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Classic Ray

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Everything posted by Classic Ray

  1. Probably illegal tree cutting, evidenced by the logs, led to the destruction of the natural barrier, allowing rainfall to erode the cliff tops. As has happened everywhere in the Phillipines, the subsequent landslides destroying agricultural land and making them a net rice importer rather than exporter.
  2. Whilst 21 deaths on the fifth day is appalling, it is not “scores” as in the headline, it is just over a score (20).
  3. Would like to know how many Bikie gangsters, romance scammers, call centre/gambling operators, dodgy real estate developers and foreign fugitives and long overstayers have actually been arrested and deported in the last five years? Seems that most of them are living under protection having paid the requisite fees. The ones not bunging it up the chain are the ones being moved to inactive posts whilst their protectees, low in status, are the ones being deported.
  4. Time to update the system with electronic recording of ticket purchases like they have in Western lotteries. They can even check for winners and notify them automatically.
  5. Why not publish a telephone number for people to report the suspicious activity? They have an address and website but no telephone hotline?
  6. This is a matter of semantics. For example, the Pink and Yellow Lines are operated by NBM and EBM (subsidiaries of a BTS led consortium) under a 30 year concession agreement from the owners of the infrastructure, MRTA.
  7. Without wishing to prejudice the outcome, my understanding is that trading in the shares had been suspended years ago, so Pita was unable to dispose of them. To disqualify him on the grounds he had shares in this company seems against natural justice and to be entirely politically motivated. I look forward to the court making the right decision.
  8. I think it’s likely the agent lost her contact at the IO, maybe over a payment dispute, and had not yet cultivated a new one. of course there may be a perfectly innocent explanation, but we will never hear it.
  9. Sad world when cardboard travels thousands of miles to be recycled. Almost as bad as food miles.
  10. If the border needs to be enforced, then build a fence or wall on the Thai side. I suspect the value of the trade precludes this move.
  11. Seems that these vocational schools harbour a gang culture similar to the Bloods and the Crips in the US. Are the police and educational authorities doing anything to prevent these incidents happening rather than just clearing up the mess afterwards?
  12. Why were the fees set at 50% higher for foreigners? Do they need extra supervision and equipment? I, for one, will not be visiting, as I am not confident that sufficient safety measures will be implemented to mitigate the risks, having seen what passes for H and S in Thailand.
  13. Justice delayed is justice denied. Whatever the rights and wrongs it cannot be fair to put people in jeopardy for this period. Rivalling Indian courts for glacial progress.
  14. That was Damian Hirst. I don’t understand this art myself but I applaud people pushing the boundaries. Google Sam Stefan, whom I know. His work is gaining some traction.
  15. It’s normal, not compulsory!
  16. I was knocked off my motorcycle in Chiang Mai ten years ago, plated wrist, overnight in ICU, private hospital would not release me until offender’s insurance had paid the 160,000 baht bill 24 hrs later, but pretty nurses! I now am registered at Sirintorn Govt Hospital Bangkok due to my wife’s Govt job. Nothing but praise for standard of care and drugs provision at 50 baht per visit. Only downside is the waiting to see doctor can take all day. They will also see private patients much cheaper than private hospitals.
  17. Many officers have their subordinate (or dominant) business in the entertainment industry to run and family celebrations over Christmas/New Year so are regrettably unable to do much patrol or even tent-sitting at this time. Happy holidays to all.
  18. Why does the article mention Bobby Charlton’s funeral? Too much cut and paste?
  19. Some UK police forces, without Drug Squads, used to say there was no drug problem in their area. When they were pressured to form them, amazingly large problems were found. Unless dedicated squads are set up to eliminate child exploitation, with powers and funding to deal with the problem, nothing will change here due to corruption and collusion.
  20. In today’s headline news, man eats dinner.
  21. Nothing will be done for two reasons: 1. Coaches/buses are owned by rich people who don’t want to spend money/reduce profit on safety features. 2. Passengers are poor people with no political clout and no alternative transport.
  22. I don’t remember the Thai government objecting when the US forces started coming to Thailand and spending money on drugs and hookers during R and R from the Vietnam war? This was also the foundation of the sex industry in the Philippines, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and other parts of SE and South Asia. Also look at who owns the bars and brothels in these resorts. No effective law enforcement if the local government, police and military have financial investments there.
  23. As I have pointed out before, UK police refer to RTCs, Road Traffic Collisions, now not Accidents, which imply no preventable cause. There is always a fault be it driver, maintainer, or road. Reduction or prevention depend on effective education and training improving behaviour, legislation allowing punishment and setting standards, and enforcement catching offenders and creating a need for care, which are sadly lacking here.
  24. The problem is the lack of a safety culture backed up by a policy of not enforcing the law regarding neglect accompanied by large damages awards and prison sentences. Whilst I would not like to see Thailand become a litigation crazed society, there is certainly too much protection of large companies and rich individuals at the expense of the generally poor victims.
  25. It always amazes me how these political trips always coincide with the start of a weekend, so that after the hard business of looking at someone putting on a performance, the politicians are already in a place they can enjoy a relaxing weekend, having already travelled by official transport during work time so there is no delay to the R and R period.
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