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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. If only he and his wife had kept their big mouths shut and engaged their brains first. However, judging by his behaviour towards the ambulance, it looks like being a clown and acting superior is in his DNA
  2. I just recently had surgery for my eyes in the UK and a lens replacement. There was no overnight stay, it was a top-class clinic I used and I was in and out in three hours. I had an eye patch to wear on the way home and I was advised not to drive, which was fine. I was given various medications which I used (some painkillers, which I didn't take), and different forms of eye drops to help with the healing process, for one month. I also had a procedure done in Thailand ( colonoscopy) last year, and they made me stay in the local hospital overnight. That procedure in the UK does not require hospitalisation.
  3. Hence the renaming and two names for the same business, one is profit making and one isn't. So the idea is obviously to steer as much money to the non-profit foundation and load it down with all the expenses, that's how the 1 million baht a month villa and fancy motor come into play. No doubt all wages, food for the animals, and lease of the elephants will all be weighed down as expenses on the foundation, as opposed to the Park. It's clever accounting. I've seen it done in many operations to minimise tax and maximise profits. No doubt it is common practice to do this in Thailand, and that is why the Governor asked for clear identification as to the two roles played by Green Elephant Sanctuary Park and Green Elephant Wildlife Foundation.
  4. Because they like to follow the adage about making sure they kick a man whilst he's down so there is no possibility of him getting up again.
  5. If the Governor of Phuket is involved and it has also been brought to the attention of the powers that be in Bangkok and also voiced their displeasure, as well as the DSI now involved, it is fairly obvious. They are proceeding to go to the court to revoke the foundation licence, I cannot see a local judge going against the Governor. I don't think it is much of a stretch when they have already stated that he is a danger to the peace and stability of the nation, that he will be deported and blacklisted after his current court cases have been heard and dealt with. The house of cards is tumbling down for him. He did the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time and opened a can of worms. It also attracted massive media interest, both locally and internationally, for the wrong reasons It has turned into a witchhunt, and they are going to follow through with this one I think.
  6. But thankfully not in business in this country anymore I'll stick to construction in the UK where it can all go in my name and I know the rules and regulations and what I am dealing with.
  7. Definitely, They seem to get the idea because they are here a while or running a business, which gives them more entitlement than the rest of us mere mortals.
  8. Not sure, with the price of flights at the minute, the Brits might be hitting Benidorm.
  9. It's been like that for years and years, deflection from their home grown real issues.
  10. Figured you out. Japan is just such an expensive place to live in, that's why you are staying home on a Thai messageboard to minimise your costs and overhead.
  11. I love it, Swiss losing their cool, Aussies misbehaving, Americans on the warpath fearing a Trump return, the usual sprinking of Thais going mental, etc We Brits are on a roll here.
  12. According to the Bangkok Post, they have or are revoking his licence for the Green Elephant Wildlife Foundation. That is from Governor Sophon Suwannarat, who said on Saturday that they believed his foundation was used for illegal purposes, and as such, were revoking its licence. The same logo is being used for the Green Elephant Foundation and Green Elephant Sanctuary Park, and they want clarification as to the day-to-day operations of both. They share an identical address
  13. I am a Gold member with Qatar and in February came back in business, although not Q suites. I can see they are now cutting corners, but NOT PRICES, in this business class. The amenity bag was smaller, with less in it, and wasn't that much better than the economy. Another first was they came back to me on the MAN-BKK leg and told me I couldn't have the surf and turf starter, as they didn't have enough, and would I be prepared to accept Arab Mezes. The chocolates are hit and miss, and the bathrooms in business used to have far better gels, hygiene kits etc There wasn't the attention given in standard business as in Q suites, the plane was late departure from Manchester (unusual) and we were held on a stairway for over 20 minutes before boarding. By this time Economy had joined the scrum, the ground staff couldn't differentiate on the stair landing, it was like a Y-shaped approach, there was supposedly a front stairway for business and a rear for economy, but they merged to one as you went in the final lane to board, so we gave up and just stood in the queue and boarded. The flight was packed and the crew was flustered. I go again in May and I am going A380 BKK-DOH and DOH-BKK legs. economy at the front, and Business DOH-MAN and MAN-DOH.(Q suites) At the front economy section in row 40 on the A380 I am happy enough.
  14. I hope he knows he is a GUEST in our delightful HOST country and his behaviour goes against the wellbeing of all the good citizens of the UK who will be outraged that he has done this whilst claiming asylum from the very dangerous country, Thailand. Never mind the 10-year overstay. He can pay 20 GBP per day out of his ill-gotten gains. The Met Police can then check his banks and have a good old shareout in London. I would like Rishi Sunak to go out and investigate this heinous crime supported by the Chief of the Met in the background and accompanied by gun-toting balaclava-clad SAS-looking Police. Make sure we have a good supply of journalists asking the right questions, enabling the Met Chief to get out her blackboard and stick. Finger-pointing at the offender is compulsory for anybody holding the rank of Inspector or above. Then, we should put him in jail and go and check the visas and status of every Thai that owns a restaurant or leisure or massage palace in the UK. Subsequently, deport them all and blacklist any, for the slightest infraction, we catch overstaying or not adhering to their visa conditions of "not working", and for bringing our country into disrepute. SOUND FAMILIAR? All AN Thai apologists take note. See all the wonderful behaviour of certain people who have come to visit our country? So let's tar them all with the same brush like many do here .
  15. It was a verbal exchange in 2002 by the then HM Consul Mr Deryck Fisher and myself when I was in a dispute where the RTP were clearly in the wrong and I provided video evidence backing up my claim. The biggest problem of these investigation teams and committees is that they are always led by themselves, eg, Police investigating Police and it very seldom never results in justice for the victim/aggrieved person.
  16. It hasn't happened on my last couple of trips but I find Don Muang and DOHA in Qatar a pain in the backside when we have to take buses instead of going alongside and using the air bridges. These two airports were especially bad for this. I try always now when flying to or from Doha to get the A380 as they always park up at the terminal.
  17. I don't agree with that at all. I find it a good airport to fly from. It is modern, we went through procedures very quickly on our return to Thailand.
  18. They were in use in Manchester when we returned to Thailand on February 5th 2024. I quizzed them about it being a bit of a novelty not having to go through all the liquid-in-a-bag nonsense. We have had it now for so long. Security informed me they had just been rolled out in London as well, to be closely followed by the rest of the country.
  19. Manchester does have them because we were part of the testing programme ( looking to see if it was working correctly and ironing out any wrinkles) during the rollout on February 5th 2024, security also informed me that it was now in use in London as well. So, it's more than likely, that they have them now as Heathrow is a far bigger hub for the UK airport industry than Manchester.
  20. I think you are right actually.
  21. You seem to be gloating and getting off on other people's misfortune and stupidity. This has developed from being a matter for the courts and to be dealt with sensibly and through the courts into a witchhunt judged, tried, found guilty and executed by the Press and media. Far bigger crimes going unpunished in this country.
  22. RESPECT has to be earned anywhere and why do you think it is unique to Thailand? I've seen plenty of ill-mannered Thais just as much as ill-mannered foreigners. I really can't be bothered when some posters try to put Thais on a pedestal just for behaving like civilised human beings. They have plenty have faults, plenty, just like the rest of the world. Khrap and Krapom are just expressions, as is the Wai, they mean nothing and are empty unless you go about your daily life being kind and considerate, not just using words or behaviour in the short term when there are others around.
  23. Many of the UK airports including where I fly from/to Manchester, don't even require you to take liquids out of your hand baggage anymore. Just leave everything in your bags.
  24. We will have to wait while they form a committee and have a meeting about forming a committee, to see if it warrants a committee meeting.
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