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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Everything posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. Considering the amount of B/S that is produced in there it is a wonder the place isn't awash with the smelly stuff every day.
  2. She probably had a few smokes 25+ years ago but the newer strains are far more potent, or maybe somebody put something in her drink?
  3. Of course in the UK shoplifting goods worth under 500 pounds (about 21,500 baht) is no longer a crime. Tweet something hurtful or disrespectful about a certain section of the newly arrived UK citizens though and you will get 20+ months in jail. Amazing UK?
  4. It might not have been deliberate, but it is still dangerous driving if the driver had not seen the bike. Unfortunately this is not unusual in Thailand where (and elsewhere) that drivers do not look for bikes big or small.
  5. This guy must have had too much of something and it wasn't beer. The problem with quoting people's "nationality" these days is with the mass migration into the west there are lots of people who have little if any connection to the country whose passport they now carry. 🧑‍🚀🥳🤔
  6. There is no such thing as "Free". They sell your information and at the very least you will be plagued with adverts but it could be worse, much worse.
  7. What the ministers need to check is the tax on importing cars into Thailand. I remember back in the 1990s this was proposed and I believe there are some "Amazing" Thai taxation laws on not only the racing cars but all the support vehicles that simply made it impractical to hold an F1 race in Thailand. I suspect, as usual, nobody has bothered to check why this hasn't happened before?
  8. The Guardian is a hard left rag that rarely get any facts right. It will support Stalmer blindly while he ruins what is left of the country after the liberals took over the Tory party.
  9. What a great advert for tourists: Thailand to revive 300-baht tourism tax to boost revenue; Pakistani tourist robbed on his first day in Pattaya New Tourism Minister same old story: charge them to get in, massively overcharge them while they're here and charge them to leave, now that's the kind of extortion Al Capone would have been proud of. Oh, and they also get robbed and cheated during their stay too.
  10. Who is to say they had not been on the legal "weed" which is now for sale on every street or been taking some of the easily available pills and powders. A couple of beers after smoking, snorting or dropping is only the icing on the cake. Dope stays in your body for weeks, the other stuff is gone in a day or two so those who might face a test prefer not to take a chance when looking for a high.
  11. I like your observation. There are too many overlapping "authorities" here and everyone is a general.
  12. And when were the new "laws" published in the Royal Gazette and formally adopted?
  13. To attract new long term visitors and keep the ones they have now it would be a better idea to drop the income tax threat. As usual Thailand wants their cake and to eat it too.
  14. We will see, if the offender was given a blood test. Jumping to conclusions online can now get you a couple of years in jail in the UK.
  15. Let's face it, it was done for Red Bull boy it will be done again, and next thing you know aunt Yingluck is on a plane home "for medical care".
  16. I have said time and again on this subject "They had never worked out the details of how they could do it" and hadn't got a clue when it was announced about a year ago. So all the speculation was a waste of time. This happens time and again in this country. Some politician has a "brain storm idea" and calls a press conference to announce the great new plan of a Hub for this, that and the other or a new way to scare off long term staying foreigners with endless regulations, increased costs or more paperwork. So, will the lawyers have settled how this will be implemented in time for the big test in January or whenever they decide the tax is due. Don't hold your breath.
  17. Thaksin was NOT in "self imposed exile" he was a fugitive from justice. If only they would try him for the 2,500 extra judicial deaths during his "war on drugs". Thavi Sodsong should be investigated and if found guilty he will take the new PM with him to jail (or Dubai) and she can join her aunt in "self imposed exile".
  18. This is a horrible and unacceptable way to die. Ban these dogs NOW. All those who say it is the owner not the dog to blame, I say lock up this young man's brother then. A gun needs someone to pull the trigger, with dogs you never know what to expect.
  19. Here's a tip: never believe what you read in the socialist rag called The Guardian. It even prints a weekly column correcting all the mistakes it makes every week.
  20. Don't you just love all the scaremongering "experts". Now we have an ecomist telling us of the disaster ahead. Who asked for his opinion? Bangkok was built on a swamp and was called the "Venice of the East" for years because of its watery nature with many canals, streams and the majestic river Chao Phraya running through it. That is why the old Thai style houses have little on the ground floor and living and sleeping areas began 3m higher. In general the floods subside almost as quickly as they arrive, however it is always important to properly maintain and upgrade water management schemes as and when it is possible.
  21. Yep, same old story just a different day. As my old motto used to say: "The one thing you can be certain of in Thailand is inconsistency."
  22. Is the bar open on this train again? It used to be a fun journey even with the palaver of getting your passport stamped early in the morning, is that now changed too?
  23. I pretty much expected this type of reply. I have been here long enough to know how it works thanks. I am talking about this guy, who seems to have little respect and left his wife with nothing. Food: Som Tam, Drink: bottled water, Chanting: as little as possible, Box: minimum spec. 50K seems a bit much for a Billy few mates skinflint funeral.
  24. A bite like that could kill a small child. The owner must be well known so why has he/she not been arrested?
  25. A piece of wisdom I learned many years ago (I think from my dad) is: "Never lend any more than you can afford to lose." Personally, I would offer her 10K towards the cost and tell her she should raise the rest of money best she can from other friends and family. Anyway, how much is a Thai funeral these days?
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