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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. Why can't things like that happen to me? If I jumped up in the air, I think I'd miss.
  2. Cheers, Good to know your thoughts were right, though. I'll leave it then at that. I just said to him that I hoped he'd fixed it so it wouldn't re-occur, he says it won't.
  3. Crossy, You are spot on! Previously, the power went from a PEA meter pole, to my pole in the garden where it went underground. We have now put new cable and connected above ground and disconnected the underground connection. My electrician re wired the house to above ground and cut the supply to below ground where it was previously and STILL the meter was spinning around. He was annoyed that he had re wired and re routed, and for his own peace of mind wanted to get to the bottom of it. He then went out to the pole located across the street opposite our house, and right at the top of the meter pole, he has found the short/ bad connection. The connection he has repaired then cut the power to my house, and the meter stopped dead. However, and I know you get this, it's on the wire side of the power output from the meter as opposed to the input side, at the top of the pole like you said, so he is saying PEA will deny and say it is our responsibility. I was ready to challenge them on Monday, but is it worth it, or will I be wasting my time? So, us rewiring the cable above ground and cutting the underground, and re-routing to the house is an expense for nothing when it was on the pole all the time.
  4. OMG, The times I've seen them around Suriwongse and Silom. Seen the size of them? Sure, the cats won't take them on.
  5. That what I was thinking, it's always been that way throughout the country. All the street vendors do it and many of the temporary and permanent shops. Then I would say there is a high risk of Hep A from street vendor stalls in particularly.
  6. I did query it. The PEA guy took some testers that went around the cable leading from the meter and showed is that it was still drawing current with the breaker to the house off. He said he couldn't assist further as he wasn't allowed to as it was on our property, as I was pushing to know where the' leak' was. He did, however, speak on the phone to our electrician, who I have begged to come today, explaining the situation. I believe this' leak' is coming from the power wire that links our house to PEA box. I hopefully, will update AN today. If I hadn't been away for half of the month, I would have just put the expensive electric bill down to price increases or an anomaly and paid it. It looks like I'll still have to pay it if the fault is the cable that connects our house to the main supply.
  7. In the news a lot for cheating, violence, threats etc these Lady boys.
  8. It is an IT. It doesn't know whether it is Arthur or Martha.
  9. 20,000 Baht? The Tranny has got to be Monk..eying around at that price!
  10. It makes me wonder about all these fines issued by venues for various infractions, a bit the same as hotels threatening 2000 baht fines for bringing in durian or smoking. Etc Are these fines actually legal and within the law, and can they impose them?
  11. Steady on lads, it's not Pablo Escobar. No need to look so pleased with yourselves for catching a low level drug dealer. They never seem to catch any ' big fish ' though.
  12. The PEA guy says he can't see anyone else hooked up to our meter, and doubts it. He didn't do a full check, just a cursory look over.
  13. OK Gents, PEA guy has just been out and said there is a 5 amp supply to our house and even when the breaker is turned off and cuts all the power in our house, it's still drawing 2 Amps. He suspects that it is the electric wires from their lamp post to our house where there is a leak, and as such it is on our land or our supply and so it's down to us to get a local electrician (who I have already phoned, and he says 3 days to come) to come and find it and replace as is necessary. Also, the ridiculous recent electricity bill will have to be paid, for the above reasons. Hope that makes sense, I am still scratching my head, but it is what it is.
  14. They all have individual meters, but they are all on the lamp post in the street, not on the houses themselves, which I think (hope) that is what he was meaning.
  15. They picked a bad time if they are trying it on, because it's for a period when the house was empty and locked up.
  16. Crossy, I am sat here waiting for this team that does that to arrive. They said they would come yesterday afternoon. The meter reader has taken the bill back to PEA and told me not to pay until it's resolved.
  17. Hi, I've been to the PEA, and they just sent a meter reader out. Now awaiting the other' team' as he referred to them to come and see what's going on. What has happened recently, is a load of illegal and makeshift allotments and dwellings are springing up on the other side of the road. The road width is about 5 metres, and that's where the meters are, the other side of the road. I like this idea, I'll pursue it.
  18. Guys, We have three houses in a compound, all with individual electric meters. The main house, which is ours, obviously has a lot higher bill than the one we rent out, and one where mother stays. Now, my last bill which arrived on January 24th was 2600 baht. We have air in the bedroom, but it is seldom used, because of my condition, and certainly wasn't in the cold snap we have had in Kalasin. The rest of the house is fan cooled only. We were not here, as we travelled to the UK from January 20th until February 6th. The house was locked up. I paid the above bill of 2600 baht immediately on my return. Obviously, I was expecting a low bill this month, similar to above, as it actually only covers the period when the house was occupied again, February 6th until February 22nd, (16 days) when the meter was read yesterday. The bill has arrived at 4500 baht plus, basically covering 16 days. I went to the PEA and the guy they sent out said his job was only to read the meter. I pointed out all of the above. He just shrugged as in' not my department' style. My other half actually stated the meter was still going around when we cut the power to the house, (I returned to the house from outside at the back end of the conversation and didn't see this). This means either a defective meter, surely, or somebody is tapping in to our meter? There must be something amiss here.
  19. Not according to @Bangkok Barry he says its a new story with a different hotel? Sat on the fence me!🤣
  20. Really? If true, it about sums up what we are dealing with here.
  21. As above not required, we got one recently for 10 years for the UK.
  22. Call me old-fashioned, but I would sooner sit in a restaurant, have surf and turf, a bottle of wine and my own company, followed by Netflix, plus I wouldn't have the repair bill for that condo.
  23. After reading the full story and watching the video, I tend to agree with your view on this event. You can see, initially, the LB wearing a blonde wig with an oversized kitchen knife appears to be the aggressor in the incident in the car park. There were three white males and sometimes four in the video. I just cannot see a lone British guy offering them 4,000 baht each to attend a party when they already had numerous guests there. More like sour grapes by the LBs that' their' expectations hadn't been met. Whatever, it seemed very nice accommodation they had rented, and I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of paying for the damage done and cleaning up as well as replacing ornaments.
  24. He sounds like a five-star dick if he attempted to bring his own booze and not pay any corkage in the restaurant. Some places charge you corkage for the total value of the bottle, not just a 200 baht opening charge. He must have posted under his own name for all to see, for them to trace him. So, not only was he being malicious in his reviews (posting multiple under different names) he was also challenging them to take him on. I, as a former hotelier, have posted a few negative reviews on trip advisor, but not nasty or untrue ones. I usually give the benefit of the doubt if it's borderline. People shouldn't trash other peoples businesses just for vindictiveness, which is what we seem to be seeing in this instance.
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