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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. Tourist prices for a tourist but charging those same fees even though as expats we are long term residents is the issue. As a 2 week tourist I can see it but for those that live here, as I stated before, it's just plain BS.
  2. A rehash of an OP, just shelve it under Rehash and archive it.
  3. You can call them out all you want but using derogatory terms is quite unacceptable and I think your aware of that.
  4. Please stop your rhetoric and the nomenclature you folks are using, no one is brainwashed.
  5. Almost all the Thais I know are aware, they choose to keep wearing them....
  6. It is not a Sheeple mentality, it is a decision folks make to keep themselves safe from things such as bad air quality and viruses. Please do not equate the views on mask wearing as a mentality or those that wear them as Sheeple. The world over is a vast area and as you indicate masks are still worn in most countries.......
  7. I wear a mask when riding here in BKK and always have, due to the PM 2.5 and black soot. When I rode a Bike for a living back in the US, I wore a mask as well, of course it was not a medical type of mask but a cloth mask, My face at the end of the day where there was no mask or glasses worn, was always sooty. Same here.
  8. What majority of those were foreigners is the bigger question. In Bangkok I would say its a 90/10 percentage of wearers to non wearers.
  9. They better create a true type of appraisal format for all properties, and create a Real-estate Appraisal division. If they did this then prices all across the country would come into a standard cost, and not the 3 to 5 million baht difference seen from one unit to the next in condos which are the same Sqm, or the Houses in a Moo Ban where there is a dispirit price between the same type and Sqm houses. Many will say supply and demand are the reason, and many would be wrong, it is called perceived amounts they are greedily looking at. How else could houses that have been built sit empty for a few years, the same for the Condos.........
  10. Icon Siam yesterday was pretty busy, and I only saw 1 or 2 foreigners not wearing masks. In fact a family with young children were all masked. There still are security at the doors but they are not checking anything. It is up to the individual to decide what is right for him/her. You seem to believe that it is a fear campaign making people keep on the masks. You seem to understand things differently then many of the Thais I live around, and masks have been worm prior to covid by many..........
  11. You have been brainwashed into believing that Thai medicine is behind the times. The majority of the hospitals have top end and new equipment, ergo Medical Tourism...try again. People think this is still a thrid worls country and not a developing country. You say it is a developing country and ergo why the doctors and medical staff, for the most part are trained to the same standards as in the US. Many of the doctors here have trained in the US, like my endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, and orthopedist. MRI Machines are available, well at least her in BKK and then in Udon Thani, so your claims are baseless. Yes there are no social service safety nets for Thai's, yet they can still obtain long covid treatment, like there is no prostitution in America, or Europe.....stay on topic. Mask wearing by the Asean Communities has been done for years, like the doctors offices I visited in California many times in the early 2000's, they had a separate entrance for those that had or suspected they had viruses, and separate seating rooms, and had masks available if you wanted one.
  12. You mean Transferred to Remand Prison in BKK, so as to not create an expense on the people of the UK, and thus be fed only by what family can afford....
  13. 34.95 Thb to $1 this morning. Looks like the buying of the Baht by the BOT and some speculators have had an effect so far on the exchange rates, but then they will reap the rewards when the price rises and they sell it back into USD, think millions, not miniscule amounts.
  14. He must have thought he was at home in Thailand where this would not be even an issue, well in his eyes. The barsteward should be forced to be ....well use your mind.
  15. Right after he meets with Prayut and gets approval so that his goons will be the only ones allowed. He will then go and become a monk again to atone for his self made millions and sins....
  16. Surely this is a mistake in the accounting of passengers, unless it is including domestic. If you read it as international tourists, like I did at first, Thailand will be saying tourism is scheduled to beat the 2019 numbers and they will have over 45 million arri Al's this year....story is poorly written but has a TAT spin on it. Airfares are increasing because of oil and fuel costs as well as staffing issues, where they are paying more for all aspects including overtime. A friend working for United is regularly working 20 extra hours a week.
  17. The Thais have a 30 baht medical program which gives them access to treatment that is good. My ex-wifes mother had cancer and was treated just fine during all of her surgeries and followup treatments 10 years later she is still cancer free... you might want to really look at hospital care here, whether in a government hospital or private hospital. The doctors who work in the private hospitals also work in the government hospitals. Many ex-pat friends have been treated in the government hospitals as well and received great treatment
  18. It is not the greenback that has made prices rise, you need a lesson on world economics and global inflation.
  19. A paid for dog of the General who himself was installed as a Senator and not elected speaks out....time the curs leave the government to the regular people.
  20. Treatment, service are top notch here in Bangkok. I had returned for a visit to the US and could not get an appointment for 3 months, and I was only going to be in the US for 6 weeks. It took an act of congress and 4 weeks to refill my diabetic meds there, and then they would not fill the insulin until I saw the doctor....... Returned here and had an appointment the next day, after clearing the 24 hr isolation period while waiting for the PCR results, with the endocronogist and picked up my meds within 20 minutes of finishing my appointment which also included blood test results, which were back in an hour.
  21. Homemade Larb Moo with cucumber slices, kiwis and blueberries, with a nice brewed pot of dark roast coffe bought from Makro....price 160 baht for each the GF and I. Now having a light snack of TGM thick sliced pepperoni and a Schweppes Minao Soda.....spend it if you have it no need to be frugal.
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