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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. This apparently is the winner...........Don't ask where it came from.......

        200mg, 1Pill twice/day, for 5days
        500mg, 1Pill/day, for 5days
        220mg, 1Pill/day, for 5days
    a)    350 patients 0 deaths, 0 hospitalisations, 0 Intubations.

           Breathing restored 3-4 hours

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  2. 30 minutes ago, petedk said:

    I am sure it will end with a total 24 hour curfew.


    Yes Thais ignore all the rules. I have just been for a short walk with the dog and I honestly believe that only 50% were wearing masks. This is on Thong Lor in bangkok.


    There is a little mom and pop shop further along the soi. A group of 5 or 6 Thais sat together around a little table drinking beers, not wearing masks and having great fun while their kids played football together in a small side street.  "Emergency decree? Covid-19? What are they?"


    The only way to stop this irresponsible behaviour is to have a total lockdown.

    Yeah, bring in the tanks and machine gun all those who are not complying...........  I think a bloke called Suchinda tried that one, didn't go down well for him.....   Grow a pair........ Please...... 

  3. This is going to sound a little bit weird but there's loads of "farangs" here with lots of skills that could be used by the Gov if they so wished and i'm sure many expats would "Volunteer" their services for the good of the country, afterall, some of us have lived here most of our adult lives and as in the past, (The Cave incident) it's shown that there's quite a few skills amongst those " Dirty Farangs " that can be very useful.......  I for one would volunteer my services if required, i'd just need an address to volunteer to..........  Ex Navy, Merchant, Offshore......   can even wash dishes !  

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  4. 19 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Absolutely no evidence of this. The virus sread to Northern italy by a large number of Chinese businessmen travelling to Northern Italy. It's the same virus. it's been particularly devastating in Italy as it has one of the oldest demographics in the World.


    Can't really compare Thailand to Italy. Northern Italy very cold, Thailand hot and humid. Italians probably the most touchy touchy people in the world when they greet each other in the street. Thais make do with a wai from a respectful distance.

    I was sat with a Chinese man last week in Penang and he was explaining that he used to live and work in Italy and the reason that Italy's having such a bad time is because of all the "Mainland Chinese " there who have been trafficked by Triad gangs for cheap labour....... He also said that the Triads were kicking the B-Jesus out of the Mafia......... Sounds feasable to me.........Got it from the China mans mouth ..... 

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  5. 7 hours ago, glennb6 said:

    In nation of 70 million people, 2 have died attributed to WuFlu since January, and the first person who died had existing lung complications.


    700+ infections, or maybe it's 7000 because you don't believe govt stats, or maybe it's 70,000 because you don't believe govt stats and lots of people who have WuFlu aren't or were not sick enough to go to hospital and officially get tested and affirmed. Even if you chooses to believe 70,000 that is 0.001 of the total pop and but 2 people have died.


    But govt, official doctors, leaders, and half the pop is crying the need to further shut down the country effectively applying martial law. Bankruptcies, loss of jobs, loss of incomes, and mass fear will most certainly drive the country into a bad depression and all the misery and deaths that come with it.


    All because 0.001 of the population is wildly "guessed" at having WuFlu, or if you believe the govt, then it's 0.00001 of 70,000,000 people, and 2 people died.


    The government has shot themselves in BOTH feet, and they are cocking the hammer and taking aim at their head. Sad that most people can't wake up.

    And we're still doing sixty a day on the roads from Monday to Thursday and not counting the deaths from Friday over the weekend or what crokes not on the road.......  Hasn't someone twigged on yet how stupidly hysterical this is getting ?.........  Malaria, Dengue, TB, Aids, cancer ????....... This Corona cra& isn't on the first rung of the ladder of nastiness....... And everyone's kacking themselves...... 

  6. 6 hours ago, Christie Paul said:

    Pushing CCP propaganda is fine while the going is easy - but that's about to change. 


    Thailand would do well to be extremely neutral or it could easily become a casualty of two giants slogging it out. 





    Don't worry Thailand will do as it always has when it looks like it's going to get nasty.......... Run away !  then come back and see what it can get for free.......  I really don't think the current leadership want to stick their necks out too far, nobody likes chancers ...........

  7. "He further stressed that health certificates were of no use".   So why are immigration going nuts to tell everyone to get one ?   Could you imagine trying to get 20,000 bht out of Somchai in Nakhon Knowhere ?  Any news on the 80 or so that legged it from Quarantine ?   Oh i forgot, no point chasing Thais because they havn't got a pot to P^%$ in......      

    • Like 2
  8. Read it carefully.....The virus was introduced to a so called "super spreader" after a relative arrived back from Italy. Suddenly 50 people were infected at a boxing event and these have gone on to cause a rocket in cases in Thailand.     Basically guaranteeing it was a Thai that brought it back....... hence no name or nationality....   Dangerous article...... especially when the population's as scared as it is.........

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  9. Not to make of light of the situation, but could you imagine if the "Super Spreader" had been a farang ?   Deportation for the lot of us.......   "He said that a relative of a person in the boxing fraternity who had been to Italy started the spread of the Italian strain of the virus".  Makes you wonder what immigration was doing letting someone in from a very high risk country......... 

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    Yes, and why wouldn´t they be happy for that. Their work payed off, and that will be good for the ones taking care of their visas and staying here as legals. If there is no more left, then they can not tarnish our reputation more in that area. In other words, if you do not promote staying in countries illegally and without a valid visas, then you should also be okey with that.

    Breaking the laws overstaying visas ?....... I wonder how many thousands of illegal Thais there are around the world ?  How many thousand in Korea ?   Thailand better be very careful that countries don't start sending back loads of very upset Thais removed from their very nice lives abroad....... far better than what they can have in Thailand....  Then the government would have a problem on its hands...... 

    • Haha 1
  11. Anutin strikes back at the "Dirty Farangs"...........  Imagine if this nut job ever got to the top ?    What they don't understand is that people only came to Thailand to meet interesting well traveled people who were a laugh to be around, nothing to do with Thais or Thai culture. Now there's very few people here that you can sit down and have a good laugh with...... Crusty old farts and English teachers.......  Truthfully it died when the bht crashed, too expensive, not funny, and now the powers that be are sticking their oar in too much, years ago you never had any of this Thai/ Foreigner meddling........ Now look at the place and tell me it's a pleasure being here ?     Time to drain the swamp........ 

    • Haha 1
  12. Told you once old Anutin got his way he'd have us all out...........


    "Indeed, the charming health minister mentioned in the CNA interview last night that Thailand was reluctant to receive foreign visitors right now. By requiring a form that is impossible for people to obtain they've effectively closed the door"

    I hope people get onto their Embassies and suggest that Thais are treat the same way abroad....... This guy's dangerous, more so than the virus........    Sad really.......

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