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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. I sincerely hope immigration uses its brains on this one as i'm getting the feeling that foreign countries might look down on any nastiness inflicted upon their nationals and will treat Thais abroad in the same manner.......  Lets have a bit of sense boys........ and please don't speak to the Health Minister......... or you'll be having hundreds of thousands of very upset Thais dumped back into Thailand........ Not a good idea....  As Big Oud said, " It's time to treat tourists with decency "................ 

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  2. It's ironic really that Thailand put so much faith in Chinese tourism and that very nationality has destroyed it...... Sadly it looks as though tourism's on the back burner and survival is now at the forefront........   I can't help thinking that Thailand courted this calamity by its callous treatment of other nationalities giving priority to the Chinese......." Be careful what you wish for comes to mind "..............   

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  3. 5 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Self imposed lock down, when my wife gets home, neither of us will be going out for several days.

    She had to go to school this morning sort a few things out.

    On her way home she will get me a few loaves of bread, everything else we have plenty.

    Nobody will get in the gate, good excuse to keep the outlaws away.:cheesy:????

    When they know you've got food they'll be round like Bombay Sh&^% Hawks .........Oooh you velly good man...... 

    • Haha 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

    Prayut must be happy with that big smile on his face , he now knows there won't be any mass protests against him going on for a while . Lucky dumb .... I hope it will hit him as hard and even 10 times harder then it will hit the rest of the country . 

    Just in the nick of time, otherwise i'd of bet the game was on in April.....

  5. 8 minutes ago, Scot123 said:

    You really need to learn History! Some facts: France sided with Hitler and were fighting against Britain in Africa causing British resources to be tied up defeating them. Out of the 150k saved off of the beaches at Dunkirk only 10k joined to fight for their country and on DDay only about 30 French soldiers were involved and let us never ever forget the French Navy were about to hand over their ships to Hitler so needed to be sunk and that Degaul threats to join Hitler if he did not get what he wanted for himself and not for France. Oh and Paten thinking Hitler was a nice guy. The history that is still glossed over to this day. 

    Yeah all true....... The best thing is though, when i'm feeling down i like to watch " Churchills darkest decision" on Youtube....... Having worked for many French companies in the past and suffered under their stupidity it's nice to watch the French Navy get a good shelling, the only one they ever really got, courtesy of the British......... They even scuttled all the remaining ships rather than hand them over to the allies......   Low life........  Mind you, good luck with Macron though, he reminds me of another short Ars%$# little dictator who eventually got his backside kicked inside out.........  Aaagh, gives me the creeps even talking about the slimy Gits......

    • Sad 2
  6. Just crossed the border in the South, all they asked for was the T8 form, questionaire about possible symptoms and recent travels, even immigration was a pleasure to deal with, the immigration officer who was a lady even wished me a good day ! When i'd picked me backside up off the floor in shock i legged it across the border quick before they changed their mind...... Probably one of the nicest dealings with immigration in the last two years, maybe Big Oud's reigning em in......... Well done i say, in sharp contrast to the treatment under the Big BJ........  Wonder if he's got his door fixed yet ?  

  7. I've got a funny feeling that the powers that be might have to have a serious meeting very shortly, someplace like Bermuda or the Bahamas to give them clarity of thought......... I'm wondering how this will all be blamed on them "Dirty Westerners" shortly, probably within a message from the Bahamas....... "Fight on Thailand, the cocktails are great here".......

  8. I'm starting to be more worried about the Health minister and his cronies than the virus......... Next it'll be    " All dirty falangs must leave Thailand and leave all their belongings and money ".......   I wouldn't put it past this lot........  Now you can understand why there's been so much agro with immigration over the last two years with people with the same views as the health minister....... Jump through as many hoops as you want but at the end of the day you'll have to pick up and run........ 100%

    • Haha 2
  9. 15 hours ago, unamazedloso said:

    I dont get it. Why on earth is the corona virus a reason to stop money transfer?

    There is no back up plan in place. Is it because people are packing up, sending money out and leaving? This is a real head scratcher that will disturb some people im sure

    Dead right, and when the old boys try to get out their 800,000 bht,..........Er, sorry, no can do......  Try moving any large amounts of money under normal circumstances, that's nearly impossible, but at the moment they've a cast iron excuse why you won't be getting it back........ The door's shut !  International transactions online....... Forget it....... 

    • Confused 2
    • Sad 2
  10. Krackers !  "A foreign ministry official said visa applicants will need to present medical certificates and insurance as part of the screening at Thai embassies".   Also bring their own NBC suit ......... Don't panic, don't panic........ Can you imagine all the little Hitlers at the borders now ?  "So you can't produce both grandparents then" ?     Giving even more licence to loons.......

    • Confused 1
  11. "offers a driving tip, that drivers should slow down when entering bends".   <deleted> ! i'll give you a tip, go back to buffalos and carts........  Gap gwian dee kwaa........


    Can you imagine if (God forbidding) Thailand gets a high speed railway and Somchai parks his cart on the level crossing whilst contemplating his existence........ It's going to be like something out of Mad Max, and if you make it to the road you'll be mauled by the cars an buses just to make sure......... Death race 2000.........

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  12. When i first came to Thailand there was only mom and pop shops all over the place, no phones, no deodorant, no ATMs and if you wanted to make an overseas call you went to the post office...... Then them pesky farangs turned up with Carrefour and Tescos, skytrains and undergrounds and all kinds of foreign ideas....... Isn't it strange how the locals dumped most of their home grown stuff and took over western businesses.........  7/11, Tescos......... not exactly mom and pop shops....... and not home grown.....  I also heard that Mr CPs Thai lessons are coming on great.....

    • Like 1
  13. Tourism was on its way down a few years back when the BIB started taking control and using the Gestapo as immigration......... The virus has just given the powers that be a scapegoat to cover up all their incompetence, and everyone knows it........     Read carefully......... " You reap, what you sow "         and Karma's just doing her nails and finishing her cocktail, she'll be with you in a minute..............

  14. Here's a beauty for you, i've just been told that to enter Thailand now i have to have a medical certificate from a local hospital in Malaysia at the princely sum of 130 Pounds !  To obtain a tourist visa through an agent, 100 pounds !  that includes the usual greasing of sticky little palms. I have to return to do my offshore medical and further offshore certs. What's happened to the guys with the little temperature guns ?   Typical Thailand, mess the foreigners around as much as you can and do as little as possible.......  <deleted> typical !   Singapore's looking good at the moment, you can wave around 80,000 bht away on this little number.....

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