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Posts posted by DLock

  1. Chalk and Cheese.

    In the UK and USA you have to be certified to be a real estate professional. There are standards, consumer protection and associations. There is "real" Escrow and mortgages and the legalities of ownership is clear and defined and the Land Office can be trusted. And Real Estate agencies do advertising, brochures, photo shoots, listings, auctions...etc etc.

    In Thailand any chump can make a website, rent a shophouse, hire a pretty, print a business card on his laser printer and suddenly he's a Realtor.

    Try asking about laws, leasing, company structures, title searches, zoning, regulations, transfer fees, taxes, access laws, setbacks, etc etc...

    The road to property ownership in Thailand is already lined with landmines and you want a blind man to lead you through it...and pay them 5% for the priveledge?


  2. A name change and new passport is doubtful. If you really want to come back, then hire a good legal firm that has previous experience (and success) in this type of case, and be prepared to wait and spend considerable fees. Otherwise, pack and ship what you want and donate the rest to your girlfriend and wish her well.

    Clearly the Judge was in a bad mood that day, or wanted to make an example of you, or your choice is Lawyer was not good.

    The fine indicates you were done for possession only.

    The biggest factor was likely your choice of Lawyer. A decent Lawyer and you would have walked with a fine.

    Given you have asked for advice, why not return the favor and give some insight into how you were caught, where, process, your lawyer and the day in court.

    Not true, the judge has nothing to do with blacklisting, immigration does which is where he was sent after court

    If your visa is still valid at that point u have a chance of remaining in the country, if not, bye bye

    Sent from my GT-S5660 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Fair point, although the courts and immigration are closely aligned.

    But immigration did have the option of deporting, in which case he could have returned immediately.

    Or Blacklisting. They chose the later, despite such an insignificant fine, which is unusual.

    There is probably a little more to this case that the OP has divulged.

    • Like 1
  3. A name change and new passport is doubtful. If you really want to come back, then hire a good legal firm that has previous experience (and success) in this type of case, and be prepared to wait and spend considerable fees. Otherwise, pack and ship what you want and donate the rest to your girlfriend and wish her well.

    Clearly the Judge was in a bad mood that day, or wanted to make an example of you, or your choice is Lawyer was not good.

    The fine indicates you were done for possession only.

    The biggest factor was likely your choice of Lawyer. A decent Lawyer and you would have walked with a fine.

    Given you have asked for advice, why not return the favor and give some insight into how you were caught, where, process, your lawyer and the day in court.

  4. Which "legal high" products do you refer to?

    Bath Salts are available in Thailand and whilst they are labelled "Not for human consumption" and are legal, you may wake up naked, behind a dumpster eating the face of some poor, homeless man.

    Stick to beer and tequila kid. That way you will probably make your return flight.

  5. I think it quite important to point out that 98% of the general Thai population would probably not be able to spend frivolously even on a decent knock-off.

    Your average Thai will not make enough money in their whole lifetime to be able to buy one collector's Breitling, Tag, Rolex, whatever.

    So when you say "Thai(s) and their watches". You're talking about a percentile of Thais so small and insignificant that it's not in any way a reflection of how the Thai population actually regard watches.

    "Rich Asians and their watches" would have been infinitely more accurate in this case.

    If its so small and insignificant then why do I see (different) Ferrarris, Lamborghinis, Porches, Bentleys, and countless, countless Benz's every, every day? Truth is, there are many, many rich Thais. And also beyond the hiso.

    How do you explain public servants on 30k a year driving Benz's? Army general's kids in brand new Fortuners? etc.etc.

    Personally it disgusts me, people who need to show off their wealth that way don't deserve it.

    So I don't deserve my Porsche because I drive it?

    Why do you feel that way?

  6. I'd say that most of my 'toys' are for me to look at and play with and if you're looking and think face issues are involved, you probably need to work out some personal issues for yourself.


    I'm with Heng and JurgenG.

    I own more than a few nice watches. These were purchased just because I wanted them. I enjoy wearing them and they look good. They are for me.

    If you are happy with a $20 watch, why question why someone is happy with a $5000 watch?

    Let it go.

    • Like 1
  7. http://www1.oncb.go....2522 p10-40.pdf

    (47)Section 73 Any person who, in violation of Section 26, produces, imports, exports, disposes of or possesses for disposal narcotics of category IV shall be liable to imprisonment for a term of one to ten years and to a fine of twenty thousand to two hundred thousand baht.

    ...and that's the challenge.

    The spread of years and fines is so large.

    A good lawyer will do his best to make the number as low as possible working the system in the background.

    A bad lawyer will turn up at court and plead guilty and let the kid take his chances without having done the background work.

    A good lawyer costs more...but depends how you value your freedom.

    If the lawyer has not done all he can to influence the Judge, the Judge will be forced to make a snap decision based on history, employment, appearance, attitude, remorse and if he is having a good day or not. That's not a chance you ever want to take.

  8. How many pills did he get caught with - exact number?

    "Personal use" for Yaba is considered 15 pills or less (I am actually 100% sure on yaba, but this is the number for ecstasy)

    Anything more that 15 is considered "distribution with intent to sell".

    The difference in prison terms between the 2 is night and day.

    If you want accurate advice you need to give accurate information.

    His life is in the hands of his lawyer right now. The fact that the lawyer is recommending pleading guilty and you are looking for advice on jail swaps indicates that the kid got busted fair and square and the lawyer believes that the kid will do time - so pleading guilty to halve it is probably valid.

    Good Luck to the kid. Not much you can do at this stage except hope the Judge is in a good mood.

  9. Why don't you read the blog i posted a link to on page 2 of this thread instead of posting cliched hyperbolic comments straight out of the ludicrously sensationalist - and out of date - Prison Porn book The Damage Done? You can read about Bang Kwang from a Brit who's actually been living there for 7 years and has now been moved to the UK. You can also read about the things he preferred about Bang Kwang to his new home in the UK prison system.

    Because that's what people do -- mention Thai prison and they start describing stuff out of Midnight Express and/or The Damage Done mixed with the worst of western prisons. I'm glad someone is refuting those canards (I got tired of it years ago on another forum).

    There are many aspects of life in a Thai prison that would be better than most prisons in the US.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

    Without wanting to go off topic, the thing about both those books is the racist subtext. Alan Parker is now on record as saying he regrets making the film of Midnight Express for just that reason.

    Thank you Siskel and Ebert.

  10. The people who run and control prisons have an almighty job and responsibility to deal with. All those men trapped and cofined together 24 hours a day for years.

    There will be so much testosterone and anger and fear and many more emotions to deal with.

    They walk a thin line and must keep control.

    Sure they have guns and discipline but they cant go shooting all the inmates who break the rules.... Can they? Of course they cant because the world wouldnt stand for it.

    So they will need to ensure the prison runs smoothly by other means including giving a "Feel good factor" to the inmates. They dont want a war or a rebellion or an uprising. They must avoid this.

    So they use rewards and recreational activities and so on to keep the inmates focused on a positive direction.

    I dont know but I am sure there will be Muay Thai competitions for the inmates to focus on and use up anger aggression and energy. A man needs a focus and a release. All forms of life need this.

    So I imagine this Aldhouse guy will become quite popular if hes good at it ... and if he tries to do in there what he has done in Phuket he will be erradicated and put down.

    My feeling is that once he is over the initial shock of being sent to Thai prison and he begins to settle into the pecking order he will become involved with their system and fit in pretty well with the flow of things.

    You are clearly fairly new to the idea of Thai prisons I think.

    Visit Youtube or pick up one of the many accounts of life inside Bang Kwang (Big Tiger) and then you may understand the reality of the Thai prison system.

    Ok I will. Always did enjoy the "Locked up abroad" episodes.

    Yes I am new to the Thai prison system (phew!) but I will educate myself at some point .... but right now it is pissing down with rain here where I am so I am off to hang out in a beer bar with the young ladies and tourists rather than rot in hell lol ...... Cheers.

    Good luck Aldhouse old boy rofl. I mean we all have times when you feel like killing a man but YOU DONT ACTUALLY DO IT!! duh

    Enjoy your afternoon.

    Bang Kwang is not a place you would ever want to be locked up in. It is known as "Big Tiger" because it eats men alive.

    I agree with Terrythai, the men in there will show Aldhouse zero respect. If he shows any attitude he will be put firmly in his place.

    But take the time to read about the Thai prison system. It really is as bad as they say.

    • Like 1
  11. 100 baht a minute..lol Once again in Phuket greed will ultimately lead to failure. They will never learn..lol

    First of all the 100 Baht per minute is a rumour. Could be true, could not be true.

    But always interesting to see that somebody without having any idea about the expenses and projected income is making a judgment.

    Stevenl how would you know what I do or don’t know about that project or any other project as a matter of fact.

    I admire your use of irony.

  12. The people who run and control prisons have an almighty job and responsibility to deal with. All those men trapped and cofined together 24 hours a day for years.

    There will be so much testosterone and anger and fear and many more emotions to deal with.

    They walk a thin line and must keep control.

    Sure they have guns and discipline but they cant go shooting all the inmates who break the rules.... Can they? Of course they cant because the world wouldnt stand for it.

    So they will need to ensure the prison runs smoothly by other means including giving a "Feel good factor" to the inmates. They dont want a war or a rebellion or an uprising. They must avoid this.

    So they use rewards and recreational activities and so on to keep the inmates focused on a positive direction.

    I dont know but I am sure there will be Muay Thai competitions for the inmates to focus on and use up anger aggression and energy. A man needs a focus and a release. All forms of life need this.

    So I imagine this Aldhouse guy will become quite popular if hes good at it ... and if he tries to do in there what he has done in Phuket he will be erradicated and put down.

    My feeling is that once he is over the initial shock of being sent to Thai prison and he begins to settle into the pecking order he will become involved with their system and fit in pretty well with the flow of things.

    You are clearly fairly new to the idea of Thai prisons I think.

    Visit Youtube or pick up one of the many accounts of life inside Bang Kwang (Big Tiger) and then you may understand the reality of the Thai prison system.

    • Like 1
  13. I think Syndictive may be a few years late.

    Paris Hilton peaked in about 2005 just after her infamous sex tape in 2004.

    Today she is irrelevant...which means she cost only $25,000 instead of a real celebrity at $1million.

    They would be lucky to get 5,000 people to attend a non-entity hosted party.

    I cant find tickets anywhere online, so can't see what they cost, but this has fail written all over it.

    My bet is that it gets cancelled at the last minute due to Paris being conveniently sick or missing a flight.

  14. Welcome back Lee.

    Hope you brought your soap-on-a-rope, not something you want to be dropping anymore. rolleyes.gif

    So inappropriate.

    It is not the right of anyone in gaol to mete out punishment. This is the right of the courts only. In any country. Gaol should simply be a deprivation of liberty. To allow systematic abuse simply lets loose a very damaged person onto the community at large once they are released.

    Yes you are right - I guess. But the types of gaols you mention here will only be found in the perfect world or in paradise - unfortunately.

    Anyway, I don't think that Lee Aldridge will be allowing any such behaviour to happen to him that Soupdragon is fantasizing about.

    Any guy who attempts to commit acts of indecency upon him would have to be one hell of a crazy person. I don't think aldridge will be getting messed with too much.

    Who is Mr. Aldridge?

    ...Mr Aldhouse should he be found guilty will be warmly welcomed into Bang Kwang ye olde gaol, where I have no doubt that Karma will take care of him.

  15. Bangkok Flowhouse is 550 - 650 baht per hour (shared use) which includes boards.

    Phuket will definitely be more expensive, but it will not be 100baht per minute/per person....but that may be the real cost per minute to run the device.

    I really hope these guys do well.

  16. Red shirt elite stealing funds from the poor rice farmers?

    How are the red shirt elites stealing from the "poor rice farmers"?

    The rice farmers are getting paid more than their rice crop is worth as part of the election promises.

    The Thai Government is now stuck with rice it paid too much for and will ultimately have to sell at a loss which will be supplemented by tax....yours and my tax.

    So, it's not the poor farmers. They all drunk on Lao Kao right now at the bumper season.

    But soon the farmers will wake up with a massive hangover when they realize the Thai Government has destroyed an industry that was built up over many years. When the Government stops this stupid program and the market is no longer there for Thai rice...then watch the game will change.

    • Like 2
  17. What a sad situation. I feel for you.

    Supplying a heroin addict with heroin makes you complicit in her problem. You are effectively her dealer.

    You can't win here. She will poison everyone in the village against you that you are the bad guy. That is not healthy in a place where the odds are stacked against you.

    Time to go home to see you sick Father I think. Change your phone number, get you sanity back.

    Good luck. You have a desperate situation and some tough, but obvious decisions to make.

  18. Ridiculous. This does not sound like a protest. Sounds like they have a higher agenda. More immaturity from Thailand. Unfortunately, police are probably warranted in use of force from the sound of things and probably will have to use a lot more force to keep mob mentality in check.

    This situation us even more irrational and immature than Israel Gaza. If they don't like Yingluck, they need to wait until next election and not storm the streets.

    I like your use of irony.

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