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Posts posted by drgoon

  1. Uighurs are moo slums, and what a warm and embracing lot they are. Fail to convert to I slam and your on their death list (most of us are!), say anything bad about Mo hammered and your on their death list. If you happen to be female you can forget about your rights, you haven't got any. If your a gay person, your on their death list. That keeps cropping up!

    And pedophilia is rampant amongst moo slums, what religion condones child brides as young as 8 or 9. You notice I didn't say 'other' in front of religion as it's more a cult than a religion.

    I got no sympathy for Uighurs, none what so ever for moo slums at all. They don't deserve anything, except maybe, each other.

    Lucky for us that you carry the hate of the world on your shoulders. Far to big a burden for the rest of humnaity to hate as much as you do.

    Be careful of your health...... happiness leads to longevity.

  2. Drinkers, smokers, or any drug addict should be re-located in a island so they can continue killing themselves freely.

    It would be much simpler to relocate all the puritans as there's a lot less of them.

    Also, I believe they did that once before about 400 years ago and it didn't turn out too great.

    Now we have better means.

    However, the fact that intoxicants are widely consumed in every country does not make it right, I hope you still have the sense of right and wrong in your system. I am not a puritan, puritan is a stupid word and offensive. I used to drink and smoke and do all that shit. I am talking now because I can see clearly. If you are intoxicated you are not you, you are the intoxicant, therefore you are just wasting your life. I will not reply further to this thread, adieu.

    Come back Berto.... you forgot your toys

  3. From the map, it looks like the lower end of Nana, Soi 6, Soi 8 and around that side of Suk, and some of Soi 11 all the way to Cowboy and surrounding areas cannot sell alcohol.

    I don't see mention of a time limit...like up until 8pm at night. Can't imagine that they would make it 24 hour ban.

    Pretty funny if this is in fact true and enforced.

    A lot of unhappy Mongers.

    555 part of the greater Happiness Initiative. Ban booze and all us sleazy mongers will go to Philly. TAT will come up with new ideas to counter the loss of billions of monger baht.

    All the Bargirls will go back home and be hostesses along with the Little Hosts.

  4. I paid THB 1600 to upgrade to fibre optic cable but have seen no real difference, with still having drop outs and continued low signal regularly during the day which was the same on copper. Has anyone had the same issues. I live in Samut Prakarn area.

    Forgive my ignorance but it seems to me that if the fibre optics are a simple extension from the existing copper cabling there would be no appreciative difference in performance. Is this a false belief?

    No it is correct, the signal would only be as good as what the copper could deliver.

  5. Same story everywhere. Boys look for girls to fit, girls look for someone that fits and takes care, and when both sides are compatible they stay together. Only in Thailand everybody's pointing their fingers on this. Maybe because the sex market is not so well hidden from the public like in Farang countries.

    It would be a pity if it was.

    There should be similar areas in my country. Prostitution is legal but it's not really talked about. Hypocrisy. ..

  6. "Its said that about US$16 million from Vietnam War foreign soldiers pockets went towards the Thai sex industry, the catalyst of what gave Thailand its seedy image. But the industry, apropos tourism, is hardly even the tip of the iceberg."

    Thailand can thank the good old American GIs and vets for kick-starting its tourist industry. Thais were always busy copulating with "working" ladies long before the guys in khaki showed up.

    What would Pattaya be without their help?

    What would Thailand have had to attract tourists apart from a lot of sandy beaches, a few nice mountain areas in the north and a lot of crumbling ancient temples. Oh, and the elephants too.

    That's actually quite a harsh comment to make. Quite disrespectful.

    What a wonderful outlook on life you must have.

  7. Have my doubts it was a Chinese person as the headline would have you believe. They may have been Chinese in appearance. How may Chinese have local thugs on speed dial? Doesn't take a rocket scientist to determine the likely nationality.

    "Doesn't take a rocket scientist ..."

    Which explains so many things posted here at TV.

    Plenty of rocket scientists on TV. Einsteins, Uri Gellars as well 555

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