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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. What is the point of a posting that does nothing more than state the obvious ? Could apply to women on the game anywhere in the world.
  2. Message to the RTP-stop grubbing about on this kind of thing, stop focussing on minor offences committed by the poor, and go after the big time criminals. Will never happen, of course.
  3. Why on earth would you want to get rid of them ? Please do not harm them. They are an asset. They will help you to keep down rodents and other pests.
  4. Just do what immigration have asked you to do, in person if possible.
  5. You appear to know him very well.
  6. Thai cigarette monopoly hard at work protecting its' interests.
  7. If you hit a vehicle in front of you, you were either going too fast or not looking, or both.
  8. Don't threaten people here with legal action, or any other action for that matter. It only causes trouble. Once you delegate your extensions etc to an agent they can really mess you up if they choose to.
  9. Always best to go in person if possible.
  10. No surprise whatsoever. There was no way the Taiwanese had anything to gain by making this up. Be interesting to see what happens next....
  11. Another IMF 'forecast'. It's only January 2023. Wait and see how things look by the end of December.
  12. Bar girls in Thailand come in all shapes, sizes and characters. Some are doing the job because they like it, others because they can't find any other way to make money. Some are honest, some not. I have two friends from the UK who married Thai girls from pretty low dives but both have remained happily together for over 30 years. Another, though, was cheated rotten by a girl from a similar background. Main message- take your time, watch your money, and don't commit to anything until you have fully tested the integrity of a potential partner or long term girlfriend.
  13. Hardly worth the bother. Find something else to worry about.
  14. No sympathy. He cheated on his Thai partner in Holland, and then he himself was, apparently, cheated on by another Thai woman in Thailand. Bit short on brain power by the sound of it.
  15. No need to report anything to the public.
  16. A feather in Boris's cap I reckon.
  17. This man should either get the death penalty, or at least jail for life with no remission.
  18. Pathetic. These guys never seem to pick on someone their own size.
  19. Mugged twice in Manila, never troubled anywhere else in East Asia.
  20. I assume you are attempting to be funny. This lady is well-known and has no need for this kind of publicity. I suspect the CCTV footage will either be faulty or lost, and the issue will never be clarified. Interesting, though, that it was a Thai member of the group who handed over the money to the police. She'd better disappear for a while. She could be in real danger.
  21. Always very busy around Christmas, the new year, and Chinese new year. Nothing new about that. Add catch-ups after the covid restrictions. Hardly surprising it's all a bit hectic.
  22. What happened to all the conventional toilets ? Rank stupidity to have got rid of them.
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