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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 9 minutes ago, transam said:

    Probably, a Polish guy that had to come to the UK for help to help his country out, who were being bombed, murdered by bombs, gas and bullets by an agressor, glad you spotted that, well done. ????


    My dad knew a few of them....

    Yep, damned lucky those little Englanders designed such a wonderful machine, for as we all know, you can have gonads like footballs but if you don't have the gear it's useless.........   The Poles lasted about a week against the Luftwaffe until they legged it to England, along with many other nationalities i might add.....    Never look down on that little country, it punches big .......  

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  2. "Huh? How can ANY of us, nor any Thai citizen NOT be contemptuous of the army, and the administration? You are moving the nation backwards. You are stifling the economy. You are preventing millions from earning a livelihood, with your cowardly approach to tourism. You guys are positively regressive, and despised universally, by nearly all Thais, and ex-pats. You really need to go. The sooner, the better. Free your people from the yoke of repression."    (Courtesy of 007)


    !00% on the nail. Everyone knows and thinks it, it's just a matter of time and how bloody it's going to get, for as we all know who've been here a long time, the Sovereignty card will be pulled out and the Army under orders from the unelected "Individual" will be turned on the public, i'm just hoping this time they might have the brains to turn the guns the other way......

    Had a conversation from a Thai friend this morning from Kanchanaburi telling me of troop movements up there and that she and everyone else up there will be going to the 19/09 protest in Bkk, she also said that i think this "Will be the big one"............. I can only agree with the last statement, it's high time Thailand had a massive change and got rid of this yoke around its neck........Or should i of said Yokes ?    ????


    Ps, Sent me a picture of the future as well...... But we all knew this was coming....    

    Thai Junta..jpg

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  3. Ha ha, there's no stopping this lot.....  They decimated tourism in the country, set the dog of immigration on farangs, and now they're wondering why there's nobody here.  They havn't worked out yet that farang =money=business=Thais..........   It's as crazy as gassing the country then asking where all the people have gone ?       But the good news is, the streets will be full shortly............

    Thai Junta..jpg

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  4. I feel sorry for the lad, the sad part is that being British and his people trying to deal with the Embassy is about as useful as ringing up the speaking clock while you're wearing a watch....... 

    I was in Choki a while back and called the Embassy for assistance, after being passed round and round from desk to desk i was eventually told by some plastic 003.5 that i was basically on my own, even though i'd been set up by THAI IMMIGRATION..........  After exhausting all possibilities for any assistance i asked the individual how it felt to be in such an elevated position and had absolutely no power ?    "Sorry Sir it's all we can do"..........   waste of space............     


    Hope the lad gets some assistance.......   Royal Marine....... hats off to him......  

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  5. 8 hours ago, Kadilo said:

    There will be a handful of lovesick foreigners desperate to see their teerak and a few expats who want to spend a few months somewhere warmer. Once they have squeezed them to death, common sense will return and they will come up with a proposal that will actually work. 

    Give it 6 months tops. 

    Told you, let em starve for a while, they'll fling the gates open shortly and everyone'll get any visa you want, probably free at that........ The more hoops you jump through, the more they'll invent....... Until they realize they're up dirty creek without a paddle...... 

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  6. 2 hours ago, cheapcanuck said:


    I'll sit on sidelines and watch all the suckers pay trough the teeth for covid 19 insurance, quarantine hotels, bubble tourist traps, etc, etc. 

    I can live without Thailand for one, two, and if need be, three years.

    Yep, that's the smart move....... Let em starve for a bit, there won't be enough money left shortly in the pot for the boys with the shiny buttons to stick around.......   They've truly done a cracking job on the country.....   Just lucky that cov 19 turned up so they can blame it all on that.........  

  7. 8 minutes ago, SteveK said:

    I seem to remember that Chang was about 6.5% first time I visited Thailand. I got suckered in then they reduced it. A bit like Thai girls and their padded bras.

    When Chang first came out it was rare if one bottle was the same strength as the other and it could vary from 6.5 to rocket fuel and after a while you worked out why people always drank it with ice cubes to dilute it.  The same caution was necessary when ordering a cocktail in the old Climax disco on Soi 11,  ( Now closed down of course ) the cocktails used to be made with something that was definitely not alcohol, more like ethanol or methanol but they used to have the same hang over effect as Chang........   Ah, happy days in Lie land....... 

  8. 31 minutes ago, SteveK said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Thai politics all about keeping your snout in the trough for as long as you possibly can, fighting off other people who want to get their snout in the trough, then when it finally hits the fan you flee with as much ill-gotten gains as possible? 

    On the nail...........  But flee after you've just bought a few submarines for a duck pond......  or possibly flogged a strategic port to a foreign power......  Then it's all gravy from then on......... 

    I'd like to have a quiet word with a few bankers down in Singapore just to see how much "Tea money's" flowing into someone's account.......  I know it is as one of my family used to "Move" money for the TMB........  Ooooooh it's out now..... 

  9. Reminds me of something i once saw on a pub wall, "How do you make a small fortune in Thailand, Start with a big one" ..........When will foreigners realize that when you come to Thailand you're not supposed to make money but give money, in large amounts to lazy grafting toe rags.  I can remember when we all used to drink Carlsberg beer as most other beer drinkers did all over the world, all until someone in Thailand wanted Carlsbergs business and got them kicked out of Thailand, the cheeky barstuard even started selling his own Pi$# in the same bottles ........ Enter Beer Chang.........    Prayut must have a mate who wants a functioning gold mine........

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