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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. Yet you state they don't work ie...not very effective by quoting Fauci. That is not what Fauci said or what other studies have stated. Use an N95 mask and you'll be fine. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-fauci-interview-face-masks-covid-406605262832 Social media posts are misrepresenting what Fauci said about masks and COVID-19 and omitting part of his response. The nation’s former top infectious disease expert said mask initiatives may have a small impact at the community level, but in the following sentence he said he believes a properly worn, high-quality mask can be effective protection for an individual.
  2. Why do you believe masks don't work? Can you provide a verifiable study that's been placed into the medical journals for us. Anti-masker you must be....
  3. So much for R&R from the battlefield, must be some PTSD
  4. Used it many times with my trips so far since October of 2022 when I received my LTR visa. Take the wife who is from Myanmar through with me as well.
  5. Guess you've never gone for a massage......
  6. Do you not think the police have already reviewed it in order to issue a summons?
  7. If you want to watch the western women go ballistic then you just need to watch a passport bro's video....you'll fall over laughing
  8. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Once the splits done who the hell cares what they do with there half.
  9. Was it purchased with those ill-gotten gains or from legitimate means, Inquiring minds want to know. Why do so many despise this family? Rhetorical question.
  10. Open mouth, spout innane rhetoric, and when pigs fly reduced taxation will drive tourists to Thailand to buy alcohol....
  11. Pigs must be flying somewhere.....no pun intended.
  12. @Misty PM sent, but it does not indicate a salary needed.
  13. Yet if it was you or I we would have gone trial already and been convicted. The Justice he is being served is not a weaponization of anything when a crime has been committed.
  14. In the process of adding my wife to my LTR WP which I received in October of 2023. Since she is from Myanmar and we are back in the States now for a few months visit, I will be going the E-Visa route for her when it comes to that time. So far so good.
  15. The new generation as you have so eloquently stated want it all now and expect it to be handed to them on a silver platter. Yet migrant workers like my wife who is a Hair colorist and stylist can not do that job in Thailand as it's only a job a Thai can do, and unfortunately she had to close her shop during Covid and when she went to reopen was told no she could not. Thais who want everything also don't want kids, so there is one reason the population is declining. As the song by Dire Straits says "Money for Nothing......."
  16. Good luck Thailand.....your going to need more than that crystal ball your using to make your predictions.
  17. He will appeal this to SCOTUS and pray his stacking of the deck whole he was president vindicates him....if that occurs it will be a sad day for democracy. Looks like a long few months ahead of us....
  18. Yet a Federal Judge and an Federal Appelate court have also decided Trump does not have the immunity he believes he does. Add in that many Republicans are now trying to ensure there are ways to have an election overturned.....some are trying to insure there are sets of alternate electoral panels. Bye Bye Orange man.
  19. Tragic story. I know on the BTS and MRT they have folks who assist the visually impaired on boarding and de-boarding, most if those assisting are the security personnel they have. I wonder why there was not a security person on the train platform at the location he de-boarded from.
  20. If one were to only spend 30k thb a month the sum of 13MThb would last over 36 years with interest accruing on the unused principal. Owning our house as we do, unless we decide to travel or buy extra stuff, all we actually spend is about 30k Thb per month on food, utilities and gas for the car.
  21. One has to wonder why they are different, unless the Amphur in Udon Thani's Nong Saeng district had that removed as it does not really apply in our cases. Different provinces and Amphurs with there own sets of rules and regulations as we continually see. The entire back of my wifes is just her work permit, nothing saying she must get permission to leave the area as it lists her job as a housekeeper/nanny. Must be because she is allowed to travel with her employer, which ironically is me.
  22. Crossy, My Pink card has only a few lines on the back. Below that is a number starting with a B with 8 numbers behind it and then my 13 digit ID card number from the front which starts with a 6. It was issued in Udon Thani. My new one issued ln 2022 to replace the original one issued in 2012 is the same. My wife who is from Myanmar has a pink ID card which is totally different on the front and back as the back is her work permit. I have redacted the bottom numbers for obvious reasons.
  23. Not completely true. Mine has no such notation on the back side.
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