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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. Just had a friend test positive today in Bangkok. He is sick as a dog...high fever and body aches..
  2. Say what....I thought parliament was were national security matters were discussed amongst the political appointed folks. So a discussion would be a criminal offense.....holy feces batman, the chief whip has laid an egg. Me thinks he shat all over himself with this statement.
  3. Exploited, No. Paid low wages Sure, However, trying to imagine them living a luxury lifestyle is why the OPs supposed GF wants 40k a month. Once someone gets a taste of any higher life then they act like a Jewish American Princess instead of a grateful person. You must envision a 4 day work week for them and every family to have a nice home and a car on the garage. TIT and before you came along I am sure your wife's family lived daily like most others.
  4. Ah, the running of the Bulls, Pamplona Style.......
  5. Thais have done without luxury for eons, except of course the Hi-So's. Your trying to instill your lifestyle onto theirs.
  6. Saw a YouTube video from a flyer who had just flown from the UK to BKK. If the meals he showed are what's being served, then they are truly saving money big time. Each plate he showcased looked like what I was served in France many years ago. 90 percent of the plate empty and a few slices of this and that. Needles to say Thai Airways is not Air France.......
  7. Was there not an OP recently that stated 11 million had already traveled to Thailand, or was it only domestic tourism.. TAT the spin doctors....
  8. Better asked the MO whose a cabinet minister why his companies building work us shoddy. He must he smoking to much Ganja.
  9. Look at my edited post.....filled with more sarcasm
  10. Oh sheer sarcasm and shame in your post. You forgot the youtubers that have extra equipment such as small drones, which they fail to realize they need to be licensed for here.
  11. Until all hours of the morning from throughout the night......don't forget.
  12. I asked my Juristic office whether they were going to put EV charging stations in the garage.....All I received was a confused look and the question of Why? When I explained i was going to buy an EV they said I would be responsible for adding it to the system and I would have to pay them a fee as they would have to put in a specific system next to the main power generators in the basement. They said they had discussed it, but it never made it to the Juristic board Committee meeting as no one has such a vehicle. Says it all right there....Also the parking in my condo garage is a first come first serve type of system, even though I have 2 parking spots guaranteed. There is a resident who has an EV Motorbike, he just carries the battery up to his unit and charges it there, unfortunately there is no way to do that with cars.....
  13. By USD I hope, and not exchanged in the US prior to sending. Bahtnet would indicate it was exchanged into Thai Baht by an intermediary and not transferred as USD.
  14. Amazing BOT, do you send it yourself from the BBL in New York from your bank or is it wired by SS to your bank of choice.
  15. He won the local lottery but his luck definitely wore off. RIP.
  16. Remember that Nate the AG running the RedBull case after he resigned from the AG's office was going to be installed on the ACC.....
  17. Your hopeless. You actually have no clue as to how they are Killing civilians and destroying villages of the Karen people along the border.
  18. Sir, I flew around the rear of the enemy to shoot them where they least expected it.
  19. Ergo why the jabs keep coming....
  20. Waiting for the GF to give me the jar I rest my brain in before I can make a witty and prose filled response....this was written by the AI portion of my alien body.
  21. Would be nice if there was complete clarity fir all Visa classes, like the O-A
  22. Exactly, and it is what many are used to and accept it. Trying to get ahead, but never able to do it, even as they become childless...
  23. Wrong on the ability to live on 10k a month. Fan room no hot water, or aircon, plenty for rent at 2500 thb just outside of the main districts. No need for a refrigerator, a bag of ice in a water cooler is all many have they buy the food from the local vendors and many eat a meal of rice and mooping or rice soup for breakfast they can make easily. Dinner again cheaply. Kids going to a government school minimal cost except for uniforms. Mom and dad making a combined 18 to 20k a month still send 3 to 5k home each month to help the parents. Not hearsay either, real life. See it everyday, the families we adopted during covid lived prior like I said. Now at least one is employed. Have some ex family members in Chonburi living the same way. True a higher income should be paid but it never will.
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