ailments, well.... Anyway In Alberta Canada, the 4th wave has put the province in an emergency state as the hospitals are basically full. There is spikes of COVID cases among the unvaccinated crowds of people who will not get the vaccine. even though it is free and available to all who want a jab. Restrictions have been set by the government for all residents in the province, and more restrictions will likely be announced next week. Stay cautious and hope that Thailand does not open up sooner than it is safe to do so. Winter is coming though and soon the northern countries will be getting freezing temperatures, and people will be wanting to escape Winter for sure. Geezer
  6. October 15 will become November 1st, which might even become November 15 then 30th before the real reopening happens. I just hope that Thailand gets all its scheduled vaccine shipments on time. Keep positive every one because some day in the High Tourist season, Thailand will want all of us international tourists to come back and help their economy. It is all about the money in the end. Geezer
  7. My cousin from Canada recently got back to Thailand. He had to quarantine in a Pattaya Hotel, and stay the entire 14 days in his room. It did not have a gym room, or any good grounds to get some exercise in, so if you do plan to go to Bangkok, you better hope that the 14 day quarantine is over. Otherwise find a hotel that will let you use their grounds and exercise room facilities after 7 days. Good Luck to you. Geezer
  8. Before the COVID pandemic, there were thousands or maybe close to a million migrants from other neighboring countries working in Thailand. House maids, street workers, constructions workers, many laborers in the Hotel and guest house industries. There are some up country Thai people who also worked some of the restaurant and hotel cleaning jobs, but suspect that the out of country migrants were paid the least amount of wages. I was told by my Thai relatives that without the real migrants, from Burma, or Cambodia, and even some Vietnamese migrants Thailand would not be in as good of development shape as they were before COVID. Within my own Thai family there were over 8 Burmese migrants who had been in Thailand for years and most had their Thai IDS and immigrant status. Many others were general laborers who just lived under the government radar. The real Thailand that most expats either do not know about, or know but do not talk about. Geezer
  9. I guess this Hungary lady did not leave Thailand for 11 years. Wonder what kind of business her husband was running until he died? I guess she will be leaving Thailand after all the court stuff is finished. Hope she is able to sell off her possessions, etc. Maybe she has relatives that can come to Thailand to help her out. Geezer
  10. October opening, November closing, December re opening. January 2022 Happy New Year re re opening. I wonder if that will be how it really goes from October onward? Geezer
  11. Hey fellow guests of Thailand. Just a reminder. The government does not seem to care about the elders in Thailand, whether they are Thai or expat from some other country. I guess they figure that the elders are not working or moving around as much as the young crowd. I guess this is called Thai thinking. For those who are lucky to have the money, or can get a 3rd shot, be happy that you are not in Afirca. Just saying that there are still some countries that are not as far ahead of the pandemic as Thailand. Geezer
  12. I read about these people who suffer the effects for so long, but then get mad at all the foolish people in Canada, and other places who still will not get a vaccine, or mask up, or at least be cautious and try not to spread this terrible virus. In Alberta we just had some protesters in both Edmonton and Calgary who were protesting, masks and vaccines, what a bunch of idiots. The people who have been working for the last 18 months in the hospitals, and medical clinics, do not need any of these crowds crying for some fantasy freedoms. I hope the people in Thailand are getting their vaccines now, and I also hope that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines arrive in Thailand soon in large numbers. Good Luck Thailand I do want to go visit that country again, when times are better. Geezer
  13. The guy is looking much older. Is that what happens when the rich have to spend their own money? Geezer
  14. Another deluded Thai guy living in the clouds. 2023 or beyond if you are lucky to get the markets moving much at all. Must be desperate. Geezer
  15. The rich get many benefits, Money talks, and it seems that the rich in Thailand can get away with almost everything, and I mean everything. Shameful. , and the small minded government are rich as well, so there it is. if you are not rich like them, you mean nothing to them, just the way it is. Geezer
  16. Mike is in Thailand because there are no hurricanes to watch out for or tornadoes. Besides the4 USA is still having over 1500 people dying of COVID each day. It is still fighting for what ever freedoms the red neck anti vaxxers are fighting for. Thailand at least is more entertaining, and has many less people dying. Don't forget that in the USA there are a lot of people who are also dying from drugs, or thieves, or gun deaths as well. I would live in Thailand if I was not so invested in my country. COVID numbers are spiking here again, and masks are required in all public spaces. I can hardly wait for 2022 to arrive and hopefully more hope for a better future. Geezer
  17. October opening, November closing, December re opening with caution. Maybe January 2022 is a more likely date to have a solid opening for internationals tourists, who will be wanting to escape the grip of a cold Winter. Geezer
  18. Thailand being on a red list of any other country, must be a big loss of face to the Thai government. After all this government thinks it is the greatest, and fumbles along every day. I do hope that Thailand gets considered as more pink than red soon. It is fast becoming high tourist season after all, and the weather must be changing as well in the UK. Geezer
  19. Yes I have lost a few Thai family members and some here in Canada. There have been no funerals in Thailand for my rich uncle. he was taken to his gravesite in the Saraburi area at the Chinese- Thai graveyards and buried in his mound with only a few immediate family members who stayed apart. I think that in the Spring of 2022 or 2023 the family will all go to the grave site and do a big ceremony, once it is safe to do that activity again. I agree that at this time the gatherings are just too dangerous, and only the foolish crowds are doing funerals now. Geezer
  20. spidermike007, I enjoyed your long post, and agree. October first, Thailand will open up and maybe there will be a rush of expats headed back without quarantine. Likely there will be other tourists escaping the early Winter. October 15 or so the surge of COVID will be large, and we will have to see how TAT and the government reacts to that. November first and in December there will likely be more tourists as it will be Winter. If Thailand keeps vaccinating their population, maybe by January there will be enough people vaccinated that at least there will be fewer dying if they catch COVID. I understand just how desperate Thailand is to get tourists back with all their money, but things could go sideways badly in October and November if people get too relaxed and do not stay cautious about COVID. Personally I do not want to go back at the start as there are so many places closed and a lot of places in the cities and towns will look depressing. I would rather wait until COVID is more under control and the survivors have gotten their businesses running . Geezer
  21. First Thailand has to clean up the corruption in the Government. Then they have to clean the corruption in the Royal Thai Police starting from the top, with all those police who have multiple cars, and houses and assets that cannot be explained away. Then they have to kick out all of those corrupt police and shame them. Train and pay the police force a much better salary and kick out the corrupt police that are caught getting tea money, (500) baht for traffic offences. The mass exodus of those corrupt police members would truly be astounding, wouldn't it. Of course none of this is going to happen because this is Thailand, a developing country. I have seen lots of police during the day time hours, but have not seen as many during the night time, except at accidents. There is many changes that Thailand has to do, and it has to come from the very top, and I am not talking about the General PM or the top of the police force. We are all aware of the very top, but are not allowed to discuss it. Geezer
  22. It will be interesting to see how many long haulers there are in Thailand. People who have many symptoms for months after they have recovered from COVID. Some deaths still are from people who got COVID, recovered, then were unlucky and caught the virus again. That should be in a survey to see now many were infected twice. There should be a survey on how many politicians got COVID and survived as well. Geezer
  23. I guess this is the real reason for the booze ban happening in Thailand. Pretty sad excuse from this guy. He should have at least to a bit of cell time to sober up before his wife having to see him again. Geezer
  24. This type of news is the same in Canada and the USA, in Alberta, the newest spike the number of people in hospital is the highest it has been. The unvaccinated people are the ones who will be sickest. That is a given. In Thailand, I doubt that there are a lot of anti vaxxers, as compared to the numbers in North America. Good luck Thailand, I hope that all of you expats and the Thai people can get your 2 shots soon. Be happy that you do not live in Africa, or exist in some refugee camp somewhere. As well as the countries that are in a war condition. Those people will likely not be getting any vaccines for the next year or so yet. Geezer
  25. I am glad that not all places have closed in Pattaya and especially in the Jomtien Beach area. My cousin said that I should wait until at least until January to travel to Thailand as the requirements and paperwork plus 21 weeks to quarantine, is just not worth the trip. I totally agree, so will wait to see what TAT and especially the Thai government will change for international travelers next year. Geezer
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