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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. If it was me I would have been rather more curious to find out what I had hit. Given there was a dog in the middle of the road your wife must surely have realized she might have run over it. I would immediately check with the owner, offer to take the dog for checking/treatment, and offer compensation. Not to do so, and even worse adopting a combative attitude, could yet land you in big trouble here. I hope the dog is ok for all concerned.
  2. Some form of power created the multi-verse. Completely beyond our ability to comprehend who, what or why. God is as near as we can get.
  3. Taday a massive air and land attack has been launched by Russia, with Russian military helicopters already controlling the air space over Kiev. I am beginning to think the West's intervention has made this conflict far worse than it would otherwise have been.
  4. ......never mind, the nightlife is still pretty good.
  5. This kind of thing happens all over the world. People can be so naive. Sorry for the guy, but he was both stupid and duplicitous.
  6. First visited Thailand in 1961, lived and worked here from 1983-87, retired here in 1993. I remember only one report of such an event.
  7. A rather strange question. In my caseI I'm never wrong so no need for checking.
  8. 2 indoor/outdoor cats at our house in Bangkok, 6 indoor/outdoor cats and 6 outdoor dogs at our 4 rai walled garden house in Rayong. Love them all, and we would have horses if we had more land. Walk the dogs every morning at 5am. All much nicer to know than most humans, and less diseased, with fewer parasites and less smelly. Many older people, including elderly Thais from all levels of Thai society, take great comfort in caring for their animals.
  9. I'm beginning to think the West should have stayed right out of this.
  10. Over 70 million people voted for Trump but somehow he lost. Amazing. God bless America.
  11. Death is not such a big deai if you believe in reincarnation, as do many Thais. While there is emotion expressed at Thai funerals it is limited by comparison with most other nationalities.
  12. For some reason Ford have always had problems with the poor quality of their dealers in Thailand. In this case, however, I suspect it's the vehicle owner who is trying it on.
  13. 6 girls involved, under-age but not children. Disgraceful, but hardly the biggest story we've heard on this sad subject.
  14. I think the reference to his age is unfair. I've seen worse from 30 year olds. At 81 years old I recently gave up driving after I felt my reactions were no longer as sharp as they should be. Never had an accident in a lifetime of motoring, including rallying and club racing. This guy's biggest mistake was leaving his engine running, and panicking when then inadvertently setting the car in motion.
  15. Not insane. Very smart in looking after his own interests.
  16. I thought this legislation regarding school pregnancies had already been in place for many years. Confused.
  17. Generally westerners are not considered rude if they do not return a wai with a wai. A smile and an right hand extended for a handshake is entirely acceptable. Being waied by service providers does not require a response. If you do so you will be thought to be ignorant and rather silly.
  18. It's an issue of comparability. Fox news is pathetic at times, but less so than CNN or the BBC who are even worse.
  19. 13 years and 2 months according to the article.
  20. I have always gone in person to CW. Never had any hassle. In and out within a maximum of 1 hour. Just need to make the effort to get myself there and back to my home in Ratchayotin. Hardly a demanding exercise.
  21. The stabber should be in a mental home for the criminally insane.
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