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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Posts posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. On 2/20/2018 at 12:21 AM, sanemax said:

    What does the age of consent in France have to do with this story ?

    I was pointing out the fact that it depends entirely upon where this situation happens and the anomaly that even in the EU/US/India and many Arab states their are different laws that still prevail regarding the age of consent.

    Trafficking and prostitution comes under a different section of the law.

    Moral codes differ, but the German would have been better off had he just driven into France...






  2. While I am not condoning this in any way (so don't come on and accuse me of it) I would point out that the age of consent is different in many countries (and states) around the world.

    In France the "underage" aspect of this would not be an issue as 15 is considered in French law to be above the legal age to consent to sex.

    Check it out before you moan at me. There was a case in the papers last week about it.

    It's a funny old world...




  3. On 2/16/2018 at 3:44 PM, smedly said:

    surely he has a UK state pension of some sort and no harm to him but his health issues look like he has stuffed himself over the years into a slug state, does he smoke drink ?


    Pretty sad state of affairs that only he has responsibility for

    It sounds like he dug a hole and fell into it, so is now begging.

    But what has that to do with whether he drinks and smokes?


  4. On 2/13/2018 at 2:35 PM, natway09 said:

    There was some confusion over how the tax would be applied.

    Many of the wholesalers have now run out of their"indent stock" so new 

    imports will attract the new tax

    Thanks, I wondered if that was it. 7-eleven charges 8 baht more than Tesco for cigs, and MaxValue is cheaper for beer suddenly.


    But why has this happened again so soon?

    Nobody can answer the question.

    TIT I guess?





  5. On 2/13/2018 at 9:42 AM, MaeJoMTB said:


    Change brands or learn to roll your own.


    Change brands or switch to a cheaper alternative (Red Cock Vodka from Tesco, 150bht/bottle)


    Or you could just shop outside the 7-11/Tesco monopoly, Mom and Pop stores are usually cheaper.

    There are very few price rises that can't be avoided, with little or no loss to lifestyle. 

    Thanks for the advice, but the question was "why have we had another increase so soon without any reason?" not how to get things cheaper.

    I could have asked the same question about peanut butter 20 years ago without this stupid bunch of self righteous preachers changing the subject.

    The thread seems to have been taken over by the PC brigade now so I'll leave them to bleat like the sheep they are and abandon it.


    Keep On Trucking all the rest...

    We are all going to die, enjoy it while you can!










  6. On 2/13/2018 at 6:24 AM, alex8912 said:

    Because when the price of something goes up and you complain about it as you did it's a good time to quit. That's what my comment has to do with the topic. Just think of all the extra beer money you will have!  And yes your life will be shorter due to cigarettes not due to the average person living  past 80 now. You would still enjoy what you eat with a beer but if you don't quit the cigs you won't know how much better things will taste. How you equate enjoying life is due to cigarettes is just an addict speaking. I don't think anyone enjoys Alzheimer's and the comment makes no sense. 


    Makes perfect sense to me.

    Live your own life and don't preach to me.

    If you live to 1000 I hope you fully enjoy the last years!


    I asked a simple question, but you are completely off topic suggesting I should quit beer and cigs.

    I pay for my enjoyment but the question was WHY has there been another increase without any reason given...

    If you don't drink or smoke why are you interested in how much it costs?

    Find somebody that does hard drugs and tell them to quit for your self righteous nonsense.




  7. It's the same old story, anyone that has been here for long enough knows damn well it's just a Wai to whoever is in charge for a few weeks followed by more demands from the BiB for bigger brown envelopes.

    Nobody cares about the tourist trade, people still come whatever they do.

    Thailand has a three "S" attraction: Sun, sand and sex...





  8. On 2/13/2018 at 6:16 PM, marko kok prong said:

    Exactly why i moved out to the boonies,not night clubs in my small town just endless funerals,weddings,boys going to be monks,as one ended another began ,out here i only hear crickets,even the massive Mullam concerts in town i strain to hear,and i am only about 4 km out,live opposite to where my main larger house is being built on a private road,some nights out here you could be in the Aussie outback it's so quiet.

    No cockerels?

    Thailand is Amazing!




  9. Just now, lou62 said:

    Bought a box of Tiger light Yesterday and same price since the Tax increase end of last year.

    Okay, thanks.

    My brand of cigs have gone up 8 baht in the last week at 7-eleven and beer I buy about 2-3 baht a bottle in supermarkets in 10 days or so too.





  10. Has anyone noticed that in the last 10 days beer and cigarette prices have gone up again?

    We had the price rises due to tax changes late last year, but now in February we get another round of increases, why?

    Nothing in the press I have seen, but my own observation shopping tells me this is a fact.

    Anyone with information on this pleased comment.


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  11. 10 hours ago, stubuzz said:

    Most schools offer swimming lessons, but  those that cannot swim are usually just left to sit in the baby pool.

    My son went to International School here and he did get swimming lessons, though I had already taught him myself.

    Are you sure all Thai schools have swimming lessons, even up country?

    Of course swimming in a supervised pool is not the same as in a pond, lake, river or the sea.

    Cheers, G.


  12. On 2/10/2018 at 4:23 AM, Kraig62 said:

    Yes, just arrived yesterday.

    Have you been here on holiday before? I ask as it is not the same game if you work or live here.

    If you have come to live you will find things a bit different to living/working in the west.

    "TIT" was I believe first coined by Bernard Trink many years ago. He is an American expat journalist (now in his 80s) who wrote for the Bangkok Post, and still does book reviews.

    I wish you the best of luck. I know many that have failed, and some that have succeeded. It certainly isn't easy.

    Best of luck.



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