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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. As I said in my post, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", I don't see it, or rather she is not what I would look for or even vote for in a competition.
  2. Thailand tourism will he on a triple bypass operation soon...
  3. It was a microsleep that produced this proposal, or was it the brakes failed....
  4. Yet he has said many times over that it can not be enforced on those not choosing to wear them as there is no law. This guy makes me so freaking confused.
  5. We do not prepay either, book through booking.com with no payment until arrival or checkout. Yet true tourists do.
  6. We have been following him as well.
  7. You forget that even if you have already paid prior to arrival you are in for a surprise ????. If you decide to cancel and look elsewhere your prepaid is lost....Thailand the land of dual pricing, even for foreign residents considered just long term tourists.....
  8. Except once at your hotel they will be able to double the rates as the law will allow it to be so. Even if you pre-paid......
  9. Already been shared to papers and media in the west. This story will be picked up by the MSM soon.
  10. GF just read the story and said to me "No wonder folks are heading to Cambodia and Vietnam"
  11. Ergo why they now want dual pricing in hotels to have the excess exchanged money left here...
  12. Ah now I understand the reason behind the dual pricing proposal for hotels....Medical tourism to make more money to pay for these new antibodies.....
  13. Sorry that's what I meant, work accommodations
  14. Wonder if they will be charged Dual pricing on the rooms they rent while here now under the new proposal.
  15. Thailand the country who only wants well heeled tourists. Time for the peasants to rise up and take the country back. If it wants dual pricing on hotels what's next, dual pricing for everything you purchase in 7-11 and so on. Way to go. Honestly this country must be broke.
  16. Your point being what and it was a 24k USD transfer. I transfer twice a year. Last transfer was at 30 baht to $1. Using a government hospital does not mean a provincial hospital in the village. I do have insurance and why should I spend big money at a private hospital. You have me confused with someone who throws money away. I am 57 and if I don't invest what I have what will I have in 20 years....sure I have more than a regular person on SS, but then I got lucky. You better do your math again. Not wealthy by any means.
  17. Middle class is a humble brag right? If I only had a place here and never went back and forth i can understand seeming to be wealthy, but a millionaire I am not. Comfortable yes. Wealthy implies one can go out and buy what one wants, I am hardly in that boat.....
  18. The 10 year renewal is just for an updated photo and biometrics, nothing to do with permanent residency they already have. Many never redo the green card, and many never inform if they move, it's not like they force us to do here every 90 days.
  19. Missed it the way you phrased it. Of course my response was sarcastic
  20. Say what? I can neither concur or deny any speculative posts.
  21. Let's see how this plays out. My Housekeepers passport expires in November, same with her extension of stay and her WP book expires on Feb 13th like the OP says. The Myanmar embassy is being a pain to deal with and will not renew her passport until after it expires, which will make it hard to get her extension redone....
  22. Ergo the same as the US. Once a Thai, married to a US citizen obtains her Visa and enters the US they are given permanent residence and in 5 years can apply to become a naturalized US Citizen. Thailand the country where only a foreign woman married to a Thai can become a permanent resident and naturalized citizen.
  23. Ergo why my transfer today gave me 100k thb more than my last large transfer in January. Only wish it had been 40 baht to the $1. Maybe in a few months, then I will transfer more.
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