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Classic Ray

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Everything posted by Classic Ray

  1. They are extremely destructive, especially to cars, and some idiots even feed them. Sterilization and relocation are sensible measures, I just don’t know why it has taken so many years to sort out.
  2. Grab in Bangkok recently quoted me double the fare than LINE man for the same car journey a minute apart. I will keep comparing but Grab looks to be pricing itself out of the market.
  3. I just started baking my own bread in an air fryer easy and delicious.
  4. Once convicted they are no longer suspects, but offenders. And why aren’t they named? Open justice removes any hint of corruption, as no one currently could check who they are and whether they have actually been imprisoned.
  5. Better to tow away bikes and cars, removes the problem and forces owners to pay the fines/fees before they can recover. It’s the only system that works. Anything else just over- penalizes the generally law abiding who register their vehicles and fit plates, unlike most motorcyclists in Bangkok.
  6. Spike Milligan used to live in Bayswater, next door to a gf of mine (not a sex worker . it wasn’t all brothels then , and convenient for Hyde Park, Paddington Station and the West End.
  7. I have an excellent one at Apple Dental, Pattanakarn, he works there every weekend, speaks fluent English, and reasonable cost. https://www.google.com/search?q=apple+dental+pattanakarn&rlz=1CDGOYI_enTH761TH821&oq=apple+dental+pattanakarn&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTEwMzYyajBqN6gCA7ACAeIDBBgBIF8&hl=en-GB&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
  8. Pavements are continually obstructed and in poor condition for wheelchairs/push chairs. Even metro like BTS and MRT not accessible by escalator as they have several steps at the bottom to guard the mechanism against flooding. Even many stations have no elevator/lift, due to BTS not being paid to install them by BMA, contrary to Thai disability discrimination laws. Most public buildings and stores not accessible, all have steps. Not safe to cross roads in a wheelchair, even at crossings as drivers don’t stop. Very little attention given to disability here, I think the Government hope most disabled people stay at home.
  9. Most Western countries use a tractor with a cutter attachment to control verges. Surely the road authorities could use the same method if they truly wanted to deal with the problem? Burning is cheaper short term but not long term.
  10. U turns are inherently dangerous, especially in Thailand, where a slow moving vehicle turns into the path of higher speed traffic. I am not excusing the actions of the British rider, but road layout and driver behaviour make these collisions far too common.
  11. The journalists probably get paid by the word. I’m surprised they didn’t describe the weather at the time.
  12. Just checked mine, it has a sticker saying TEMPERED which is safety glass that breaks into small pieces like a windscreen.
  13. Another case of leaping palm trees, indigenous species in Thailand, mainly grow next to roads.
  14. Strange that it takes an incident like a crane collapse to expose so many law violations. Aren’t there any government agencies doing due diligence or inspections on these companies or all they all asleep on the job? I bet nothing will change and the dust will settle shortly.
  15. On the one hand he talks about liberalizing the law on one drug, alcohol (which benefits a few rich monopolistic families) and on the other he wants to tighten the law on cannabis (which only benefits the SMEs). I wonder why?
  16. The design of the power supply system has been successfully used on other monorails in the world. Maybe they need to be looking at the quality of installation onto the guideway, and its inspection and certification. I hope it’s an isolated occurrence and there will be no more teething troubles.
  17. The police usually reflect the society in which they serve. To root out police corruption there must be will from the society, its politicians and citizens, to change. It took many years using ICAC in Hong Kong to change, and that was when it was ruled by an external power. Until the Thai people say enough is enough, and elect leaders strong enough to implement change, nothing will improve. Once corruption is entrenched in everyday life, it is extremely difficult to remove. In some countries it even took Revolution, but eg Russia, it has returned.
  18. Because like all police equipment and uniform, it has to be supplied and paid for by the officers themselves. Proper Tasers are expensive, so like Body Worn Video, are very unlikely to arrive here.
  19. That is a pity, especially for those passengers who have started to rely on the service. Whilst the trains are proven in service elsewhere, this is the first time a Thai company has constructed a monorail guideway system. will be interesting to see what the actual problem is and whether it affects the Pink Line, using the same rolling stock/guideway system as well.
  20. Think she has to arrange for some anti ram raid posts to be installed outside, common in the UK.
  21. Initial uniform does include two or three medal ribbons, no one knows what for. And the stress of training does lead to depression among some candidates, other students sometimes accompany them for treatment at hospital.
  22. My wife did several courses at Le Cordon Bleu, did very well and was very satisfied overall. But education there is an investment, I haven’t seen much return yet.
  23. Usual greed from the labour suppliers and Finnish farmers. Same problem, with Eastern European workers, existed in the East of England and they had to license and regulate the gang masters to control it. Brexit also had an effect making entry more difficult.
  24. It is becoming impossible to read articles because adverts, some without X to close are popping up continuously. I realise adverts fund the site but it would be a better user experience if the pop ups were limited and easily closed when irrelevant. Thanks
  25. The most common cause of acid reflux/heartburn is GERD, look it up. The valve at the top of your stomach weakens in middle age and allows acid to leak back into your gullet/oesophagus. Also some nasty bacteria called h.pylori can exacerbate it, as can alcohol, lying flat when you sleep. Here’s a link to GERD and Omeprazole often used to treat it. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/omeprazole-oral-route/description/drg-20066836#:~:text=Descriptions,back up into the esophagus.
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