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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. On 7/1/2020 at 6:51 AM, John1012 said:

    I use online services quite frequently, and find that Kerry is highly efficient and not costly. This industry is driven by service levels and cost to consumer. If costs spiral or service level drops, they lose business. There are many alternatives, albeit not as good as Kerry, but acceptable.. why does the government need to become involved in a purely commercial enterprise? 

    Money ? 

  2. 16 minutes ago, Susco said:

    They don't keep it secret, as it is visible to the authorities who it concerns.


    Are you a bounty hunter, looking at the red notices every day, and searching for the people listed?

    You'd be surprised how much money's in that game..... I had a mate doing it here years ago, debt collecting as well........ Very interesting.... Ex 42 and Sandline, not someone you'd want a visit from.... 

  3. Golden rule. Never sit down at this particular card table with money you can't afford to lose,,,,,,,, because nine times out of ten you'll be leaving with your bus fare, if you're lucky......      I remember taking the Mrs to look at a real nice wooden house, she was all eyes and wonder, then she asked me why a wooden one ?  I looked her in the eyes and replied, " When your lot turns up and moves me out it'll take two gallons of four star to solve the problem "..........  Needless to stay she's now the X.....  " If it flys floats or <deleted>&^s, rent it "

  4. My tourist visa was up on the 14th of May so i went down to Chaengwattana just to see if i could or should extend my visa with the usual 1900 bht for another month bringing me safely up to the 13th of June when i presumed i'd be able to leave the country. I was surprised and pleased that the immigration people had a look at my passport and said that there was no need for an extension and that i was alright up to the 31st of July....... Marvelous news as i was dreading getting into the airport or onto a border and some Somchai demanding a shed load of overstay...... 

    Anyway hopefully all will be well. Unfortunately i don't think things will be as easy getting back into Thailand under the "Case by case" threat of I'm A Nutin farang hater......... I console myself in the fact that i've got a place and a job in Malaysia now so i'll just sit back and wait....... This lot are just like dog doo, wet and sticky initially, but they'll dry up and blow away eventually..... The general feeling with the people is they've overstayed their welcome .......

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  5. 56 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    There are outbreaks of Covid19 again in Wuhan, and also a city called Shulan, although it would seem they are fairly smalloutbreaks.

    More worrying is an outbreak of a new, never seen before strain from a massive Market in Beijing.

    Play with the Chinese at your peril me thinks

    I'll laugh my Ars$ off if this all starts again due to this lots greed...... 


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  6. Listen to this CR#$......... 

    PM Prayut and DMP Prawit  in arresting the suspect who represented a dangerous threat to the safety and stability of Thailand, notes Thaivisa. 

    "Safety and stability of Thailand" ??  I'm afraid that legged it years ago when you lot took over........ If it had been a Thai pilot, 500 bht and ten wais...... mind you a Thai pilot usually kills the lot....... Third world tin pot PI&^ pot......   The usual reaction from a rapidly becoming pathetic country...... 

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  7. 50 minutes ago, sandyf said:

    Nothing more xenophobic than the majority on this forum.

    It would be a warped mind that did not apply restrictions to countries that failed to handle the pandemic effectively.


    Every evening I watch the UK news and my wife was horrified that it took a law to make people wear face masks on public transport, is it any wonder the Thais are reluctant to have people from the UK and US come here at this time. Pure common sense, nothing xenophobic in it whatsoever.

    Come on !  " Dirty Farangs should be deported ".......  Say that in any civilized country and you'd be up to your rear end in lawyers for the next twenty years....... 

    • Like 2
  8. 3 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

    Yes!  NZ Herald detailed article yesterday said China figures for c19 were ten times higher than they reported and something like close to 100k cases still active , surprisingly a billionaire minister wants them to return to los. Seriously this would be the nail in the coffin for Thailand’s tourism . I would say that 75 percent of thai’s don’t want Winnie wuhan back from China . Once’ bitten twice shy

    Greed's blind, and in this lots case, stupid .........

  9. Said it months ago, the 31st of July is the first chop, then what's left will be chopped up slowly, so all the pratts from last year talking about " Abiding by the law "and "Having sufficient savings", and those that can't jump through the "Hoops" should go home........  Well, suck it up fellahs, they're coming for you shortly..... 

    The Thai people are ok, it's the pack of K*&^S at the top that are full on xenophobic half wits (Anutin and his cronies) who are now kissing the rear end of China in the hope they can lend some more money and sell a bit more country, even Cambodia's doing the same cr#p at the moment, maybe the same boss in charge ? 

    I legged it last year to a country next door, got a job there and will be going back very shortly, sadly i don't think i'll be "Allowed" back into the country that i've lived in for thirty years, also sadly i know that western countries will not be treating Thais the same way...... So glad that i don't own a pot to pi&^ in here, because there's one thing i know about Thailand, you'll be leaving everything you can't pick up and run with......  Enjoy the hoops.........

    • Like 2
  10. Said it months ago, the 31st of July is the first chop, then what's left will be chopped up slowly, so all the pratts from last year talking about " Abiding by the law "and "Having sufficient savings", and those that can't jump through the "Hoops" should go home........  Well, suck it up fellahs, they're coming for you shortly..... 

    The Thai people are ok, it's the pack of K*&^S at the top that are full on xenophobic half wits (Anutin and his cronies) who are now kissing the rear end of China in the hope they can lend some more money and sell a bit more country, even Cambodia's doing the same cr#p at the moment, maybe the same boss in charge ? 

    I legged it last year to a country next door, got a job there and will be going back very shortly, sadly i don't think i'll be "Allowed" back into the country that i've lived in for thirty years, also sadly i know that western countries will not be treating Thais the same way...... So glad that i don't own a pot to pi&^ in here, because there's one thing i know about Thailand, you'll be leaving everything you can't pick up and run with......  Enjoy the hoops......... 

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