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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. Wearing the mask for air issues is the better answer for you. So the rider doesn't suck down the noxious car fumes. It is why I am finally moving out of Bangkok...
  2. Why not if one wants to. I am not telling you to wear a mask. It is your choice, but folks being derogatory regarding a mask are laughable.
  3. Gotta love folks like you who make it so much easier to laugh at your type of post. It's not a face diaper, it's a mask. But if you think it's a diaper then Mammy Pokos to you my friend.
  4. Guess I am not leading a sheltered life. Still paying on College loans for my now doctor daughter and CPA daughter. One still in HS with college to come. At 57, still need to budget wisely in case the inevitable occurs and I am left with nothing except my pension. Of course we live a nice life style. Monthly trips etc... I have helped my children along the way, but I am just considered Middle class in the US. In this analysis, “middle-income” adults in 2021 are those with an annual household income that was two-thirds to double the national median income in 2020, after incomes have been adjusted for household size, or about $52,000 to $156,000 annually in 2020 dollars for a household of three.
  5. Well in the US, California, if I did not have my investments and was living there full time my cost of living with all of the price increases would drain 85% of my pension each month. Add in if buying a house still and making payments your living a non wealthy life. Just read an article where to be well off and able to live in many coastal big cities you need several million to be seen as wealthy.
  6. Common sense and seeing cases rise says different, but you go on believing that covid is done. If people wore masks, for their own reasons during the flu season etc...might we see a decline as well in cases, just like the past 2 years because of mask wearing. No the flu did not dissappear and neither will Covid.
  7. That and cases are rising and reinfection of Omicron can happen. Personal choice. Wo Der how many cases the hospitals are seeing. I know from a report in the BP that they are seeing an increase and beds starting to fill.
  8. 100% agree. The treatment is very good as well. Sometimes at a government hospital the wait can be long but it always works out.
  9. A pensioner averaging $6,666 dollars a month for the $80k a year amount is considered wealthy for applying for the LTR. Anywhere else on the world they would be just getting by. Do I qualify, sure, but how is an 80k pension considered wealthy. I guess when they look at it as over 200k Thb a month compared to the average Thai your rich beyond belief. Hello hansum man.
  10. Not the only country. When you have one side looking to save money (Ins. Co.) and one side trying to make money (Consumers), it appears few restrictions were put in place due to greed.
  11. Checked into our Hotel here in Pranburi using my Pink ID card and the GFs Pink ID card yesterday. No issues. Went to the local gold store and bought another few bahts worth of bars. Was asked for my Passport, but Pink Card was accepted for ID.
  12. Here come the anti mask wearing commentstors again. Get off your high horses and wear them as your asked. Keep one in your pocket... It's not fearmongering, it's reality.
  13. He is the Minister of health. Where have you been hiding for 8 years.
  14. So it's all about sex tourism in your book....let me think about that...nope, as that would defeat the family fun destination Pattaya has becum ????
  15. It's not where I am now in Thailand that's for sure. Premium destination near Pranburi.
  16. Give your diatribe a rest. You are out in left field with your antivaxxer beliefs. The vaccines folks had were designed for the original strain and no they have not been tweaked to cover the latest variants of concern. But then you knew that and just wanted to troll some more. Adios.
  17. Don't let Anutin tell them how to run it, he will have it being for only those who desire a luxury trip to Thailand...
  18. Premium tourist destination, how's that going to be accomplished if they do as Anutin says. Looks like Anutin will kill off the majority of folks who come here for medical tourism.
  19. What do the kids in Myanmar do....live with the atrocities?
  20. Sorry to tell you but he has Covid, just tested at the hospital and PCR test shows this just like his ATK test yesterday, as he is very sick and why he sought treatment. Young man that he is at 51 and vaccinated as well as boosted. It gets aggravating when folks say it's nothing. It may be nothing to some but for others it affects them more so...
  21. But do they drop or fire munitions inside the other country like this incident
  22. You guys just don't get it do you. It's here to stay. Infecting any and all. However, if you do the right things you can keep it from making your life a mess, but then to you its nothing and never was.
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