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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. No backlash from me. I entirely agree with you.
  2. There have been regular reports of accidental, and/or suicidal, jumping deaths by foreigners in Thailand for long as I can remember. Whether these are more or less than anywhere else it's hard to say, although Peking and Moscow also seem to provide strong competition.
  3. You have identified a characteristic which seems to apply to not all, but to most Thais. I think it is because preparation involves doing something, whereas doing nothing requires no effort.
  4. Too many people, everywhere. The planet is already overloaded with humans. Wild life of any kind will soon be gone. People go on and on about global warming, climate change, the ozone layer etc etc, but over-population seems to be a subject about which any discussion is forbidden.
  5. Very well said.
  6. Much as many posters want to solve this problem by means a of mass slaughter, it won't happen. Some years ago a higher authority decreed that all dogs should be treated with kindness. Mass sterilization seems to be the answer if it could ever be administered.
  7. The influence of China, and the decrease in numbers of people able and willing to do good/skilled manual work.
  8. Does this piece of wood really exist, and if it does has it's age been certified by an independent authority ?
  9. A despicable, cowardly act. Hopefully the guy who did this will be arrested very shortly, and then charged.
  10. What a load of hassle. I always go in person for both 90 day report and extensions of stay, and over many years have never had any problems.
  11. He is not Thai so he gets the full treatment. There are many locals who were in it up to their necks at that time but were never even questioned, let alone charged.
  12. ....and so it goes on, day after day, month after month, year after year. This guy is a disgrace but, believe it or not, there many others who are so much worse.
  13. This should be investigated. It sounds like yet another highly suspicious re-allocation of funds.
  14. The UK Guardian is hardly the best source of information on this kind of conflict.
  15. Kate didn't go either, so not much of a story really. Meantime, where have the emojis gone ?
  16. Why don't you like cats ? They are naturally very cautious, and it takes time, effort and intelligence to earn their trust, but once you have done so you will have a very loyal and loving friend.
  17. Well said by the MFA, but surely this announcement would normally come from the head of state in most countries ?
  18. The army does what it's told to do by the rich and powerful. It does not act alone.
  19. A and E departments in the UK have to deal with people, inter-alia, complaining of headaches and colds. Likewise ambulance services. Thais, on the other hand, tend to keep going because not to do so means that, in many cases, they won't get paid if they are absent from their workplace.
  20. A clinic attends to outpatients. A nominated hospital is one where a person is already registered. Social security takes care of those in need, funded through taxation.
  21. This is just for show. There are far more powerful people than the PM or the constitutional court who are calling the shots.
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