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Posts posted by Scouse123

  1. I bet many don't even have the 20k baht. If they had they could have bought helmets and a proper motocy for racing.

    But i like this rule anyway, the parents are responsible for their kids, all the time and even when they don't see them.

    Unfortunately in Isaarn the parents, let's say of farm workers and labourers, have little skill in bringing up children as they implement a system of spoiling them and allowing them to do as they please. Schools are not much better as places of learning people skills, with lousy educational standards. The kids care more that they are wearing the correct daily uniform than they do about learning anything at school.

    This leads to them disappearing off to Bangkok and Pattaya and the islands,, both male and female at very young ages to fend for themselves, or probably, in this case, on the pretext of going to earn the 20,000 baht to give back to the family! This of course will never happen once they hit the bright lights of the cities.

    Those that remain, the absolute bone idle ones, tend the rice fields of planting and harvesting ( maximum of three to four weeks a year, if you are lucky! ) and then while away the hours gambling, stealing, cock fighting, rice whisky, Yaa Baa, hanging around the gates and looking for underage sex at the schools and of course,.........bike racing.

    Unless they are the exception, or under strong guidance from parents, ( usually those from Thai Chinese upbringings ) this is the life that awaits them.

    All of the above coupled with a low regard for the law or human life, and you see what a basket case Thailand actually is, for the most part.

    The best way to enjoy life in Thailand and survive is to go about your own business in a polite and sociable manner and keep yourself to yourself and your partners/ loved ones without entering the fray. It really is... a jungle out there!

  2. Guys,

    I am going to let the subject rest from my point of view as I have said what I wish to say but I will leave it with these few things to ponder.

    1. The Thais or Thai public or government coffers HAVE NOT lost anything. It was a private ' for profit ' hospital. If anyone loses money it will be the shareholders. As I have said, sympathy is extremely limited when many of you know the inflated charges, vast profits they make and unnecessary operations and treatments these hospitals have given to foreigners in distress in the past.

    2. The corruption in these hospitals was so well known and widespread, the Junta had/has ordered an inquiry into their charges and billing procedures and stated it must improve, whether those are just more hollow words remains to be seen.

    3. By the deliberate ' lack of mention ' . of insurance in all reports, it is safe to say she didn't have any. This would be considered ' feckless ' by any Embassy dealing with this problem.

    4. Crowd funding and Go fund me sources of attracting help and assistance are or should be reserved for extraordinary unforeseen events, not for people, knowing they are unwell, to just ' toddle off 7,000 miles anyway ' This represents a ' devil may care ' attitude.

    5.The boyfriend/ partner left on the pretext that his visa ( probably his 30 days on entry ) had expired. A partner, in my view, would have explored ways of staying in the country with the hospital who would have directed him to immigration who are very helpful in genuine circumstances. I do not accept he had to return home. It appears to me it was ' too much like hard work ' or they came underfunded.Various options could have been open to him, to stay with his lady if he really wanted to. I would have, as the song goes, begged, stole or borrowed to stay with mine. I wouldn't have stolen but I think you understand the meaning.

    6. The next point is slightly more difficult to understand, as private hospitals do not as a rule allow bills like this to ' rack up ' without any form of guarantee which to me is very strange, indeed, they push for removal to a government hospital very quickly if funds are not forthcoming.

    7. It is not the duty of the Embassies around the world, for any nationality, to pay for the repatriation of their nationals in death or in life just because they do not have adequate health or emergency insurance.

    8. I find it slightly disturbing doctors are now being blamed by the family for giving or attempting life saving treatments when the lady had an absence of loved ones or family members in the country to make those decisions on her behalf.

    9.I am perplexed as to why some people here think TV members should dive in their pockets and wallets to send money to people we do not know the background story about and a cause that we know no details about and a saga that raises more questions than answers.This is not heartlessness or lack of compassion, it is common sense. If many of us were to do this for every time we see a sad story, we would be in the poor house.

    10. I am genuinely sorry for the loss of a life, I do feel it is a sad ending for the lady,. Lessons should be learned from this sad story, a life has been lost. RIP to the poor lady.

  3. Sorry Guys ,,, 28,000 Bht a day in an intensive care unit is very cheap.

    Get caught in the USA would be 4 times that

    The Tourist Minister should leave the next ELECTED Government ( if that ever happens) to sort out the sex issue

    but this is one she could have a look at. Maybe an extra 200 Bht departure tax directly to a health fund insurance fund

    for visitors to Thailand who come for 30 days or less & only 2 times a year.

    Long term expats to show a Health Insurance Policy of minimum 1 mil for visa extension (or the money in Thailand)

    No , no no,

    Nothing like this should be placed in the hands of the Thai powers-that-be, especially access to cash designated for health as I can guarantee it will be hijacked and stolen for further abuse and even more pigs at the trough than there are now.

    Nor, is this problem unique to Thailand. My God, the Thais have only just added something on the ticket for added airport security measures, unheard of in other countries.

    Where does it end? Foreigners walking through the temples make the pathways no good, let's put some ' fee ' on the ticket, they use to much water to bathe and shower in, let's upgrade the systems and put it on the air ticket....it would never stop and it's nonsense!!!

    Health insurance for traveling should be done and sorted at the point of departure in the persons home country before they leave.

    Countries should be zoned, or at least continents, as to bear in mind health costs and Health insurance should be based accordingly on a sliding scale for the amount of cover, with a minimum compulsory amount of cover required.

  4. There really needs to be an international investigation into foreigners treatment in Thai hospitals.

    Basically how much does their ability to pay affect their chances of survival?

    The fact that the Thais gave treatment amounting to 36000 GBP should answer your question!

    They performed the treatment and are out of pocket - Try getting sick in China! They will let you die in the waiting room if you don't have the cash or a line of credit.

    The fact that the treatment to this value was provided up front speaks volumes for the Thai hospital system, they didn't ask for cash up front.

    Now they are stuck with the debt, and I doubt very much that the family involved will be paying the bill now that the patient is dead, so Thailand is out of pocket.


    Thailand will not be out of pocket at all.

    These enterprises are run for ' vast profits ' by companies and corporations outside the Thai welfare system and are nothing to do with the state. I would hardly by crying for these corporations that are making huge profits from medical tourism and actually provide ' cash incentives ' to medics and EMS to take them to their hospitals of choice. Bumrungrad, Thailand's most famous and expensive hospital has many shareholders from corporations in the Middle East etc. It is run for profit, first and foremost.

    Add back unnecessary treatments and services given to patients that are neither required nor needed, only to drain insurance companies funds or family coffers, I have heard of many families having to re-mortgage to cover some of the shameless costs charged by these ' hospitals ' I have no sympathy that they lose on this occasion.

    I stand by my previous post, if you are a European and in poor health and cannot get the necessary insurance for long haul, then the risk is down to you. You cannot then expect the UK government to step in or rely on crowd funding after the event. They should be holidaying much closer to home where they, at least at present, have peace of mind with EU cover for health emergencies.

  5. The only way I see this situation (and I am sorry for the loss to the family,RIP to the lady), is this way. The lady had been plagued with ill health for a long time and also had arthritis.

    I cannot believe travel insurance would not given due to existing pre condition of arthritis.

    If it was refused for something more serious, why did she not take her holiday in Europe??

    Multiple reasons for this, such as EU healthcare, nearer home, more chance of family getting over to her quickly in an emergency, less chance of being hooked up to a machine that MAYBE is (a) Doing no good and the Thais are simply dragging it out because they think there is insurance to be had or ( They think the family will find the money to pay for expensive treatments.

    I doubt very much when she collapsed she would have been taken to a state hospital when they saw it was a foreigner.

    Lastly, to the poster blaming the UK government and saying shame on them, you really expect the UK government to repatriate every person who gets ill abroad and has no insurance??

    What next? every clown that overstays and ends up in IDC or every criminal released around the world gets their air fares paid back to the UK?

    That would be irresponsible to the taxpayer by the UK government. People have to take responsibility for themselves and their associated costs when travelling and that includes insurance, which seems to be completely missing a mention in the news summary.

  6. The guy has been involved with bad company and received bad advice from foreigners he believed were ' connected within the Thai legal system and in the know ' He has been tricked and conned out of money and is at the end of his tether. The man is on the verge of a serious breakdown.

    Most of these charges against him are regards Thailand's infamous ' libel laws ' and have been instigated by the very people who have cheated him out of money.

    The alleged injured parties who brought these charges have themselves also skipped Thailand and it is without a doubt that they will NOT return as they are on multiple charges of theft and dishonesty and have jumped bail conditions and there are warrants out for their arrests.

    Moving now to his overstay, what he should be doing is reporting to Immigration and then an appointed officer goes to Pattaya court and clears his stay with the court otherwise he is technically on overstay { in their eyes and their rules } He does not have to pay any fees for these extensions as he is here by order of the court and cannot leave. However, foreigners are never told this important piece of information and are just expected to know it by themselves which in itself, is a disgrace.

    So, in essence, his charges are nowhere as bad as the newspapers imply nor do they give his side of the story.

    The online comments regarding insulting Thais , I know nothing about, but I can guess it will be related to the treatment he has received from the so called ' authorities ' What I do know is this, Thais are treated a DAMN SIGHT BETTER IN THE UK than they treat UK citizens in Thailand.

    A lot of Thais are up to no good in the UK as well, prostituting, overstay, selling and growing drugs etc, I know this for a fact. It is because of the UK leniency in convictions and sentencing that they take these risks for the financial rewards outweigh the punishment in their view.

    Regards to the Thai police,, they couldn't get a job as a ' lollipop man ' at a zebra crossing in the UK with their piss poor education and knowledge of the law.

  7. Absolute nonsense,

    I merely stated observations made by a friend who had been as I had been contemplating on visiting the place until I started reading and hearing the horror stories. I then sought advice from people who have been, lived there, visited long and short term to gain knowledge and get their views.

    That is the idea of a public forum, to exchange views and find out the good, the bad and the ugly. I certainly have made no judgement or degenerated anybody and stated from the outset I had never been.

    You need to read the post fully before making accusations like that and then read the responses from TV members. You seem to have a problem with any person whose views differ from yours.

  8. I have not been to Manila but I have been to, Cebu, Bohol, Panglao. After hearing stories like you describe I feared for the worst but it was a great trip, no issues with taxis, they even spoke Engkish. I even walked to the mall near my hotel after dark in Cebu. Nothing bad happened I spent 3 weeks. Yes I did see armed guards at Starbucks and shopping malls, I saw a lot more poverty then Thailand.

    I will say that I felt less safe then in Thailand, maybe because of all the bad stuff I heard, maybe seeing all the armed guards but I am going back for a month stoping in Manila just for a few days My advise skip Manila your first time as I did If you go to the Philippines and skip Manila and use street smarts I am sure you will report back lving your trip. I will report about my first stay in in Manila as well. smile.png

    I can GUARANTEE you that all the people commenting on here,saying the Philippines is unsafe have NEVER been there and thankfully,never will! rolleyes.gif

    Cebu and Manila are not so different,they are the first and second largest cities in the Philippines after all Manila is much,much bigger and more overcrowded but it puts Bangkok to shame for shopping in Makati and restaurants also.

    Try the People's Palace for Thai food it's a great place an right in the centre of Makati and the shopping,bars,restaurants etc. :


    That's an unfair and sweeping statement. I started the thread by stating about a friend who had returned from there and gave his assessment on the place and he is well travelled around Asia.

    We have heard from guys who have lived there for substantial amounts of time and some who have Filipina wives. You cannot say they are all wrong just because their experiences and knowledge differs from yours.

  9. A bit odd,

    The Filipinos have cancelled his passport and the Thais his visa. This usually means they were both valid and active.

    That's OK, but a Philippines passport is valid for 5 years and he has been in Thailand 12 years which means he has sought renewal from the Philippines Embassy at the very least on two occasions. The Philippines doesn't have ID cards to my knowledge, so the passport doubles up as ID.

    Somebody therefore has not been doing their ' job ' if he was a ' most wanted fugitive ' to allow him to renew his passport twice. Unless, they have no cross checks regarding fugitives at the Philippines Embassy when he applied for renewal.

    It doesn't state he changed his name or anything in the story.

  10. What is it with these bloody police that they parade them for the press and then allow them to hide their faces behind baseball caps or looking down at the floor??? Please do not say he is ashamed, the only shame he has is being caught and paraded for his crime!

    They certainly do not seem to allow this when the alleged perpetrator is Western or Burmese!

    This is not something to be laughed off with witty remarks on TV, it's an absolute abomination that he has committed on this young girl. He terrified out her out of her mind, punctured lungs, facial scarring with lit cigarettes and various other severe injuries and harm committed, for two bloody days!

    The bastard wants burning! and then to say ' He got jealous over a foreigner ' Oh well, that makes it alright then!

    It smacks of a lame excuse to try and bring some justification to this heinous crime of which there is none.

    It's also a waste of time saying he will get what's coming to him in prison- he won't...!! He'll be looked up to as he was a member of a Thai international bodybuilding team and will be given food and privileges by inmates wanting to ' bulk up ' and guards looking to befriend him as an ex international star! .......Not my views or thoughts- it's the way they look at it.

    And, that is supposing it ever comes to court!!! in which case I can see it now, a defence lawyer boasting of the pride this guy has brought to Thailand in international competition and to be treated leniently for a momentary lapse of judgement when overcome by jealousy!!

    Makes me puke!

  11. Tipping in beer bars has crept into the Thai bar scene until it has become accepted even when they give lousy service, they still expect the tip.

    As posters have said, they spend their time looking at their handphones, screaming at their Thai friend to get their attention, even though she is sitting less than 5 yards away, watching copy movies on a loop on the TV, and in that time, a bored, old, heavily made up woman closer to 45 than 20 takes the top off a small bottle of beer, equivalent to half a pint, and asking 130 baht for the privilege!

    Nah sorry, I see no reason to tip, I did tip before, but those days are gone.

    It is not their fault they work in areas where the Chinese Thai landlords are crippling them with rent increases......................neither is it yours!

    Going to a decent class restaurant and receiving good service or a good cabaret show, well, that's an entirely different matter.

  12. I am an Atheist but would not slam Buddhism anymore than Catholicism or Hinduism or any other belief.

    I disagree and find it objectionable when monks and/or priests or whatever and wherever are running temples and churches like private piggy banks bleeding those who can least afford it.

    Adding back, the ridiculous wealth and private planes exposed in the media and cars and lifestyles these alleged pious people are living, it's a shame and they should not be shielded nor protected.These people who are stealing, preying on novice priests and monks for sexual satisfaction and all thew while preaching to the rest of us about what is right and wrong.

    I have no time for those Reverends in the USA and Africa doing likewise.

    OK, in the old man's predicament, if they have looked after him, fair enough,however, it is not how it was put across at the start of the post.

  13. so you give $30000 and expect the temple to keep you for the rest of your life?

    It seems to me that his cave is the responsibility of the state.............as for comments on his "youthful good looks" - thank God that person isn't my doctor....what a profoundly daft comment.

    Hardly costing the temple anything is it???

    They beg their food every day, they beg public donations for temple upkeep regularly, They even get their robes donated.

    There have been many reports on the ' frugal lifestyle ' some of these monks don't lead!

    They didn't say to the old guy, who maybe senile or uneducated, to keep hold of his funds for later life!!!

    I can't see him costing very much in the scale of things, he probably is self funding.

    He doesn't look like he'll be BEGGING the Abbot for money anytime soon, to hit the local discos and whore houses!

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