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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. I learned years ago, never a mini bus, if forced to a coach, usually a train if i can, but even these are not immune to Thainess.......  I remember the train driver who rolled one over near Hua Hin years ago whilst Brahms and List, of course he did the Thai thing and " Fled the scene of the accident "......  Sad for those hard working people killed by these loons, even worse for those that survived...... One day out they'll never forget......  RIP.......

  2. Pure comedy..... I bet Anutin's biting his office chair as we write........ " Them Dirty falangs have done it again"........ !  Next we'll have the announcement that Oxford University were aided by Anutin and his Fascist party mates in one or two of the finer points of the vaccine.........Especially the one in how to force sell it onto the falangs at an unbelievable profit .......   La la la la ....Lie land.....  

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  3. 2 hours ago, Selatan said:

    China's economic model is not 200 years old. It is constantly evolving and changes rather quickly. It could change quickly because of its political system. 

    Many are still having the outdated view that China is overly dependent on exports. But it has successfully reduced its dependence on exports from 36% of GDP in 2006 to 18% in 2019, thanks to its policy of rebalancing of its economy.

    Soon, China would embark on its dual-circulation economic model because of the current poor global economic outlook and US decoupling of trade, and so China's dependence on external demand is expected to fall further. 

    As a boy, I used to think that the Whites were the good guys on this planet, no thanks to all the brainwashing on TV. Red Indians? Bad... Cowboys? Good... Superheroes? All from the US! Then I got to learn the term "genocide". And who did I find were the worse perpetrators of genocide of the last 600 years? Yes, the Whites. In the Americas, in Australia, in Africa, in Asia, and also in Europe.

    Better examine your own education system before you accuse others. You should ask why the Opium Wars were not taught in the UK:



    The British so successfully brainwashed the Hong Kong people until a Hong Kong teacher taught that the reason why the British started the Opium Wars was to stop the Chinese from smoking opium. Unbelievable!!!!




    Find me a colony as successful as Hong Kong was from any other country and i'll show my rear end in Robinsons front window.......  Most countries such as Thailand can't even run their own gaff nevermind a quarter of the worlds surface....... " The sun never sets on the Empire "   Ring any bells ?   It still doesn't today, it's just under a different name.....  

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  4. 16 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Perhaps you should consider the fact that China achieved its current GDP per capita and $13.37 T GDP in nominal terms (second largest in the world) and If measured in PPP, the largest world economy in just 70 years. Just for comparison sake, USA has a history of 243 years to achieve their current economic status. Lets give credit where it is due and not try to diminish their achievement because of personal dislike. 

    I bet you don't live there, or would even like to........  

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  5. Third world tin pot Pi%$ pot outfit........... Churchill was right, we should of kicked the Sh%$ out of the military just to let them know who they are......... Once again thanks to America for cocking that one up.... 

    If this madness continues these loons will have everyone in uniform marching up and down Sukhumvit dragging a Chinese sub on a low bed........  This is what happens when an Army that's never seen a real war takes control, let's hope they upset the right mob........ try the Vietnamese, or even the Cambodians....... I suspect they'd be a massive rise in the Monk hood overnight.........  

  6. Laughable, the whole countries in bits and they're dreaming up garbage like this......  Isn't it time to take grandad back to the home......?  The Chinese must be wringing them greedy little hands and laughing their plums off watching these lot making the latest Carry on film............   I was told when i first took power on an asian job........" Never give the locals grog, and never put them in charge ".............    Now i see why...... 

  7. On 10/4/2020 at 12:27 PM, micmichd said:

    Sure, money rules the world. Still better than war, don't you think so? 


    I was in Koh Samui when it was flooded. And it was the Thai army that came up with helicopters full of care-packages when we had to flee on the roofs. 

    It was the Thai army that threw down blankets for the freezing natives in Chiang Mai. 


    And btw, it was the American and British armies that saved locked-in West Berliners from starvation. It's a shame that these Germans today never say "Thank you" 

    Yeah and the British people chipped in 50 million quid which the government then equaled to give aid for the tsunami relief........... Mmmmmm, i wonder where that went ?    British lads and others saved some kids in a cave.... Thai Army tried to claim credit for it......   Ooops....     Lots of people volunteered to help in the tsunami, some where stopped for not having a work permit..... Figure that one...... 

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