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Everything posted by ThailandRyan

  1. No you have not again your being disingenuous. Your statement did not provide anything palpable.
  2. Agree 100% that no refund will be forthcoming as they issued the 5+5 year 10 year LTR in good faith that one would still qualify at the renewal time for the second 5 years. For the Wealthy Pensioner category and the Wealthy Global Citizen, there should be no problems qualifying again at renewal times as most on Pensions or with money in the bank should not have any issues unless the banking industry collapses worldwide.
  3. So all the evidence, such as testimony of republicans before the grand jury and anything else was all fake? Come on Lou, lets be honest here, no one would ever file a case without any substantiate evidence leading to probable cause in order to make the case before a grand jury. A grand jury would never, without the probable cause and evidence and testimony before them vote for an indictment. Your being disingenuous.
  4. So your post was just a personal opinion without facts or links to prove your point. I was truly hoping you would actually post a link to back up the claim you made.
  5. It gets even more dire for Trump Trump Acted Illegally to Keep Office, Most Americans Say in Poll More than half of Americans say former President Donald Trump tried to stay in office through illegal means, a CBS News/YouGov poll shows. In the survey released Sunday, 51% of those polled said they believe Trump tried to stay in office by illegal means, while 29% viewed his efforts as legal. The remaining 20% said they think Trump didn’t intend to remain in office after the 2020 election. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-acted-illegally-to-keep-office-most-americans-say-in-poll/ar-AA1eS3bU?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=2c6d52b6f335444aabe2970129d8fc8f&ei=12
  6. Yet sometimes they can and do. "A defendant, or person under investigation by the Grand Jury has a right to testify in the Grand Jury. However, this right must be asserted by the defense counsel through what's called a Cross – 190.50(5) Notice (abbreviated as x-190.50 notice).Nov 17, 2020" https://www.newjerseycriminallawattorney.com/criminal-process/grand-jury-overview/rights-of-accused-at-grand-jury/ An accused has no right to testify at a N.J. grand jury. However, the prosecutor may extend an invitation for a defendant or target of investigation to testify. Under this circumstance, a defendant will have the “privilege” of testifying provided he waives his Miranda rights and right to counsel as defense attorneys are not permitted to be present at grand jury proceedings.
  7. News late today in the US says he has no plans ro testify but will testify if called as a witness. https://abcnews-go-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/pence-plans-testify-trumps-jan-6-trial-comply/story?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&id=102056198&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=16913689241120&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fabcnews.go.com%2Famp%2FPolitics%2Fpence-plans-testify-trumps-jan-6-trial-comply%2Fstory%3Fid%3D102056198%23amp_tf%3DFrom%20%251%24s%26aoh%3D16913689241120%26referrer%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com
  8. Enlighten us Lou. Please tell us about indictments made without facts or evidence to back them up.
  9. And still they are a government branch......
  10. If they were not facts in evidence Sir then the grand jury would never have heard them. The facts in evidence are well supported and up to the defense to try and punch holes in and ergo as you say are accusations which are supported and not unsupported. Please know the difference between the two
  11. A defense that DT will never go with is an insanity defense. He will go down believing the lies he has spoken are truths and that he is being singled out because he was the greatest President the US ever had.....and he believes it.
  12. Yet he did if you remember. He stole the bargirl from an old foreigner who was sleeping and took her on a trip with him. I am highly skeptical of anything posted by Bob or as he was known for awhile Bogs, as his stories are all just that stories and seem to be wind-ups but whatever, if people want to believe him then more power to him.
  13. Did Stacey Abrams create fake electors, try and stop Pence, or incite folks to "Fight like Hell" Your still in the weeds. And this is not a witch hunt, or election interference, your hero DT violated the law and is now being held accountable. Tell me and us here on AN how Stacey Abrams violated the law with being a vocal election denier?
  14. Peacefully, so Jan 6th was peaceful? He also tried to intimidate election workers as well, or is that all fake. As far as Pence goes he tried to have him stop a ceremonial procedure to close out the election as far as the EC was concerned, or did that not happen? Did he not also employ a tactic to have Fake electors installed? Your off in the weeds, looking for your golf ball right about now, but if you were trump it would mysteriously drop from a tree and onto the green or fairway........stop being so naïve.
  15. Who stood up for the rule of law and what was right and did not cave.
  16. Thats funny. What the issue is really about is that they and others, much like you and the poster you quoted, never look at the rule of law and apply it evenly and fairly to all involved. As a now retired CEO of my own investigations company after a life as a LEO, if one of my employees did something wrong or the company was led astray under my watch, than I as the head of the company would be responsible. If as a LEO Manager if something happened under my watch and I never did anything to stop it, and even if I was not involved, then I would be culpable as well. You folks just can not see that. As the now former POTUS has done, and did, and is still doing, he is inciting folks to do his bidding, that is not Free Speech.
  17. It appears that from recent statements by the infamous MTG she will be trying to institute the Holman rule - Wikipedia in order to shut down Jack Smith. Its funny that the Trump Supporters and MAGA crowd have also latched onto the "They had 2 1/2 years to prosecute Trump, why wait until now, oh its because of the Biden crime family and its election interference" How many times must folks be told that it takes time to build a case, gather the evidence, interview witnesses and then determine if charges are appropriate. Two and a half years ago the date would have been February 2020, and just right after the Jan 6th debacle. How could prosecutors have built a case in just under a month. Many of those interviewed were just done this year as more and more information was obtained about there involvements. Yet the MAGA faithful believe what Trump spouts, and had he been charged in 2020 or 2021 they would have had the same rhetoric with "Pelosi is leading this witch hunt". The rule of law is the rule of law, and it does not matter who you are, commit a crime or crimes and after and investigation is done and completed it will go to court, cases take time to assemble and if you rush them then they fall apart and you, as the defendant, walk free when you were guilty and false prosecution statements are made,
  18. Ergo the problems will continue just like those who don't have the 800k in the bank to stay here but use an end around.
  19. Those that do use it seem to just incriminate themselves more and more and even have a lawyer do it over and over....oh wait you were talking about someone other than Trump and Lauro.....and I thought he was a smart lawyer. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-lawyer-admits-directed-illegal-scheme-stop-electoral-count-1234800760/ “Ultimately, what President Trump said is: Let’s go with Option D. Let’s just pause the voting and allow the state legislature to take one last look and to make a determination as to whether the elections were handled fairly. That’s just constitutional law. That’s not an issue of criminal activity.”
  20. Yet you still believe a story which still has never been fully investigated nor investigated.....why do you think that is, and don't go into the rabbit hole with conspiracy drivel. If the evidence was there and was clear then the story would have grown legs......
  21. Was Hunter running for President? It would not have mattered one Iota.
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