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Everything posted by Thingamabob

  1. The majority of Thais are nothing like as afraid of death as most Westerners. They believe in fate, and many believe in reincarnation. It's important to understand this in order to comprehend a lot of what goes on here.
  2. Pit Bulls are friendly, loyal and a lot of fun if properly cared for.
  3. Still no answer. We can only assume you are deceiving us. Be ashamed.
  4. You have still not answered my question. I repeat- are these pictures honestly of children attacked by dogs ? Yes or no ?
  5. Correct. There is a decree in force making any form of cruelty to dogs illegal.
  6. Will you honestly confirm, to a retard like myself, that this picture is of a child attacked by a dog ?
  7. ...in which case you will face legal problems in Thailand where dogs are protected by decree.
  8. Last December I underwent this process at CW. Bank book not required at that time. I am on O visa retirement extensions with 800k baht deposited in my bank.
  9. Well done Enzo. The FIA world karting championships are tough at all levels.
  10. According to the article the cars were flown, repeat flown, to Singapore, then shipped to Thsiland.
  11. Just like in Saudi Arabia following the overthrow of the Shah in Iran. Friday afternoons, on TV.
  12. Lived and worked in several countries including Nigeria and Saudi Arabia. Thailand beats them all for entrenched corruption.
  13. Having tead the full article I agree with 2009's comments which are most definitely not stupid.
  14. This happens every 5-10 years. The teachers have no idea as to how to better manage their finances, and no intention to do so. They buy and borrow way beyond their means, and then approach the govt for assistance. The govt usually obliges, and so it goes on.
  15. What many people on this site seem to forget is that some years ago a greatly respected Thai decreed that dogs should never be mistreated under any circumstances.
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