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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. On 9/18/2020 at 9:20 PM, rkidlad said:

    The Red Bull family must be p*****. They paid all that money and they thought it was all done. Now they’re being thrown under the bus ‘cos the government’s credibility is at an all time low.


    Talk about no honour among thieves. 

    Big brown envelope time........  Runaway money.......  Hopefully it's on the books before the whole country goes down the pot.......

  2. There y'all go again planning on jumping through hoops, you're nuts..... Just wait till the shooting calms down and all the uniforms have ran away (As they always do)  then we'll all get back in just as it was before when Thailand used to be a pleasure to travel in until this bunch of chancers turned up...... The country's on its knees and if the shiny button mob don't go soon then they'll be boiled and eaten by the starving population.....  I hear Wu han's good this time of the year boys.........  Just wait and watch the show.......  

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. 9 hours ago, schvonsky1 said:

    They are absolutely cheeky tawats as for travel insurance well im

    covered and always have been for 10 fcukeen mil pounds so stick that where the sun doesn’t shine ????????????????????????????????

    Beats me, how can anyone become a burden on Thailand.......?   Thailand gives sweet fanny Adams to no one for free..... Not even STD's are free !   Typical gov Rinky Dink garbage.....  Grafting barstuards ......

    • Like 2
  4. 59 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    It think you need to read the OP again. He is trying to get a visa and certificate of entry at a Thai consulate not at immigration.

    Contacted the Thai Embassy in Tokyo in January 2020 to inquire about what specific visa to apply for to enter the Kingdom. Told to apply for an RS visa as a researcher. Host university in Thailand then provided a letter for an RS visa.      So don't the consulates abide by the immigration laws of the country ?     

  5. Typical half thought out shake down con by the shiny button boys to get the last knokkins out of the farang.....  One of the best and most successful tourist destinations in the world destroyed by this lot and now like every half wit they're resorting to extortion........   If the Thai people don't wake up and get rid of this lot asap then the future is bleak indeed for everyone........ Let's hope the 19th brings a change...... If it doesn't, i'm off back to Crete.......  What a shame for Thailand and Thai people.....

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, steven100 said:

    What do you mean?    Your comments seem to reflect a different Thailand .....   numbers don't lie.

    Thailand handled the COVID19 crisis very well as there were minimal cases or deaths, unlike other countries that skyrocketed.

    Thailand had an increase of GPD year on year since Khun Prayut Chan O Cha came to office in 2014.

    Thailands government spending on infrastructure rose more year on year since Khun Prayut came to office.

    Khun Prayut implemented more projects in the last 5 years than predecessors tried to do in 10 years.

    Prayut Chan-o-cha is a Thai politician, retired Royal Thai Army general officer and former leader of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), the military junta which governed Thailand between 22 May 2014 and 10 July ... including his brother Preecha Chan-o-cha and Minister to the Office of the Prime Minister ...

    Net worth‎: ‎2000 million baht (2019)

    Years of service‎: ‎1972–2014

    Political party‎: ‎Independent

    Born‎: ‎21 March 1954 (age 66); ‎Nakhon Ratchasima



    Tin pot paper pusher.........  

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, jerolamo said:

    all of this speaking to said nothing new.

    With some people, the only one thing who can work is to reduce the number of words to the minimum to stay not complicate to understand:


    Pandemic is at   t h e     e n d      f i n i s h


    the solution is easy:

    1/ no more lie,

    2/ no more panic,

    3/ no more ASQ and gold jail obligation

    4/ open the border


    And all of this, the same day and don't move anymore.

    Dead right...... Throw the doors open, drop a crate of cold beers on the floor, Pi&*, PuS^%$ and good company and the rest will follow......  As simple as that......     Everyone that used to drink at Cheap Charlies will tell you that one....... Packed every night, and all it was was basically a bar tacked onto a wall........  Packed out.......     Closed of course by the morons in green......  Thailand was never about the country, it was about the characters it attracted..........   

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