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George FmplesdaCosteedback

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Everything posted by George FmplesdaCosteedback

  1. Some years ago I had the misfortune to have three sets of tenants in a row that trashed the place and never paid after the first month. I lost the house as I couldn't pay the mortgage. All the tenants were British.
  2. Surly this has to be a recipe for division and strife. The return of you know who has to signal this is a PT ploy with the prospect of the government effectivly being controlled from a prison hospital block. I thank Buddha they didn't choose Prawit but this is no conclusion made by an unelected senate. It should be clear before an election that all party leaders have been vetted and are eligable for the office of PM.
  3. Yes, you came to live in Thailand. That doesn't give you the right to change it. Thais have their faults but who doesn't? It sounds to me you have little understanding of the people. Noise can be a problem but it is often easy to resolve. Burning is a farming thing suposed to clear and fertalise the land, it was common practise in Europe not long ago. Roads and pavements are dangerous here and dogs and cockerels can be a pain too but you can always go back to your own country if you don't like it. Seems to me he is at his limit of excuses. British and German women have affairs or leave their husbands, why expect anything different. Maybe she wanted a two story house and a Benz and got another offer. Have fun.
  4. I have lived, worked and holidayed here since 1985 and I have to say Thais have a pent up frustration the tends to snap when under pressure, but they are generally polite and well mannered. As for the UK, well it has changed beyond recognotion in the last 25 years since Tony Blair and his pal "Boom & Bust Brown" opened the borders. I feel safer walking a street in Bangkok than in a seaside village in England. I can't say the same for the roads though.
  5. He's Chinese treat him gently, we don't want to scare them off, they were our biggest customers. Since he was being obnoxious before and got kicked off his flight did anyone find out why he was so upset?
  6. These posts are like Chinese whispers, there really is no point speculating. The truth of the matter is "Joke" isn't very funny and gets moved on when he makes too many waves. Thailand has no logic so it is just a guessing game. It is a balencing act, scare off new retirees and kick out the old ones? What will TAT say? What about all the abandoned families? How about the RTP does a job on the Biker Gangs and kicks them out? No, that's too much like work so is never going to happen is it.
  7. Pattaya Mail, Thailand – Sanphet Suphabuansathien, President of the Thai Hotels Association (Eastern Chapter) said that the 6-day holiday weekend failed to meet expectations in terms of driving hotel bookings in Pattaya.The Thai government’s decision to include July 31 in the public holiday calendar, creating a 6-day long holiday period from July 28 to August 2, did not bring the expected boost to Pattaya’s hotel bookings. Who do you believe? Better to wait until Wednesday when they might know something not just speculate.
  8. Thaksin doesn't represent democracy, he was an autocratic dictator not a Prime Minister. The welcome committee will just stir up the same old trouble and likely lead to another delay in real democracy being done by excluding the appointed senate members from the election of the next PM. The only reception Thaksin deserves is a paddy wagon and armed escort to the monkey house.
  9. Ah, the ideal candidate to "Keep Watch". I hope he isn't needed longer then it takes to get wound up.
  10. Fact is the British Government don't like the British, just take a look at what is going on in the UK. The trouble is it will only get worse when a Labour Government comes to power.
  11. The sales hour laws had been conveniently forgotten until Mr Thaksin revived it. Religious festival bans are tolerable but can disappoint tourists. And clarification of laws for police should be a priority. Will we have weed free days instead?
  12. 63 Kgs is "average" but there are a lot more seriously overweight people (mostly women) and fewer thin ones. It is the diet and the western influence on "body shaming" and bigger curvier women that has caused this. Many you see are damaging their health in the long term as obesity is the route to many other medical conditions just as much as malnutrition. It is a shame as Thailand was known for its beauties not just the smiles.
  13. I didn't say you were wrong, but I am referring to the story behind "the story" in the report you quote (in the link).
  14. Is that why they took his diplomatic passport, it had nothing to do with his corrupt dealings, tax evasion and all the missing and 2,500 dead people? The US got Al Capone on Tax evasion in the end.
  15. Well a great result for Thailand, but the establishment are not about to let an election result get in their way. Best of luck Pita.
  16. A headline that reads like a crackdown on crime against Chinese tourists, but turns out to be the opposite. Either way it can't be good for business. Or is this just another RTP cop looking for a picture in the papers?
  17. And followed by election day on May 14 with no alcohol followed by dry Buddhist days in June and the 1st of August. Swings and roundabouts. It can be shock for tourists that don't know though.
  18. Very true, and they don't count the ones who die a few days later from their injuries.
  19. Thaksin, the progressively minded guy who brought back a long forgotten law on selling alcohol after midnight and afternoons. Not forgetting the 2,500 who died in his war on drugs and others who disappeared to say nothing of not paying his tax.
  20. There are of course others who do it to fund a drug habit or gambling problem.
  21. There's a Lazyboy shop on the way out of town towards Bangers, but you won't get a new one for 6k. Looks like the one in Lotus's is a bargain (see mushroomdave above).
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