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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. People are getting sick of all this BS from the green retard division, all everyone wants to do i get back to making a living before the whole game collapses. They've finally got their way though, they'll be closing all the bars down and advising them to " Find something else to do ".......    It breaks my heart to see what this lot have done in the past five years and if they rig another election hopefully people will remember all the "Progress" they've made here....... (Progress????)....... 

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  2. 1 hour ago, ChakaKhan said:

    How was she able to live there for 5 YEARS??   

    Many people have lived in Thailand for well over five years without a murmur, the only problem started when the current green mob took over. Most people lived on back to back tourist visas ........ It worked well for everybody, leave the country every three months for a nice little sanity break, obtain a new tourist visa from the consulate and back you go, one after the other, nobody ever questioned it........ Ran like clockwork.....   

  3. 18 hours ago, Jonny1959 said:

    Back to the 90's.

    Take the hotels away and plant palms.

    Samui was a very beautiful island in the 80's and 90's.

    Now it is only expensive and overpriced.


    Just like the rest of the islands..... Used to be great back in the 80s and 90s, now greed has truly taken over and it's a miserable experience ,,,,,,,,  Used to go to Krabi back in the day, 150-200 bht bungalows, great stuff, overnight jumped from 200 bht to 1500 bht a night !  Nice one, had to laugh when the Tsunami washed the lot away....... karma..... 

  4. 15 hours ago, Ratchsima said:

    But not stupid enough to come up witb herd immunity, burning 5g tower, injecting dettol and alcohol to kill virus , people dying like dropping flies having little chances to admit to hospital. May be tgey want to get rid of thier own farang people who are stupid.

    Idiot...... Herd immunity works for all kinds of other diseases as it will with this one, 5G, i can honestly say what you know about 5G could probably be written on a grain of rice, and who said inject Dettol and alcohol to kill the virus........ ?   Stop being Thai and stop telling lies......   Farang people who are stupid ?   If there were no Farangs Mr, Thailand would still be back in the stone ages, just about everything you've got came from Farangs !   And don't forget it.......   

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  5. Don't worry, Anutin and his brains trust are having a slap up lunch and trying to work out if they can inject Sang Som and flog it as a vaccine..... Masks and social distancing ?    Only for the proles...... 


    Posts calling attention to the photos identified them as being taken May 20, not long after restaurants were allowed to reopen under strict rules. They had been posted by a restaurant expressing gratitude toward the minister and have since been deleted.


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  6. 18 hours ago, bloodyholly said:

    “...before international tourists would be allowed to return...”


    in a way it kinda reminds me of this: 


    “Thaksin Shinawatra, the Thai prime minister, on Monday declared that the country did not need foreign aid to help it recover from the tsunami disaster...”

    50 million quid alone came from the British public, mind you it was reinvested in buying Man City i suppose.....   They're a bit like the Mrs, very casual in forgetting what has been done for them..... 

  7. Bang Bang Bang !   Somebody please take the gun off these loons or they'll have no feet left.....  Another mind numbing idea coming from the ministry of madness...... Just like the sterilization of Khao sarn road where nobody will be going to ....Again, ever.......  There's an old saying in Engineering....... "If it's working leave it alone".......   I wonder if the signs will be in Chinese ?   "Who flung Dungs tea shop"....... "Gwilo go home".... 

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  8. It's a sad situation where all levels of society are infected by corruption to this degree, and unfortunately the presence of a uniform just seems to guarantee it...... One of my ex's used to work for a very well known glasses company all over Thailand and she was up for promotion to Manager, the only problem was as she told me was that she'd have to sleep with the district Manager to secure the position...... Truthfully she told me she would of, but she can't stand the slimy git...... Legged it to another company.....   It was here when i came here, and i'm pretty sure it'll still be in full swing when i'm long gone........ 

    • Like 2
  9. 1 minute ago, colinneil said:

    Have you any personal experience regarding school directors?

    Or are just just posting based on hear say.

    My wife is a school director, never paid 1 baht to anyone for her position.

    As members who have been on here several years will know, we moved from Issan to a mountain village 39 ks into the mountains from Mae Hong Son, rather than pay money.

    Good for yer Mrs, many others don't have those kind of morals.......   

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  10. 5 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    OK, they can do with their country what they want. Needless to say, that they might let in aliens on a case-by-case basis. For sure is, that many of those in the land will be leaving with oneway tickets once the borders are open again. 

    Work permit = your health pass and teflon shield to fight health issues ..... family has to stay away as not work permit protected ???? 

    Is there anyone left with some common sense at all? 

    I reckon i'm looking at the end of July and then that's it, these lot have just cranked it up another level.....  They havn't even got over the last dose of karma and here we are planning to mess everyone around a shed load more, including the Thai people........ what a shower of S%$#......... 

  11. Said it ages ago, you can jump through as many hoops as you want, you're not wanted here and these lot are going to do their level best to get rid you ....... The new owners don't cotton to westerners...... Let's hope HK kicks off and China kicks the S^%$ out of them then Trump can Vaporize China........ Thailand will do what it's always done and lay down........    Thailand better watch what it's doing with China, this will be remembered later...... They got away last time very lightly with the Japanese...... This time i don't think so..... 

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