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  1. went to my local revenue office in Khonkaen with all relevant documents showing tax paid in the UK, they did not understand double tax treaty and said that the computers had crashed and I could not file a tax return and not to worry as they would ring me when the computers were working, so now I am not worrying and will go back to the revenue office if and when they ring me
  2. ! would imagine that 1, is possible 2, is probable 3, is possible especially if linked to 1 and 4 seems unlikely
  3. But when a state acts like a terrorist state and commits genocide it should be called to account and the way a people were treated before and during the holocaust should not be used as an excuse.
  4. it would be impossible for anyone to tarnish his reputation any further than he has tarnished it himself
  5. Israel should be judged on their actions and not on their statements
  6. Perhaps it is time that Israel was named as a terrorist state along with parts of the IDF, the horrors of the holocaust 80+years on should not be used as an excuse for genocide today, yes the actions of Hamas are indefensible but so is the overreaction of the Israeli government and military
  7. whilst agreeing that hezbolla and hamas are terrorist organisations and that Iran is supporting terrorism it would appear to me that the present Israeli government is suppoting terrorism in Gaza and that it and parts of the IDF should be named and treated as terrorist organisations. The way the Jewish peoples were treated in Europe during the holocaust should not be an excuse for the behaviour of the Israeli government and some of the people in the Illegal settlements 80 years on. if their is ever to be peace in the middle east terrorism by all sides needs to be reined in.
  8. and again you cannot show disaproval of the Israils goverment without being accused of antisemitism. what Hamas did was terrible and an act of terrorism, what the Israelis are doing in Gaza is also an act of terorism. Until such time as a two state solution is found for Palestine and Israel and as long as Hamas and the far right Israili coalition stay in power their is little hope of peace in the middle east
  9. Am in Khonkaen, have had my tax refund by cheque already without any problem
  10. Perhaps it is time that the IDF is designated a terrorist operation. Why should a modern state be allowed to attack a population of different ethnicity without sanctions, this is not now a case of self defense but of naked aggression. The events of the 1930,s and 1940,s during the holocaust were terrible but they should not be used as an excuse by Israel to behave as they are in Gaza
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