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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 6 minutes ago, Arthur Mullard said:

    I saw that or a similar one on Twitter. Incredibly polished production. Those big companies - though good idea in theory - would need to know they'd be investing in a safe non-corrupt country, with a clean record for foreign businesses, trusted impartial jurisdiction... trusted leaders and other highly honorable persons... Bangkok would be like a new Hong Kong. But that dream is as artificial as the promo.  

    Could you imagine this lot getting their sticky little fingers into Hong Kong back in its day ?    This is why Thailand can never be trusted, it's inbred corruption......  

    • Like 2
  2. 18 hours ago, BernieOnTour said:

    in the end, I assume a different scenario:

    - all small businesses and small hotels gone

    - only international hotel chains and hotels of the “big families” survive

    - the diverse style of Pattaya (and Phuket) is converted to an “All-inclusive paradise”


    ... similar to what happened in the Dominican Republic years ago ...

    That looks like the plan......... " Plandemic "..........

    • Haha 1
  3. 59 minutes ago, Sean60 said:

    The crises is not only in Phuket. It is also in Pattaya and Koh Samui.

    Here is Samui we are suffering from lack of tourist and the island is also disappearing.

    On top of it we have the beloved Bangkok airways with high ticket prices which has put a dead hand on this island for long time.

    Perhaps it is time to change strategy.

    We need large amount of tourists to come to Thailand in order for economy to boost. We also know that there WILL not be a significant number of tourists coming if we have quarantine in place.

    There is no vaccine yet and it will take another year before we can have it available for people once we have a vaccine.

    The strategy must be that we need to live with covid-19.

    Boost the hospital beds. Make sure tourists have sufficient insurance and start allowing people in.

    Perhaps not from USA but Germany and england and some other European countries would be good countries to open the doors to.

    Waiting and doing nothing will not help.

    Vaccine on Samui ? I'd of thought a bullet proof vest would be more useful.......  

  4. 13 minutes ago, P100 said:

    Exactly. And by adding lots of requirements and producing high costs almost nobody will come despite having "reopened". And just wait, more countries are planning to reopen. And then those will catch the tourists who don't go crazy about expensive insurances, lots of documents, multiple expensive tests, etc.


    Just an example GREECE. Open for tourism. If you have to do a covid test, it is free of charge. If you got sick, the covid treatment is free of charge. And Greece is one of the poorest European countries... but they need tourism and are willing to do something for tourists! And General Chan O cha's Thailand? They still didn't get the message. They still believe they are so amazing and wonderful that the entire world will come no matter how expensive and difficult it might be. Just wait stubborn Thailand...Even you will wake up at a point in time. Tourists will not let you ripp them off...they have also suffered under Wuhan covid and they too are having tight budgets!

    Dead right, i'm seriously thinking about going back to the Med, spent some time in Crete years back, beautiful....... and when the euro sods off it'll be cheap again......     Yeah Thailand's lost the plot big time, but who's surprised ?  

    • Like 2
  5. 18 minutes ago, Chivas said:

    The ruling Junta are not going to lose face over this. Thailand is closed for the forseeable and at least until a vaccine is distributed worldwide and proven to be effective.

    You want no restrictions/quarantines than think end of 2022 at the earliest.

    As I said in the finance section yesterday Thailands financial coffers are at record levels with foreign currency and could sit this pandemic out for years and years.


    The tourism industry is being decimated but its of no consequence to the ruling party and they simply wont lose face whatsoever over the potential of Covid being spread throughout the population

    Yeah, but they might lose the battle........  

  6. 13 minutes ago, crobe said:

    Vickers-Armstrong, who made the Spitfire became BAC (which made the Tornado) which became Bae, and the engines were from Rolls-Royce - so one of the few occasions where it is not sold off to foreign ownership

    The original factory at Woolston has long since gone and been replaced with housing, only a small memorial remains


    2020-09-08 13_16_39-Hazel Rd - Google Maps.png

    Vickers bought out Supermarines specifically to get hold of Mitchell the designer........   Sadly the big "C" got him....... 42.......  

  7. 9 minutes ago, dimitriv said:


    Yes. The UK is a poor country compared to most other northern European countries.


    Compare economic figures of the UK with Germany, NL etc and you will see yourself.


    And you can also see it when you leave the center of London. The center looks nice, but once you leave it you see the desperation, the poverty. 


    Fortunately you can dream about a wonderful past when the UK ships ruled the waves and the UK still had some industry ????




    Still controls 40% of the worlds finance..........  From one square mile !....... Still the largest land owner in the world......  Go figure that one....    Strange how all those so called refugees are all heading to Britain as opposed to Europe...... I wonder why ?  Etc,etc,etc,......

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  8. 4 hours ago, zzzzz said:

    what BS:
    I've lived here sine the mid 80's, never had any trouble getting locals prices, making friends with the locals or enjoying my life here


    If you live here, you have no reason to ever use a tuktuk...


    It was different here in the 80's for sure, but even now, its a great place to retire or raise a family

    I was working there last year, bloody expensive to get around......  Getting from the airport was a disaster...... 

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