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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Posts posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. On 3/10/2018 at 10:36 AM, johng said:

    Does anyone remember
    "Miami Mansions" and its location ?

    Petchaburi Road, I lived there for a while.

    Still there much the same, well up to last time I had a look in 2015.

    Miami was 1st hotel I stayed in about 1984, and a friend stayed there last week.


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    The clampdown IMO is worthwhile if they want better education in the world's main language.

    Some people from outside the UK, US, Canada and Australia have good qualifications to teach English, but those without should be rooted out.

    "Most of those arrested were Nigerians, Cameroonians and Romanians" so it is  more than likely they are here for other reasons as they suspect.


    For once, a good idea really.

  3. Prostitution is here to stay, the low wages etc make for willing employees.

    The rich and the authorities exploit the situation and take a big cut of the income. The 300m baht loan by Victoria's Secret massage parlour to an ex-police chief says it all

    Without reform of the police and a determined effort to end corruption elsewhere the situation cannot change.

    The question is: who can actually end corruption?


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  4. 10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    You're wrong. You have completely misinterpreted my posts. I'm really disgusted by posts that make such moronic and incorrect personalized assumptions. Speak directly to the content. Do not try to analyze me again because the topic is not me, and also you are really, really BAD at it. 

    If we are sticking to the topic, you missed the point.

    Corruption here will see the situation continue and the police etc will do nothing as they are all involved... Tourism for sex will continue to fill Thai pockets, as the indigenous prostitution has for a hundred years.

    Try some logic, not wishy-washy pie in the sky nonsense.

    I will not waste more time on someone that is incapable of understanding the situation.



  5. On 3/5/2018 at 6:51 AM, Jingthing said:

    Bizarre that you got that from my posts. What you said has NOTHING to do with my posts on this topic. I suggest you post your own opinions rather than smearing falsehoods about what other people think or don't think. Speak for yourself. Do not speak for me. 

    I would never presume to "speak for you" in anyway shape or form, but I stand by what I said, you seem to have little understanding of the depth of corruption here and a naive idea as to how it could be stopped, and Thailand's reputation could be changed.



  6. 18 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    Unless they are Maxxis tyres. I had a new Maxxis tyre that had done approx 100 kilometres with the correct pressure tread separate and blow at 80kph. I immediately removed all Maxxis tyres and will never use them again. Cheap rubbish.

    Ah yes, quality control is also a problem here...

    Where safety is concerned, not style, it is best to buy a genuine premium brand as you say.



  7. Another sad accident. RIP to the deceased and best wishes to the severely injured.

    I don't think anywhere teaches "what to do when a front tyre bursts" for a driving test but it is unusual, unless of course tyres are never checked for pressure and wear...

    I guess a new amulet is cheaper than a new set of tyres?

    Come Song Khran in April I hope the press actually compare the daily death toll  to the 7 deadly days count for once.



  8. On 2/21/2018 at 8:05 AM, brewsterbudgen said:

    Makes no difference. The age of consent laws are irrelevant to this topic. The legal age for prostitution is relevant and is the same in Thailand as it is in the EU.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Okay, but you didn't bother to read my post or you would not have said this...

    "Trafficking and prostitution comes under a different section of the law."

    Try again.


  9. The complete and utter inefficiency (and corrupt practice) of the RTP and other law enforcement agencies here is the root cause of this.

    The "last straw" I can understand, but not condone, as taking the law into your own hands is not acceptable.

    The women should pay reasonable compensation for the damage inflicted and maybe a fine for wilful damage.

    The truck owner should be fined the maximum for his obstruction of their property and made to pay them compensation.


    But, who am I trying to kid...:crazy:

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