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Posts posted by SupermarineS6B

  1. 3 hours ago, twocatsmac said:

    The grass roots traders and hoteliers, bar owners etc never wanted rid of us, it was the politicians. They’d never admit to how dumb they’ve been. It’s a shame that the poorest and most hardworking will suffer the greatest hardships now.

    Ha ha, 100% right, but remember it wasn't their fault it was all the viruses fault........ Hot potato !   Couldn't run a bath.....

    • Like 2
  2. 9 minutes ago, Logosone said:


    The French have done a good job and wholly outclassed Germany in wooing the big names from the City. Blackrock doing a headquarters in Paris rather than London is huge. This must have been done via a targeted charm offensive as well.


    I think it has already happened that New York has overtaken London as a financial centre, whereas before London, with the EU passporting rights and influx of international players, actually could have become the world's leading financial hub, that ship has sailed away. It is becoming increasingly clear that the City will be weakened substantially.

    Ha ha......Today....... The City of London controls 40% of the worlds finances as opposed to the US that controls only 25%............A lot of Eu money is in British offshore "Havens".........  Including a lot of the French... Colonisation didn't end it just changed its name......

    Before anyone makes anymore silly statements........ Please educate yourselves......


    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Just saw this little tidbit on the news from Korea that the Thai government has asked South Korea to quarantine Thai workers for 14 days before their return to Thailand.  

    Really, so this is how they were able to flip flip.

    Yeah it's called dodging the bill.........Quarantine probably illegal "workers" at Koreas expense.......... Truly a Thai idea.......  My fault, but you pay......... 5,000 "Illegal" Prostitutes ........ Who's paying for that one then ? 

    Flip flop, me no pay bill........ If they're illegal, kick em all back to Thailand, let them pay, if not illegal then ok, Korea pays.......... Simple as that........  There must be nothing left in the medical system after that old Farang ran off with the crutches !........  

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  4. I'm surprised the penny hasn't dropped on the fact that there's heaps of empty hotels that could be filled up by all these lovely captive customers, and let's just say we charge them the same as airport immigration holding cells, let's say 750 bht a night and two rice meals a day........  Bingo !    Who needs Russians .......I'm surprised those sticky little fingers at the top missed this one....... Tourism down ?  No way Jose, all hotels packed and the bonus is we don't even have to see them......... 

  5. Dog Doo !  Khao san road was on it's way down a couple of years ago when the BIB were painting runways up and down the street, playing brown shirt squads ........ Now the latest joke, "Khao San Road's event - at least in terms of a water fight - could yet go ahead after a business leader suggested the authorities might be powerless to stop it."  So you're telling me that the "Authorities might be powerless".........  Have you ever stood in front of a tank ?     

  6. 3 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

    lol. i love the China Boogyman detail. Its so original.


    seriously, what a biiitch right, a country developing having a great economy year after year having strong currency, being independent and not bowing to arrogant cynical poor white trash that thinks Thailand is their Disneyland and Thai officials are their staff and complain and trash Thailand 24-7 the day they stepped out of the airplane.


    Lol. Another ten years from now, Thailand will be strong like Japan, and Europe will be a place you dont wanna live except if you are a muslim refugee. lol.

    "Thailand will be strong like Japan"  Ha ha, the last time Thailand thought that they would help or join the japanese they ended up having to feed the Malay peninsula and its leaders had to run away quickly before Churchill got hold of them......... I believe they were green uniformed as well........  Good runners though.....very good at hide and seek......

    • Haha 1
  7. 3 hours ago, elgenon said:

    Yes, that is where the hotties went. Can make more money.

    Thailands finest export commodity, bless their little cotton knickers............  Could you imagine if all the countries around the world got miffed with Thailand doing all this farang hunting and then started deporting all the illegal "workers" in the same manic way back to Thailand.........It really would be a case of, "Buy one get one free, or maybe two"........    Something about people who live in glass houses and throwing stones comes to mind.....

    • Haha 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


    I was just wondering what the source of infection has been. Anything else?

    Chinese tourists or Italians travelling in outbreak zones who returned home?

    I was sat with a Chinese man yesterday chatting about Italy and he explained why such an outbreak has occured, he said that he'd lived and worked there for some time and that the Triads were kicking the mafia inside out, then i mentioned the obvious link between Triads and trafficking......... Jack pot !    Simple really........

    • Haha 1
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