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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. Does anybody know Tony's surname ? I used to have an Aussie friend called Tony with whom I lost contact some years ago. His surname was Massey.
  2. This is obsessive. You need help.
  3. I don't remember hearing anything regarding what happened to his Thai associates.
  4. Utterly ridiculous article. Even if the numbers quoted are true they are insignificant.
  5. I have had the yellow book for some years now. Worth getting in my opinion. For example, it has proven useful when buying and selling cars, and when reporting a robbery to the RTP.
  6. To repeat what has been said many times on this thread akready, properly cared for pit bulls are loyal, friendly and fun, and no threat to anybody.
  7. Chilling to think that this woman, as a teacher, should be setting a good example to her students. Teachers in Thailand seem to have more debt problems than mist sectors of society.
  8. How on earth can anyone live like that ?
  9. Thais near to you in enclosed spaces will be uncomfortable if you're not wearing a mask. It's not our country and if that's the way the Thai people feel we should go along with them, out of politeness if nothing else.
  10. My own experience is that I pee more in colder climates. Also, worth having your prostate checked for possible enlargement.
  11. Sad to see these palms gone. They may be sold but more likely dumped.
  12. Chadchart not exactly impressive so far. Best to allow more time to see if his actions are as good as his words.
  13. Not great, but sometimes useful. Worth getting if not difficult where you are.
  14. A famous quotation ...'There are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics'....
  15. The majority of Thais find it difficult to live within their means. They find it impossible to resist buying things they cannot afford, and accordingly become indebted to loan sharks. They then spend a huge amount of their time hiding from those to whom they owe money.
  16. How can smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol be allowed if use of pot is not ?
  17. Obviously some traditions are good and worth following, others are bad and best forgotten.
  18. No way, and under no circumstances, would I ever attend an event such as this.
  19. There is a decree sponsored by a revered figure in Thailand, and referred to several times already in these postings. The decree prevents any form of cruelty being inflicted upon dogs in Thailand. It appears to be widely observed, by both the veterinary services and by the public generally.
  20. Your suggestion and your reference to sanctimonious garbage noted. For your information I have two children and four grandchildren, all adults now, They have never had any problems with pit bulls, nor any other breed for that matter, during their lifetime to date.
  21. If properly cared for Pit Bulls are loyal, friendly and a lot of fun. No amount of adverse comment by ignorami will change that.
  22. As has been pointed out several times already, this is not possible legally in Thailand as a result of a decree passed some years ago.
  23. A sad way to go. Sorry the dogs were chained. RIP.
  24. The majority of Thais are nothing like as afraid of death as most Westerners. They believe in fate, and many believe in reincarnation. It's important to understand this in order to comprehend a lot of what goes on here.
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