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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. Here we go....... There's Soi Cowboy gone....... What's next, Nana, Pat Pong ?  going to be turned into sterile no go areas just like Khao Saan road is now......... These lot really have to go........  That'll complete the total destruction of Sukhumvit.........   That's what they've always wanted.......  Laughable, destroyed businesses that never slept that employed thousands of people making god knows how much money, and all for what ?   A country that's now staring total collapse in the face.........      Well done the boys with the shiny buttons.......   

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

    Someone at MCOT just took a bit out of this report out of context that he thought sounded vaguely positive and published it, under pressure from his bosses to find positive news stories about the great recovery without significant help from government that is too busy transferring taxpayers money to accounts in Singapore.


    Of course tourism can’t recover without tourists but why let the facts get in the way of a good story.

    On the head !   100% about Singapore.......  

  3. 10 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    It is certainly true, that the Chinese would love certain people and set-ups gone for good. 

    But in general, Thailands oligarch elite overdid it for decades without caring whatsoever due to their shortsightedness. The dog got awaken and will not go back to sleep again. Either imminent drastic changes are implemented without further delay or the entire lot is being shipped out anytime soon. 

    It has nothing to do with foreigners; this is an absolute Thai affair, to be dealt and done with by Thais only. Question is, how long will it take for the uprising to gain sufficient momentum; a very dangerous type of fire is being played with by the institutions and present power holders. You cannot seriously have Prawatch and cronies goofing around in the government house, seriously considering the purchase of submarines while the country's economy is dying. People are with their backs at the wall and in corners; dangerous argumentation if those no-haves have absolutely nothing to lose anymore. 

    Be warned, the writing is on the wall, in big capital letters. I - for one - just hope that all this will be sorted out in an amicable and peaceful manner, without bloodshed, army tanks and brute force as in the past ........ 

    Sadly hoping for this to all blow away "amicably" we all know is not going to happen, the piggies are liking the trough and they'll take some moving on......  If they're not gone soon the country will descend into violent turmoil that unfortunately will not be stopped as in the times before by a "Settling" power.   I'm seriously hoping that an outside power might just kick the right backsides out, especially considering what's going on at the moment with China.......  Too much bum licking with China might just do the trick.....

    • Like 2
  4. 4 minutes ago, alexth said:

    Yeah, that have seen 0 seconds of action! Big som nam na to their moms for not buying them that shiny submarine at the market's toy stall! Now they grew up anf want to play with real ones! <deleted>tards!

    Well, one thing you're sure of, with Thailands gleaming war record they'll still be in the grease paper.....  Check under that aircraft carrier rusting in dock........  

  5. 3 minutes ago, 473geo said:

    Hey at least i am supporting efforts to get the tourist flow started however miniscule the introduction. Suppose this works in Phuket, a few thousand long stay tourists arrive, then is trialed in Chiang Mai and is successful there? then Samui? Flights become more regular other options are explored.


    You think I 'despise' the 'party crowd' because I mention the current set up is clearly not appropriate for them? Would love to know how you came to that conclusion?


    Also If you know Thai people, their ways, and traditions, then you will know the majority of the population would take a little suffering rather than place their parents at risk!! You will also know, along with self sufficiency, many are generous to others less fortunate.


    These are exceptional times and we should be tolerant of governments 'flying by the seat of their pants' while trying to accommodate caution.





    I thought Mother Teresa was dead ?..........  

  6. Listen to all the drivvle on here about jumping through more hoops just to stay in Thailand, if more people just told em to shove it where the sun doesn't shine and just tried hanging out somewhere more welcoming for a change, they'd eventually throw the borders open and welcome you back without a visa....... I can remember years ago when you could come in and out of Thailand with basically a wave of your hand....... The more people jumping through the hoops, the more they'll make up, just like any pratt with a bar girl mentality....    Let em starve for a while, do em good.......... and us........ 


    If you want to see what's on the cards for Thailand, just watch this.......


  7. 2 hours ago, essox essox said:

    many months ago.....there was a photo of him on here (and I have said this before) the caption read "i can do what i want to do"


    I remember the last one that said that back in 92, next time i saw him he was crawling on his knees begging for his life in front of the big boss..........  Good job he was wearing dark trousers.......    

    • Haha 1
  8. 10 hours ago, daveAustin said:

    Foreign tourists with half a brain will not even entertain this type of handling... being expected to quarantine for 14 days at their expense and then hemmed in. But the powers that be KNOW this. The appeal of Thailand is/was (ever-decreasing) easy going lifestyle. Jump on a plane, sit on a beach, have fun. None of that in the above, for 14 days at least. To make it more palatable, they could waive the cost of the 14 days, but then who has 6 weeks to spare for a two week break in lala land? As said, the twits know exactly what they are doing and the decimation of status quo tourism was always on the cards. 

    Been on the cards for years, they're just slowly chopping us up piece by piece.......next it'll be the retirees, all those lot who jumped through all the hoops and were crowing on here how good they were doing as they were told......... Good news for you boys..... you're on the way as well.......  Until there's a big change in senior management i'm afraid Thailand's done for........ But i'm seeing the signs........  "The times they are a changin"

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  9. Ha ha....... Who didn't see that one coming ?    These boys are doing a cracking job, let's see if the "Duce"  has the balls to put the crown on, that'll be a laugh........    I'm getting that funny feeling that someone's reading Pol Pots manual again........  Must of had it translated from the original Chinese into Thai, oh sorry i forgot, most of the government khao jai Chinese already......    " Leave the city and go back to the country and grow rice ".......... Oh dear........ who says that history doesn't repeat itself ?   

  10. 9 minutes ago, Visarghhhh said:

    This makes sense as a starting point...  Few will take advantage of this except for those like me who want to return to loved ones and homes there.  They will probably find that the $100,000 insurance is too much coverage and will reduce it as they figure out how much it really costs to treat the worst covid cases.

    They'll do the same as Cambodia just did, drop the requirements once they understand that no one's coming....... Just wait, they'll be begging shortly........ 

  11. Ooooh no, please stop..... out comes the sovereignty card.......... lower than a snakes bum !  


    “[Submarines] are not meant for combat with any country. They are a strategic weapon to protect sovereignty,” he said, adding that, “everybody will be held responsible for the consequences” of failure to procure the “strategic weapon”.


    Someone should of explained this to the German U boat fleet......  

    • Sad 1
  12. The once world renowned tourist magnet of Thailand destroyed by these loons and they're still carrying on with their stupidity....... Have you ever seen a better case for euthanasia ?    Please just put the mama sans of cowboy in charge and the whole job will be just fine.....     Laughable....... Even Thais are ashamed now watching these uniformed fools performing.......   Time for a change !

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