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Posts posted by DLock

  1. at night when i wake i sit down to pee, i don't like turning the light on. hope that won't count against me.

    Manly man, adding and addendum to my toilet rules, clause 35 specifically states "In the event that you are in your own premises or that of a close friend or family, and hence in a "unisex" toilet, then you are exempt from standing to pee, even though you have the equipment. You may sit".

    However, I will remind you of Clause 7 - "Not turning on the light to pee in any toilet does not exempt one from peeing on seat or floor or leaving the seat up".

    Just a reminder.

  2. For a small minority of people (talking the trans issue again) it IS a social problem for them and perhaps society which toilet to use. It is not only a reductionist question of genitalia. Outward appearance and how the public will react to them is also a factor. An intact trans male who looks very much the woman yes would usually be better off in the ladies.

    I think it's safe to say not many pervy men, regardless of sexual orientation, would go to the trouble of dressing up like a women in order to satisfy their pervy needs.

    So, I'd agree that men who outwardly appear to be a woman should probably use the women's toilets for their own safety...even though some of them probably have the plumbing equipment to stand up and pee.

    But I believe that any outwardly appearing man, regardless of sexual orientation, if he can stand up and pee, should use the mens toilets.


  3. Based on the limited thinking, most of you have just given "hall passes" to any bloke caught in the girls toilets.

    "But it's ok...I'm gay" will be the cry when he is busted perving through the cracks or putting mirrors under the partition.

    Based on this comment you seem to think gay men are perverts and agree with the OP when he says they should be in prison!

    There is an obvious difference between a man, whatever his sexual preferences or gender issues, using the ladies toilet to urinate or defecate and someone, of either sex, peering by some means at people doing the same.

    Maybe one day you'll be mature enough to see that difference.

    Comprehension is not your strong point....actually neither is logic.

    My point was nothing to with gay men at all.

    It was simply that by allowing so-called "gay men" into women's bathroom will be a convenient excuse for any man, regardless of sexual orientation, caught in a female toilet doing whatever pervy men do.

    In my opinion it's pretty simple - if you can stand up to pee, use the Mens toilets. No "hall passes" for gay men to use Female toilets. A gay man is still a man....and men have no place in female toilets.

    Maybe one day you'll be smart enough to see the difference...

  4. IME (near to Mae-Jo) it depends on what your soil's like. Is it sandy or claggy, and able to retain the water, once you've filled it ? Are there fish-ponds in your vicinity, what level of water do they contain at different seasons, the groundwater-level can vary between zero (or negative when flooding, in the wet-season) to five meters down, in April. Our own ponds dry-out then, without a lot of expensive topping-up, dry ponds don't look wonderful !

    How far are you from a stream or irrigation-klong ? Do you plan to pump water as/when needed, will the pump be a permanent installation (I'd recommend not, for security-reasons, based on our own experience), or do you plan to divert water to flow in from the klong & then back out again, in which case you'll need to ensure that the pipes are laid so that the water doesn't have to flow uphill. Obvious to a farang, but ... rolleyes.gif

    If taking water from a klong, you ought perhaps to discuss your ideas, with your local pa-luang ? Saves on misunderstandings when farmers downstream complain that you're diverting/stealing their much-needed irrigation water, from their second/irrigated crop of rice ! In our village, that's taken-care-of by the local golf-club, which is upstream & has beautiful green grass and foliage year-round ... so the water usually only flows when it's raining anyway ! biggrin.png

    A friend has a pond dug into former rice-fields, with a stream flowing past the edge of his property, his seems to fill without pumping or a liner, but that's near the big river over towards Mae-Rim. Any concrete liner is likely to crack and leak IMO, unless its very well/expensively constructed, so perhaps a good liner might be needed. He did once discuss getting a liner, but I suggested that a fiberglass-dingy ought to be sufficient, I managed to escape a ducking ! laugh.png

    Great advice from Ricardo.

    I dug about a 1rai pond a few years back which I documented in the Farming forum. Fortunately I have a deep well that I can use to keep it full and a klong that runs most of the year. Its now very established, has a great ecosystem and big fish to catch.

    Dig a test hole about 3 meters deep and see where the water table is at this time of year...if at all. And if there is no water table, and your soil is sandy, you only options are concrete (which will be expensive and prone to cracking, and difficult to keep clean) or liner (which will eventually deteriorate and leak). But if you get down a meter or 2 and the hole fills with water, and the soil is clay or mixture, you probably have a good base for a pond.

    Good luck. I highly recommend it.

  5. You will waste a lot of time, energy and money trying to get your stuff back. You will fail.

    Your mentality is still too Western and unrealistic for Thailand, especially rural Thailand.

    TheBlether suggestion is the obvious one, and I'm sure a Lawyer will be happy to relieve you of some more money without being up-front that your chance of getting your stuff back, especially in a reasonable timeframe, is almost nil.

    She sounds like she has the attitude and vindictiveness to fight to the death. You on the other hand, do not. She has the language, the family, the laws and the police on her side. You just need to accept that you cannot win and it's really not worth the fight.

    I wish you luck.

    • Like 1
  6. Based on the limited thinking, most of you have just given "hall passes" to any bloke caught in the girls toilets.

    "But it's ok...I'm gay" will be the cry when he is busted perving through the cracks or putting mirrors under the partition.

    If a bloke is dressed like a bloke (i.e. no dress, hair and boobage), then he should be in the men's.

    If he is clearly confused and has all the female accouterments...then I'd prefer him in the women's.

    Some things are sacred. You gotta draw the line.

    I'm not giving any passes. I agree with you that your GENDER presentation to the world is the most important factor as to which GENDER toilet to use. However, the reality is many transgender people can not PASS as EITHER gender, and our response to that should be COMPASSION to whichever toilet they decide works best for them.

    For clarification, this is nothing to do with me - I don't really care who comes into the male toilets...and this isn't bar's and nightlife toilets.

    I am thinking of women and children at any public toilets.

    If I saw an obvious man going into or coming out of a ladies toilet that my wife or daughter were using, then it would likely him calling security...when he woke up.

    If you do violently assault anyone without just cause (what you described is not just cause) I hope you are prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

    Then stay out of women's toilets and you will be ok...

  7. Based on the limited thinking, most of you have just given "hall passes" to any bloke caught in the girls toilets.

    "But it's ok...I'm gay" will be the cry when he is busted perving through the cracks or putting mirrors under the partition.

    If a bloke is dressed like a bloke (i.e. no dress, hair and boobage), then he should be in the men's.

    If he is clearly confused and has all the female accouterments...then I'd prefer him in the women's.

    Some things are sacred. You gotta draw the line.

    I'm not giving any passes. I agree with you that your GENDER presentation to the world is the most important factor as to which GENDER toilet to use. However, the reality is many transgender people can not PASS as EITHER gender, and our response to that should be COMPASSION to whichever toilet they decide works best for them.

    For clarification, this is nothing to do with me - I don't really care who comes into the male toilets...and this isn't bar's and nightlife toilets.

    I am thinking of women and children at any public toilets.

    If I saw an obvious man going into or coming out of a ladies toilet that my wife or daughter were using, then it would likely him calling security...when he woke up.

  8. Based on the limited thinking, most of you have just given "hall passes" to any bloke caught in the girls toilets.

    "But it's ok...I'm gay" will be the cry when he is busted perving through the cracks or putting mirrors under the partition.

    If a bloke is dressed like a bloke (i.e. no dress, hair and boobage), then he should be in the men's.

    If he is clearly confused and has all the female accouterments...then I'd prefer him in the women's.

    Some things are sacred. You gotta draw the line.

  9. In what company would any employee be able to make such stupid decisions that allowed the company to pay more for a product than they can sell it for, lose so much marketshare that they fell from number 1 to number 3 within 1 year, and still stuffed the warehouse with products with a limited shelf life?

    Then make up "phantom" deals that they can't prove and then say they are going to do exactly the same thing next year?

    To call the PTP clowns would be an insult to clowns everywhere.

    You wont think they are clowns when they hand out 5 million ton of rice to the poor...just before the next election. Thaksin to clever for some farang

    Yes I will still think he's a clown.

    He may give out bags of "past its use by date" rice to get votes, in lieu of envelopes, but the damage to Thailand is clearly evident to anyone with half a brain.

    Wake up.

  10. Thailand 'loses rank of world's top rice exporter'

    I don't understand the fuzz about the title "exporter". It's just one of the many lists in the world and totally not important, except for some people in the Government.

    Thailand is # 6 or #7 on the list of Rice PRODUCING countries and small in comparison to India, China, Indonesia, Myanmar, Bangladesh and others.

    Is this sarcasm or are you being real here?

    Please be sarcasm.

  11. In what company would any employee be able to make such stupid decisions that allowed the company to pay more for a product than they can sell it for, lose so much marketshare that they fell from number 1 to number 3 within 1 year, and still stuffed the warehouse with products with a limited shelf life?

    Then make up "phantom" deals that they can't prove and then say they are going to do exactly the same thing next year?

    To call the PTP clowns would be an insult to clowns everywhere.

  12. It's very easy to see those that studied Economics in school and those that did not.

    Thailand is in the middle of South East Asia - believing that this wage increase will somehow benefit Thailand in the context of competing economies is simply naive and short sighted. The surrounding countries are high-fiving each other right now over the economic gift handed to them on a plate.

    The Government has shown their economic prowess with the rice pledging scheme, and managed to relegate Thailand from the number 1 supplier to number 3 in one year, despite warnings from analysts and banks....and they plan to continue the folly. And reducing tax was an awesome move. Borrowing more than they need. Brilliant.

    So, keep cheering the 300baht wage increase as progress for Thailand's masses. Ignorance is bliss.

    • Like 1
  13. This thread makes me squirm with every post.

    She is likely not in jail and never has been - the legal process over illegal software would be far more complex that a village policeman could figure out. Never happened.

    Her Brother is not her Brother...but they both have the last name. You understand what this means right?

    She is a serial liar and her family is part of the con.

    You are not the only person she is scamming.

    If you have no reason to be in Belgium, jump on a plane and figure this all out. For your own sanity....and mine.

    NO dont do it OP, and DLOCK, you will only both loose more of your sanity. Take it from me, as i have very little sanity left after just 1 years relationship and mine could not even lie that good wink.png

    I know you are right TingTong.

    But I just hate to see good people scammed and conned out of their hard earned money.

    But it's likely the smoke screen, lies, communication problems, actors and props will be used to good effect to fool him even further if he comes over. He wants to believe...so he believes.

    ...and to those believing it just may be plausible...please don't give the OP hope. You are unwitting members of the scam.

    Chances are, we will never know.

  14. I hate to say this as a generality, but It's been my experience that poor parenting at an early age is responsible for most of the problems that children have changing into responsible adults.

    I would not be so harsh.

    Many parents themselves are the product of poor education, limited opportunities and varying motivations.

    Some kids don't break out of that cycle for many reasons. Why do more than what is absolutely necessary?

    But some kids do, despite financial barriers, peer pressure, limited education and opportunities.

    I admire those that don't take the easy way out.

  15. This thread makes me squirm with every post.

    She is likely not in jail and never has been - the legal process over illegal software would be far more complex that a village policeman could figure out. Never happened.

    Her Brother is not her Brother...but they both have the last name. You understand what this means right?

    She is a serial liar and her family is part of the con.

    You are not the only person she is scamming.

    If you have no reason to be in Belgium, jump on a plane and figure this all out. For your own sanity....and mine.

  16. Interesting thread, and I feel for you guys. It really is a no-win situation.

    My wife's nephew stayed with us for a while as she wanted him to go to a better school away from Sukhothai.

    It was not a good experience and the kid just was not motivated. No matter what we did, what extra schooling we provided, he just did not want to apply himself. He just wanted to go back to the farm and catch frogs and rats and work on the farm. I was pretty glad to see the back of him to be honest.

    It is discouraging to see opportunities wasted, especially when you can see where his life will end up. Meanwhile, some kid who is desperate to stay in school and become something does not have the money or opportunity. I find this situation very sad.

    Tough situation and the stress it must put on the relationship must be intense.

    Good Luck fellas. I'd be seriously looking at the military or a construction job in Saudi.

    • Like 1
  17. The PTP fear Abhisit. They will do all they can to destroy him.

    Even if the allegations are true (which I doubt), what harm did he do to the country? What benefit did he provide?

    Meanwhile a coward, mass murderer, convicted felon, on the run, was granted back his Diplomatic Passport.

    ...yeah, this seems fair.

    • Like 1
  18. I also think the bars at the moat end of the street would benefit from being bulldozed and started over.

    The bar areas are not attractive. They are sad, grubby little holes with girls who do not make the grade in Pattaya or Bangkok.

    Personally, I don't know how anyone could spend any time in them or call them fun.

    Turning the whole road into a walking street from 7pm each night and sprucing up the whole area with something Chiang Mai can be proud of would benefit the city tremendously.

  19. My only comment is that I am unable to deal with women acting like kids. It can be funny as a one-off, but as an regular occurrence would drive me nuts. Maybe I have no patience to help someone grow up.

    Whatever happens, good luck.

    hmm...how long does it take them to grow up then?

    My ex, 33 years, like a spoilt brat but for certain does throw a very scary tantrum when she dont get her own way. After live with her and got away i decide i will NEVER put myself through this again

    Sadly, have not met another since then who do not act in this very same way and loose all hope to even find someone sane sad.png

    To the OP, you are old enough now, trust me this situation you consider will make you to age very quickly!!

    I lived with girls when i was in 40's and is bad enough, i could not put up with their BS at and old agerolleyes.gif

    I do understand what you are saying, and I do appreciate your recommendations. In order to mitigate the potential stress that a young woman could bring to bear on an old man like me, I laid out some ground rules for her, in writing, and discussed them with her, several weeks ago. I told her the type of woman I seek and if she is not the one for me, or does not want to adhere to the list, she should look for someone else because I will be looking for someone else.

    Here are my thoughts about what I would like to see in my one good woman:

    1. Honest, open, trustworthy and truthful;

    2. Pleasant, warm, charming and kind personalty; clean, neat, attractive, slim, presentable appearance;

    3. Respectful, polite, appreciative, supportive and courteous to me;

    4. Loving, affection, and devoted to me;

    5. Sexually intimate, seductive, keeps me happy in bed;

    6. Reliable, responsible and loyal;

    7. Tolerant, understanding, forgiving of mistakes and broad minded;

    8. Flexible, allowing me to pursue activities and interests with others and without her;

    9. She is not a person who nags, irritates, annoys, demands, is difficult nor gets angry easily;

    10. Communicates, shares her ideas and thoughts, listens to me;

    11. Has a healthy lifestyle. Does not do illegal activities, gamble and does not associate with people who engage in illegal activities.

    Why don't you ask Headgame to draft up a legal contract based on this?

    Seriously, what could you possibly talk about in pidgin English to someone that could almost be your Granddaughter?

    You seem well meaning, and given your OP and "dating" Coconut Bar girls, sex seems pretty high on your list. Nothing wrong with that, but don't get all tangled up in emotion to justify your bent. Call it as it is - you want a regular girl in return for taking care of her.

    Give her a stipend. Let her find her own apartment. Call her when you want to see her. You are 58. You don't need the stress that this kid will bring you.

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