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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. I have always gone in person to CW. Never had any hassle. In and out within a maximum of 1 hour. Just need to make the effort to get myself there and back to my home in Ratchayotin. Hardly a demanding exercise.
  2. The stabber should be in a mental home for the criminally insane.
  3. Cosmetic surgery is best avoided. Too many instances, not only in Thailand, of an unsatisfactory and sad outcome.
  4. During the financial crash of 1997/8 I was defrauded of 5 million baht by a Thai business partner. After years of legal action I have recovered nothing, and will now never do so because my former partner has died.
  5. To the point of the question. Some years ago I attempted to open a bank account for my Thai step son aged 12 at the government savings bank and was told that by law I could not do so until he was 15.
  6. A sad event. As a fellow 81 years old I have given up driving cars this year because I am not confident that my reaction times are as quick as they should be. Must be even more critical if riding motor bikes.
  7. We should be careful what we wish for. It is by no means certain that whoever/whatever follows Sturgeon will be any less troublesome.
  8. I used to play Scrabble with my Thai step son when he was very young. He's now 22, and believes it has helped him a lot in getting to grips with the Business English course he is undertaking at university.
  9. Never had a problem using SCB, Lioyds and Barclays debit cards at Lotus stores. When you say Bangkok card I assume that means Bangkok Bank. If so, maybe worth having a word with them to identify the problem.
  10. This is beginning to look ominous. I'm beginning to wonder if the UK and other western countries should have stayed out of this. Ukraine has a poor record for corruption, and for the killing of many Russian speakers with Ukrainian citizenship.
  11. Odd behaviour. On the face of it selfish not to move when the lights changed. What was he actually trying to do ?
  12. The so-called war on drugs has not achieved anything anywhere. A total waste of time and money. Control through licensing is the way to go. It won't be perfect, just consider how many people die from drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes, but it would be a darn sight better than the current shambles.
  13. Killing and eating animals is disgusting.
  14. Welby sounds like the Shell drone he once was, that is uninspiring and not very bright.
  15. Whatever their motives these are two very brave young people. As in 1973 and 1976 it goes to show that some Thais have both moral and physical courage.
  16. No offence, or at worst a minor breach, committed. Political chicanery clearly involved.
  17. Jibberish indeed. Doesn't make sense. This guy needs to understand that many middle and upper class Thais are very well off indeed. They certainly won't welcome foreigners into their family who are anything other than equally or, better still, more wealthy than they are.
  18. It sounds a bit late to be giving any advice. The guy appears to have spent a lot of money already. Many bar girls are/have been good wives to their foreign husbands, some have not. Hope it works out for them.
  19. Generally speaking I agree. My experience comes mainly from negotiating/ re-negotiating oil and gas production sharing agreements, and oil derivatives trading agreements. Relatively easy with goodwill on all sides, hard-edged if one party is virtually forced to the negotiating table. In the case of the UK and the EU the UK is in a bind due to the appalling ineptitude of it's negotiators, and successive Tory governments.
  20. Nothing 'touchy-feely', as you put it, about agreements of all kinds being amended, all over the world. Happens all the time. Been involved in many myself. Statement of fact.
  21. Any agreement, of any kind whatsoever, can be amended if goodwill exists between the participants.
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