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Posts posted by DLock

  1. Snakeaway is down. Keeping my fingers crossed. Also taking out hedges that run under our bamboo along our front wall.

    Still looking for a friendly mongoose!

    ...but what if the snake is already inside the perimeter and can't cross the Snakeaway to get out?

  2. This post is worthless.

    You sound like my wife.

    I've always admired people that can admit their mistakes. smile.png

    I've always admired posters that can modify other people's posts to make some nonsensical connection.

    Carry on.

    Modify? No, these were your own words. smile.png

    I didn't say words.

    I said post.

    Comprehension was never your strong point.

  3. This post is worthless.

    You sound like my wife.

    I've always admired people that can admit their mistakes. smile.png

    I've always admired posters that can modify other people's posts to make some nonsensical connection.

    Carry on.

    • Like 1
  4. I was at the concert.

    It started at 8pm and went till just after midnight - 4 hours, culminating in about 10 fireworks. It was at Carabaos's house in Baan Fon, not far from where I live. It was outdoors, so lucky the weather was good.

    I like Carabao and know some of his music, but to be honest 4 hours was a bit much.

    The tickets I had were 2,000baht each and we were about half way back.

    It was very well organized and orderly. One of Thai Princesses was there, so there must have been 200-300 police visible and I'm sure more hidden around her.

    There was no alcohol and everyone sat on their chairs most of the time. Towards the end, those that had smuggled Lao Kao in started to get their groove on.

    No fights to report. Not like the concert I went to in Nakhon Sawan a few years back. That was a smackfest. It was awesome.

  5. This post is worthless.

    Why put up scaremongering posts?

    Why not wait until it's verified and you can tell us something useful?

    At least change the title of the post so that is meaningful.

    You sound like my wife.

    Sounds like somebody had a good a time at the party last night......and judging from the time of the last post , maybe too good.



    My post is at 3pm in the afternoon.

    What party?

    I was at the Carbao concert last night.

    What you talkin' about Willis?

  6. I gave up looking for decent quality collars that were well made and would last. Most of the stuff is cheap Chinese made junk.

    The last thing I need is a collar that breaks or the D-ring is not welded shut.

    I ordered from the States from a lady named Heather and her website is http://restowe.com.

    All her collars and leashes are made by hand, with proper buckles, d-rings and even magnets in the end of the floppy bit to keep it neat. Plenty of sizes and choice of patterns. Fast delivery and really well packaged.

  7. about 250 and he pays the tolls

    Never Never Ever agree to let the taxi driver pay the tolls! Always say you will pay the tolls.

    I got caught by that once when I was a newbie.. Wondering why it took 5 hours to get from downtown Bangkok to Pattaya when my mate that was waiting for me said it would take 2 hours.

    It was simple.. we used no toll roads!

    Never pay tolls, never tell driver that before you start. Just jump into meter cab and say where you want to go. Some never bother to ask for tolls, if they do, just smile and say no and point to the meter. Please note -- the smile is MOST important....

    This never happened.

    The only thing that probably saved you from a spanner to the back of the head is that your tip covered the toll fees.

  8. There are a few websites listing shophouses for sale.

    http://www.shophousesbangkok.com for example.

    But it's usually when I am driving and see a phone number on an interesting looking shophouse that gets me interested.

    I am only starting to look more seriously in the area that I currently live and work (Bang Rak). There seem to be quite a few for sale. Some are surprisingly expensive for what they are. If I find the right one, I will "buy" it.

    Places like Singapore embraced shophouses as residential or trendy offices years ago. I'm just surprised Bangkok has not seen a developer buy up a row of older shophouses and convert to trendy townhouses...

  9. The first thing to consider is that you are unable to own it.



    Still interested?

    Really? I was not aware of this at all.

    No one has ever raised this on Thai Visa.

    The fact that foreigners are not allowed to own land in their own name in Thailand has been mentioned and discussed very many times.

    If you are married to a Thai lady you can get around this but it is more problematic if you are a single guy.

    But you could still achieve what you want if you can find a shophouse owner willing to negotiate terms for a long lease over the property

    With respect, I was being sarcastic.

    I have several companies that own several properties, some mine, some investments.

    Some properties are long term lease, others are owned by my companies.

    Just to avoid confusion, my companies are set up as 51% Thai owned, with me as Director and preferential shares and controlling voting rights. I also have signed, blank share transfers for the Thai shareholders as backup. The Thai shareholders all have loan agreements for their share value. They are not nominees.

    Can we just assume that we all understand the Thai laws and various methods for property "ownership"?

    • Like 2
  10. I have a 2-bedroom condo in BKK and considering a 3 bedroom condo, but the jump from 2 bedroom to 3 bedroom is considerable.

    Instead, I have been considering buying an old shophouse close to my office, gutting it and converting it to a fresh residential property over multiple levels.

    Has anyone done it, or considered it and given up?

    I'd be interested in how easy it was and the challenges they faced.

    • Like 1
  11. Recently I had Cotto redesign my bathrooms and it was an expensive renovation. Their installation team requested 100% of the job upfront. I said that I would not pay 100% up front and they said it was policy and would not negotiate, so I cancelled the job.

    The same week, I replaced my entire water system from well pumps, pressure pumps, filters and hot water heaters - he asked for zero money upfront, paid for all the equipment, installed it and only when I was satisfied gave me an itemized bill that I paid immediately.

    I was really surprised at Cotto's audacity and this little plumbers trust.

  12. My point in replies to this topic is that all the prima donnas out there are quick to bag the BG or anyone they believe do not measure up to their own so called moral standard and then have hubby post their misdirected and discriminate unfounded views on TV.

    Re: Vietnam War, other than just Americans posted in Thailand there were other farang nationalities here and Bangkok was the R&R capital during the era, attracting hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of serviceman for 7 days at a time. My point was that many of the Mothers and Grandmothers of today's so called educated ladies (whom you all wish us to believe were vestal virgins when you married them) were more than likely associated in some way with earnings from the sex industry during the Vietnam conflict. We are not talking about a niche market we are talking about a massive change in the Thai's income and the countries overall prosperity. The majority of the wealth was accumulated in Bangkok by Bangkok families.

    Why even bother to reply to my post if you cannot be bothered to read it in its entirety.

    I married a nurse in 1971 (deceased) and am now married to an ex bar girl. The difference between the two - Jack Shit Gentlemen.

    So, you married a 5%er.


    I understand you point of view.

  13. I understand the dual pricing complaints. They are valid.

    But this stadium is more than a tourist attraction. It is what Madison Square Garden is to boxing. I have been there dozens of times.

    Admittedly the place could do with some maintenance and cleaning, but it's sad to knock down such an iconic stadium. It has seen some epic fights and champions. Pity the army doesn't spend a fraction of the cost of a new building on fixing up Lumpini.

    Interestingly women cannot fight at Lumpini and it is one of the few places in Thailand where gambling is legal.

  14. Am I to understand that every member who posted with shock and horror at blokes hooking up with BG's married virgin nuns. Come on you lot, be it they worked in a bar, did tricks to pay for their Uni degree or belonged to the hosties mile high club what bloody difference does it make. If it is only the BG's that are the bad girls, their is a lot of female public servants, politicians and the like with skeletons in the closet. Maybe all the ex bar girls should have their foreheads tattooed so the high moralized element amongst us can truly recognise them instead of making unjustified presumptions based on looks, body art or clothing. I have heard it a million times over the past 40 years - my wife was the cook or the cashier or worked hard to put herself through Uni. Never the brush, just the broom handle. I don't know what makes me pewk more, your self bloody righteous or your bullshit. Get over it and get on with living.

    Given that bargirls are maybe 5% of the Thai female population (source : my guess), then there is 95% of the female Thai population that are not bargirls.

    Why do you talk about guys marrying the "cook" or the "cashier" instead of the whore?

    You do realize that there is more to Thailand female population than just bar workers, right?

  15. "... until they are forced to either stop what they are doing, or to relocate, which is the more likely option." Nope. I bet that they eventually take the Chiangmai option. There also used to be police sweeps along Loikroh Rd. No more of that. The trannies got organized and off the street and took over half the frigging bars on the strip! The're really gobbling up all the business now.



    Which bars are you talking about in Chiang Mai?

    What strip?

    I only know of one pretty sad kathoey bar in the boxing stadium bars.

  16. TC, while I can understand your point, in Europe, people would not dream of suggesting a VW over a BMW. Two different categories of cars, as far as prestige is concerned (and I guess in these price ranges, that is all that really matters for the buyers).

    You have to understand that the buyer is paying for the brand (the badge), or the "face", and does not care much if it is cramped, bad quality etc. All that counts is the name and the knowledge that there is a lot of money behind. Otherwise, who would buy a porsche 911 or a Ferrari?

    Hence, even if VW does excellent reliable and comfortable cars, it is not the main criterion for buyers at this level of revenues.thumbsup.gif

    I get that. But then, let the beemer devalue and THEN get one.

    For example, what's wrong with a previously loved 2010 520d for 2.5 million? Cheaper than a 3 series, AND you get more car


    Nothing's wrong with you and me (or maybe just the high mileage, and lack of knowledge of the history of the car). For some others, new car with red plates, means additional prestige in Thai society. That's all. Their call on that one, even if you and I may find it a bad allocation of resources (esp. if bought on finance!).

    Well, before plopping down 2.5 million on a pre-loved Beemer I would find everything about it. There's a place in Bangkok that does that and gives you a complete diagnosis of the car. They don't repair cars, they just have set fees and inspect everything.

    thaicruze, I wanted to have a car fully checked by one of those companies, but you have to take the car to them.

    The dealer (2nd hand BMW) wouldn't allow me, and refused to do it himself.

    How do most people use services like this?

  17. But you didn't answer any of the questions.

    I'm not judging your girlfriend, more questioning why someone from a decent family would get such a cheap tattoo in such an obvious location, and why she dresses the way she does. What does her family think about it? What do you really think about it? Would you prefer she didn't have it?

    My wife is from a decent family and there is absolutely no way she would ever get a tattoo, or her family would allow it.

    And to be honest, she does pre-judge girls with tattoos.

    Uhhh...maybe she wanted to get the tattoo. Maybe she dresses the way she does because she wants to.

    Hahaha how could a family "not allow it'? Come on...

    It's like banging your head against a brick wall with some of you people. There are some people here that think nothing has changed in Thailand in 100 years.

    "...you people"?

    Are you saying that because I am African American?

    Perhaps nothing has changed in 100 years in some peoples minds.

  18. TheBlether, why did she get the tattoo on her leg?

    And I am unclear why she would dress like that, be seen with an older faring and let everyone make the obvious assumption.

    It's not classy or "modern" in the least.

    It just seems like a poorly inked, nothing tattoo done to be part of the cool kids.

    I'm surprised you posted this to be honest.

    Teenage rebellion.......her father died tragically and she went mad for a while. Others have told me the story and she regrets to this day putting her mother through turmoil.

    I agree it's needing redone, it's up to her to decide what to do about it.

    As for the earlier question about the shorts, that's daywear, you'll see her wearing a dress most nights. Now surely we're not going down another road that young Thai women that wear shorts are tramps are we????

    Thanks for the reasoned response.

    I still don't really understand showing it off the way she is, as it isn't really a nice or "hip" tattoo, but I can't judge her for having it.

    Perhaps you can offer to have it lasered?

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