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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. Please detail in further, he was expelled, sent packing much like impeachment proceedings. There was a full report with all evidence. Should they have awaited ten years as he tried to delay the case for trial like the firmer POTUS is trying to do......let's get real the man is a charlatan and preyed on his donors.
  2. If they have that kind of assets then they can apply for the LTR-WGC visa, but then the assets, a certain amount must be in Thailand.
  3. Sank right into Prayuts deep pockets... you meant right?
  4. My outlook, is they needed a frigate to replace the one that sunk near Prachuap Khiri Khan this year, and the Chinese could use the one being built to replace the one they just sunk.... great trade up for China plus the extra dough.....just my view.
  5. Mental health issues. One article I read stated he had recently stopped talking his medication. As a Mental Health professional I can tell you issues like this are not uncommon when people who are getting help stop doing what is needed. May the victims RIP and the injured heal and recover quickly. They of course will need counseling to help cope with the trauma.
  6. Check with Ratachai Muay Thai. They are on Soi Tai Ed as well. They are licensed as a teaching school.
  7. I flew out last week to California and the IO as I exited looked at the 1 year reporting small piece of paper in my passport and instead of removing it shrugged his shoulders and left it stapled in place as he looked at my 5 year admitted until date which confused him. I was then sent to see a supervisor who ripped out the 1 year reporting paper, then looked at the 5 year ME stamp, pulled up my information in her computer and then stamped me out. It appears some IOs are still confused by the LTR visas and it has been in play for almost a year.
  8. Another absurd and unsubstantiated unsupported claim. Nice deflection from the OP
  9. Please explain why. The man in the OP probably didn't want to part with his board for any reason. They can get pricy.....longboard for me as well as still surf....your just jealous others can skate....
  10. And what's the problem with a grown man having and riding a skateboard.
  11. And for less money and a lo ger period of time. 10 year LTR. 50k Thb
  12. You think they are proceeding quickly. Trumps supporters keep asking why it's taken 2.5 years to prosecute him. Your out of touch with the Trumpers views.
  13. Lower food prices? Not seeing it. Average bill for us is now almost 30% higher than 2 years ago. Power bills are up as well as fuel. Someone's telling porkies.
  14. Did Biden not voluntarily give them back to the national archives or did he become deceitful and lie stating he had returned all when he had his subordinates move them to other locations. Your off in the rough hacking away hoping you can take a mulligan if you believe these situations are identical, which they are not.
  15. True and it will have a chilling effect on expats.
  16. He believes in the infamous Kabal
  17. He see's no smoking gun because his glasses must have been off as he tried to read it.....
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