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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. Some have had worse cases than you. It affects folks differently, even healthy active ones.
  2. K-Bank works just fine.. no issues.
  3. It is a strange world we now live in with absolutely no clarity between government officials even though the new regulations were posted in the Gazette and the majority went into effect today the 1st of July. Seems to me there are many confusions and the PM needs to make a State of the Country Address to lay it all out so everyone gets on the same page. Those of us who want to wear the masks under certain scenarios are not to be called names by those whose moral compass points elsewhere. Today on our morning rounds dropping off items to those we have adopted, was done sans mask, but we had them with us and when entering an area with large groups adorned them. To say the least we were given some strange looks, but even then some of the vendors were maskless as well. Sister and the family have made their flight arrangements and will arrive here at the end of July for a 2 week stay before school starts in the US. They just flew to Brazil and back and no masks were required, but there were a few on the flights that wore them. They of course carried them if they needed them.
  4. Yes it bumped back up to over 35.4 this morning to 35.44 upon the banks opening
  5. Then add in the 900kg of batteries, full of all types of metals, that is not currently an option as only 5% of batteries since 2019 have been recycled, and at a great cost. To create these batteries fossil fuels are needed, so exactly how is an EV battery green, well other than the cost....
  6. No, they forgot to put all the restrictions in the law they now want. Too late Cats out if the bag.....going to be left up to municipalities me thinks.
  7. Thanks, that's a different video then the GF has, but eerily similar.
  8. From a minor millionaire to a multi-billionaire....
  9. The Mig was firing upon Myanmar Karen people during intense fighting near the border with the KNU. GF has video from a family friend who was caught in the firefight.
  10. Just watched the evening news and they interviewed a few doctors who said that even though Jul 1 brings in a reduction in restrictions and masks only need to be worn in specific areas, they are recommending wearing the masks and keeping the proper distances from others....They also stated that if your feeling out of sorts, well my words, to stay home and test. You can not make this stuff up. Common sense is needed by all.
  11. Read the OP title and thought the vendors were needing to admit they smoked Marijuana before cooking the food for the people lining up.
  12. New businesses registering to replace the prior businesses which closed. It's a wash and many fewer actual businesses. Some who have closed may not have notified anyone they were done.
  13. First EV will be a rocket ship to the moon.... Company will be PP&A
  14. Didn't we just have a senator say it was OK to hire family...
  15. Been getting both SMS and Voice calls with the same information. Contacted the local police here at Tungmahamek and they indicated they had many complaints. The officer indicated it was coming from one of many call center scam centers and they are doing their best to shut them down. However, there are some people that have fallen for it.
  16. If you truly believe this statement Mr. PM, then why not create a true SafetyNet for the citizens of the country. Where are the reduced priced food stuffs that has been touted, and how are the lower class folks being helped with the increase of prices across the board due to inflation. How is that going to help the common man/woman/child here in Thailand......
  17. Do these people even care that there is already a gambling problem here in Thailand, and folks go into debt and some lose houses, cars and so on. Of course it is no different in other countries that have casinos, but the problems they have now and without the casinos will triple or quadruple. Add in the prostitution, mafia types, and then the goons. Keep the country devoid of Casino's, a better bet would be to allow foreigners to own land, capped at a small percentage for each area.
  18. I buy the ARO Brand from Makro. Lasts a good three weeks before I use it all up. Keep it towards the rear of the refrigerator where it stays nice and cold. Of course it is pricy, but then it lasts and is good for all my cooking, making fruit salads and adding it to my coffee with a splash of vanilla. I use a small hand mixer to mix it to a nice consistency.
  19. ????...You just can not let that one go now can you...????
  20. I came from a dark moist and wet place where I stayed for months, then I was pulled into this world against my will screaming and kicking like hell. Spent my entire life since trying to get back inside that moist and wet environment....
  21. So is this a nail in the wish to do away with Alcohol sales between 2pm and 5pm? I mean after all she must have been drinking during that time in order to hit school kids on the way home from the technical college.
  22. Back up to 35.31 Thb to $1 today. Today also seems to be a bank holiday according to my computer which just popped it up. Strange as I do not find it on the list BOT has for holidays. My computer calendar must be jacked up.
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