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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. Scouse.......thanks for the info. In your opinion would it make any sense to have the visa for Cambodia for someone that say lives in thailand but wishes to visit Cambodia several times a year.


    That's what I do!

    For a start you never know if you need to leave Thailand quickly if there was a civil problem. Next, after you have the one month followed by the year extension you are good for a year and it's renewable every year. Saves a lot of messing if you are a regular to Cambodia at either the airport or the border post.

    For the price of it and if in a persons budget, it's well worth it. No reporting every 90 days, no giving an address, in and out as you please at no extra cost.

    • Like 1
  2. "...the extension costs $250 and is good for one year. you can get it at the embassy"

    At what embassy would that be

    Yes, as opposed to a one line statement and if you are trying to assist, why don't you state where to obtain this extension, which Embassy, it's location, with either a link and/or contact number for telephone etc etc.

    The information you have given is basically zero and no help at all ........"...the extension costs $250 and is good for one year. you can get it at the embassy"

    Even the Royal Embassy of Cambodia in London only gives information on one month tourist and ordinary/business visas as far as I could see and I looked five minutes ago.

    Some information here from a non-Embassy site but useful nevertheless.


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  3. hI,

    When you first enter the country you must ask and obtain the one month E visa NOT the tourist visa. It is $35 for a UK citizen unsure about USA burt if you want long stay this is a MUST HAVE as you cannot convert a tourist visa to long stay only for another month.


    Just to be clear, as I understand it, since a year or two ago, the Visa required in order to extend is called an Ordinary (not Business) Visa.

    There is no such thing now as a Business Visa as referred to in several posts.

    The eVisa facility only offers Tourist Visa (last time I looked) so is irrelevant to this question.

    It's not clear, but if the OP is already in Cambodia and came in on a Tourist Visa then he'll have to go back out and come in on an Ordinary Visa.

    We call them E visas as the visa always begins with an E followed by the number which are now called both Ordinary and business visas by the masses as it is the same type of visa you need if you wish to open a business. The straightforward tourist visa starts with a T followed by the number.

    These visas are issued at the immigration on check in not to be confused with the online ones.

    If he has already entered on a tourist visa, he can extend for another month and as you say if he wishes to stay longer he must go out and re - enter with the above mentioned visas.

  4. hI,

    When you first enter the country you must ask and obtain the one month E visa NOT the tourist visa. It is $35 for a UK citizen unsure about USA burt if you want long stay this is a MUST HAVE as you cannot convert a tourist visa to long stay only for another month.

    The yearly long stay visa you can get from and via a travel agent and takes four/five days as your passport goes to Phnom Penn. You do not need to go with it.

    Here is the name and address of a reliable tourist/travel agent with a good name and good service. I use her. She is based in the town of Siem Reap very near to Maybank or the giant LG store at central market, all tuk tuk drivers know the place.

    Sopheak Na travels and tours

    Miss Ouch Sopheak

    mob: +855 77 40 83 33

    mob: +855 97 76 33 882

    office : +855 63 96 88 95

    e mail: [email protected]

    On tep Vong road

    Central market building

    Opposite Preah Vihear Pharmacy

    The one year visa is abourt $295 not $250. There is no need to show money in the bank, there is no 90 day reporting and you can enter and leave the country at will . Latly, if you do not need one year, there are three month and six month visa extensions available at a cheaper price obviously.

  5. In case you haven't noticed..

    There is a recession in Europe/Russia/N. America for several years now..

    ..and it's starting to show.

    Its not a lack of cash that's keeping some of us away...its value for money.

    Where do you go to obtain "value for money" ?

    I split my time now and live now upcountry in Thailand and Siem Reap in Cambodia.

    I now go to Hanoi and Halong bay in Vietnam and Siem Reap in Cambodia. Decent priced air flights to both with a number of budget airlines, cheap priced food, drink, and luxury accommodation for 1300-1500 a night. 15 days free entry stamp on arrival at Hanoi airport for UK and European nationals (except Republic of Ireland who still need a visa), which they say will be increased to 30 days shortly.

    Hanoi is vibrant, buzzing, plenty action. Halong bay they are spending tens and tens of millions creating the best beaches, party bars on the beach, funfairs, skytrains, seaplane trips and a mix of high and medium priced hotels, cheap seafood, spotlessly clean roads and sea water etc.

    Siem Reap, same story,very few hookers,( Phnom Penn for that) plenty of tourists from backpackers to high end, busy town and a large beer is $2.50 which is 87 baht approximately. You don't need taxis, you can walk everywhere but the tuk tuk takes you home for no more than $2 usually $1 to most places. A full English breakfast is about $3-$4 ( 105-140 baht ) in a decent bar/cafe.

    Yearly visa is $275 no 90 day reporting, no re-entry visas, no 800,000 baht in the bank and you come and go as you please. Work permit to work in yoiur own bar/restaurant unhindered by authorities is $100 a year.

    My Samui, Phuket and Pattaya days are now out the window. I loved Pataya mid-nineties.

    I was in Kata beach, Phuket looking at a place six months ago, same old, same old. cheating taxis, lousy looking hookers and silly prices for everything

    I was checking out this forum for information as two friends asking me who are visiting in early May, as to whether to hit Samui or Koh Chang.

    It sounds like Samui is now just a concrete jungle with a beach??

    Last time I was in Samui was very early in the year 2000/2001 but I have heard it has changed a great deal.

    I honestly don't like the sound of what I am hearing after an expensive Bangkok air flight to get there and then 500 baht taxis!

    ! I think I will steer them to Koh Chang and then on to Siem Reap.

    Even Bangkok these days in a scabby scruffy outside table top beer bar in Patpong, they want 130 baht for a small bottle of beer listening to crap copy VDOs on the TV and ' hostesses ' the wrong side of 40 or early 50s begging a ' lady drink ' and wanting a tip for taking the top of a bottle of beer! No thanks!

  6. I would fire the bullet, flick the switch, pull the cord or whatever to execute terrorists and without losing sleep over it.

    We are talking about people teaching seven year old boys to behead people, cut off ears to prove how many they killed, to behead journalists and reporters simply because they regard them as infidels in their outdated nonsensical religion.

    We are talking about bombing civilians, not in war zones, but in classrooms at school. Kidnapping, brutalising and rape of children. Throwing men off high buildings and accusing them of being gay, when the truth is they just didn't like them.

    We are talking about religions that have failed in their own countries miserably but they now wish to export to ours. We have women repressed and denied education, denied even being allowed to drive a car, where to follow a different path or change religion is punishable by death.

    And they call this a ' righteous religion ? '

    Criticism of the West, I agree and accept there are scum there as well, especially the likes of Bush and Blair. What is also no better, are the despotic regimes and states that sponsor terrorism covertly such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Iran to mention a few.

  7. I've not got the patience to go through all these posts, so my apologies if i'm stating the same arguments. I think we can safely say its deash in most peoples minds. My view is death to any who kill for political reasons. I also think its about time all islamists of whatever country should stand up and be counted. All should be required to pledge allegiance to whatever country they have chosen to reside in. Shariah law should be outlawed in every country other than a muslim nation. If this is not agreeable they should be assisted by whatever means to go and reside in a muslim country who will accept them.

    Best and most sensible, fair post on this subject today!

  8. Too easy is an immedaite death sentence and let's them off the hook too quickly. A bullet or hangman's noose and it's over in seconds.

    The American system is better in this regard as death row makes them have a sub human existance for years and years before the execution takes place. For pre mediated murder ia all forms that are proven beyond reasonable doubt this would be my ideal method.

    However, this then brings another can of worms, you then must look at each and every country and how they implement justice and how reliable is their judicial system.

    Do they have judge and jury? What is that country's record on human rights? Is it biaised towards certain groups or opponents, Is it an autocratic regime, how independent is the justice system etc etc

    so many different factors.

  9. Another good idea to keep death off the roads abused and corrupted by the cops.

    Rates at the moment around 10,000 baht for a foreigner to ' pass ' the breath test and be on his way with his vehicle. So this does nothing to keep drink drivers off the roads in any shape or form.

    Safety helmets for bikers?? A complete joke until they bring the quality of them up to international standard where they actually may do some good in an accident.

    Until the Police are paid decent salaries and then hammered if they step out of line, I mean kicked out and charged with a crime and imprisoned if it is serious, not just moved to another post, it will always be the case of 'same old, same old'. It WORKED in Singapore which was also riddled with police corruption. I just cannot see it happening in Thailand.

    A nameless guy at the British Embassy ( who was high up ) once said to me that the place was ' rotten from the very top to the very bottom ' and he would be happy when he was moved to another post. So, they are very aware of everything within the Embassy, they just ' toe the party line ' whilst they are in Thailand.

  10. Play it safe brother. Let the wife paint the house, while you swing in the hammock and give instructions.

    As a rule: Whatever a Thai citizen can do, a Farang is not allowed to do.

    Keeping this in mind, any Thai would be capable of having sexual intercourse with your wife/GF. A Farang doing this, is basically taking away a job from a Thai citizen. Yes Sir !biggrin.png


    You trying to tell us that a Thai cannot swing in a hammock and give advice/instructions?? They invented it. If it was an Olympic sport they would win Gold, Silver and the Cambodians and Laotians would share Bronze.

    Also, if the guy lives in the sticks, very few of the locals are either interested nor do they know immigration law, they have their own lives to lead and get on with.

    Paint the bloody fence!

  11. why would you buy two new tickets to fly back, the airline is responsible for the baggage unless you used two different airlines and your baggage was not checked through to the final destination.

    Explain please

    He had prohibited objects in his luggage.If his name was on the bag,maybe the should have sent a message to the boarding gate.

    It's very unfortunate the OP has had to fly back but these are the dangerous times we live in and then we have to consider airlines vigilance and duty in preventing possible terrorist attacks (which are frequently changing direction) and who are coming up with more ingenious ways to spread fear and harm, against their luggage problems.

    However, I think it's very impractical to suggest sending ' messages to boarding gates ', if the airports / airlines were to lose time to do this every time somebody is carrying prohibited substances then the planes would never get off the ground.

  12. Genuine and sincere monks do not as a rule walk around asking for money.

    As another poster has said they can become a monk for a month, usually a ' get out of jail free card ' after committing some heinous crime.

    I have only ever been approached in Thailand once by monks for money around 5.30am when I was buying some early morning BBQ, they were from outside the district and asked for 100 baht for food, which I gave.I was caught off guard by them asking. That's the only time in 20 plus years I have been asked.

    I have been approached many times by scam monks in Siem Reap and Phnom Penn but I was told by the local Cambodians that those guys were neither monks nor Cambodian, they were Chinese scam artists. When I asked why they were not arrested I ewas told they paid local law enforcement weekly.

  13. Hi guys, I live in this neck of the woods fairly near Roi Et. I would recommend for sightseeing, people watching and nightlife either Roi et or Buri Ram, especially the Klim hotel on the other side of the railway. Great hotel and fantastic buffet breakfast. Plenty to see and do in Buri Ram. I stay there when on my way driving to Aranyaprathet border crossing. Also, Mukdahan is a nice day out but. Ore to do in Roi Et and especially Buri ram.

  14. And in the meantime.......................

    This is what will happen. Those boys will be constantly denied bail as they will announce to the world that they are considered a ' flight risk ' whereas Thais would be given bail even in a double murder case.

    The appeal procedure will go first to the appeal court and then if they are successful, the prosecutor can appeal to the Supreme court.

    This procedure takes YEARS AND YEARS, hopefully in Thai eyes, long enough for everyone to forget and move on.

    Don't forget, these boys at age 22 I think?? will sit in a disgusting jail for maybe between 7-10 years EASILY for the appeals process, the jail selected to hold them is full of Muslim terrorists and lunatics from the deep South. It is not a nice place to be even judging by Thailand's lousy international standards of prison care. Only, Cambodia would rank lower in the region and possibly Laos.

    Any pressure exerted from Myanmar, will be seen as dabbling in Thailand's ' internal affairs ' and lip service as well as the usual smarmy grins and false limp handshakes alongside a load of wai-ing and smiling nothing will be done.

    If the boys were to be cleared in the Supreme court, this would leave the Thais open to a massive financial lawsiut..........We all know if there is one thing Thais hate is giving out money!!............... So, that ain't going to happen.

    Well done Thailand as usual.

  15. Lived on Samui a decade. Still comfortable and with variety. Also direct flights to Siem Reap. Also consider Lamai Beach, less nightlife than Chaweng but far more than Maenam. Also Bophut and Bangrak beach is quieter but not still.

    You're a star! I never knew it had flights to Siem Reap, wow! good stuff, game over, Samui it is.

    Whoa sorry, I just looked buddy, the flights are not direct and in May they are 17,000 baht plus! I suppose we can do the Air Asia route with fly n ferry then Air Asia back to Bangkok and on to Siem Reap.

  16. Guys,

    Thank you all for your help and info. It seems, as they are only here for 14 days in Thailand, a choice between Koh Samui and possibly visit a couple of islands near Samui or Koh Chang with a possibility of nipping down to Siem Reap.

    I am leaning towards Samui as it has everything such as beaches, nightlife, alternative islands and quiet areas. One of these guys likes the beach but is a non swimmer so snorkelling etc would be out of the equation. I just hope there is enough of Thailand to see on Samui. If I was going alone, I would favour Koh Chang.

    Samui scores again as it has an airport as well.

  17. Guys,

    Without going into minute detail, the accident was the ice trucks fault in my and his opinion. My main reason for believing this is that I was pulling out of my drive and doing about 2 mph. He had come down the road at very high speed, seen me, but still thought he could manoeuvre around me, and as I said, it was a very quiet road until it was recently re-surfaced.

    He had seen me clearly, which he admitted, and I agree with posters that I was blind, hence the speed of 2 mph,.He said himself he was at fault and made no attempt at denying this.

    Anyway, that's how it ended. There are many things in Thailand driving wise that they interpret differently to the West.

    At the end of our main road into the town, which is a fair sized two lane road leading to the town is a major very wide road ( double the size of our road leading into it ) which goes directly through the town centre. It is very obvious to anybody Western who has the priority right of way!!

    However, they have recently re-surfaced and repainted the major road with white double stop lines and yellow lines. This now gives us priority access from the smaller road into the major road.

    I always still give way as I have no wish to test this theory with a 14 wheeled sugar truck!

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