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Everything posted by Scouse123

  1. That's exactly what I was thinking. He has obtained the relevant visa and that is the whole point of METV visas
  2. So it looks like these kids have been terrorising the neighbourhood for a while and were also involved in the rape of a 19-year-old girl only to have it swept under the carpet, due to two of them having policemen as fathers. Then driving and having access to a pickup between the ages of 13 and 16 years old, to remove and dump the body. They were regularly out causing trouble, drinking alcohol and using Kratom, (and probably other substances too) no doubt well aware they were protected due to their fathers' being police. Their parents must be proud of what they are bringing up. One thing these kids know, and they aren't as stupid as they give the impression, is that they will be treated with kid gloves. I have said before, they need to take a leaf out of the USA system and when they wilfully commit such crimes, knowing the likely outcome will be death to the victim, charge them as adults in the courts. Only then will the message sink through their sub normal heads. The word will soon get around, especially if it can't be swept away. Like all thugs, they are cowards when they are on their own.
  3. Lovely kid, I hope that the owner was fair and rewarded her substantially for her honesty.
  4. I think the Japanese came for a bit of light, comedy relief from the Keystone cops! There is really nothing Japan can learn from these bunch of misfits in uniform.
  5. So a sad end to a 31-year-old man with a young child, who was working, going about his life and doing his job. He was providing for his family only to have that taken away from him by a 23-year-old idiot who booked a taxi knowing he didn't have the money to pay for it. A show of bravado in front of his 16-year-old girlfriend?? To then try to use the depression excuse doesn't cut it in any way. The mother then, in her great wisdom, decides to desecrate a corpse, by setting the body on fire and stealing his car. I don't suppose calling the police was a factor in this reasoning? What a great parent. RIP to the poor victim, who set off home that day just to earn a few baht and didn't know it would be his last day on earth.
  6. I recall bikini clad Thai women (looking like Coyote dancers) dancing at a cultural event attended by HM The King's mother. It stopped and many red faces and people scurrying for cover when the King's mother said she felt it' inappropriate' for the said event. Realistically, a few signs around and about cultural awareness would stop this behaviour in its tracks, it's through ignorance not intent to offend. Storm in a very small teacup.
  7. Yeah, A well-organised powerful mafia, but that doesn't sum up Japanese culture
  8. It's called backing up your phone.
  9. Yeah, Smart enough to get a youngster to sell his backside, not his own! Maybe an entrepreneur.
  10. Maybe, or on the other hand, maybe an opportunist.
  11. He's 19, maybe still learning the ropes. Surprisingly or not, though, obviously the pimp didn't bat an eyelid when he thought he was supplying Thai kids to Thai adults. Hence, the ability of the cops to snare him.
  12. The most ridiculous thing about it all is you can walk from the 7-11 to the Mom-and-Pop store next door and buy booze all day. That includes Buddhist days and Royal birthdays. Similarly, you can buy cigarettes in singles or three sticks at these stores, something else that was outlawed, and reappeared as fast as it was forbidden. It's all completely daft. Various excuses have been used for this 2pm–5pm alcohol ban on selling, the last government stated they were going to repeal the act/law as it no longer served any useful purpose, not that it ever did.
  13. They were using a mobile credit card reader. It was recovered from their room accommodation. The Vietnamese woman had made 23 trips in recent times to Thailand. That, in itself, should have rung alarm bells. I personally am not sure how the mobile credit card reader works, but it most certainly worked to their advantage. I've only ever seen them in restaurants.
  14. On my list to get to that country for a one-month visit. The place just sounds amazing from what I have heard and seen on travel programmes.
  15. Give the lad a chance, he's only 13! Bombs and shooting in is next years curriculum.
  16. You seem to expect a lot from a 4,000 baht phone. By the joy of the Turk, you'd think it was an i phone 15
  17. Well, In the UK at least you will get to know the reason for the death, unlike over here where it disappears into the abyss after a shocking headline. Tragic, a little child of 7 years old has met their end in any circumstances. RIP.
  18. A picture of health and a fine specimen of a Scotsman.......
  19. Duh! Because they said he was ' British ' that gave the rest of us a clue.
  20. Or killing their parents for refusing to give them money to buy drugs, or stealing/cheating land from their relatives. It's really best to keep your head down and focus purely on what you are doing, and the needs of those close to you. Neither listen nor get involved with outside influences in this country, it always leads to disaster. One thing I have learned here,' Everybody knows how to make a lot of money with somebody else's cash '
  21. First, it's a big ask expecting to be charged the same as the locals when it is in bred into them to charge you more because in their small minds, you can afford it, just the same as a Thai coming and buying something in Isaarn who comes from Bangkok, that doesn't know the price of something. Sometimes you can be ignored entering an establishment as the Thais do not feel their English is up to standard to converse with you. Scams are worldwide and cross all boundaries of race, nationality and colour. Immigration, a tricky one, you can have bright smiling IO's or surly horrible ones. Luck of the draw, on who you meet, and what side of the bed they got out of. You are paying taxes for doing business, it is the price you pay in every country. It's nothing to do with the' Thai in the street ' Contrary to your belief, Thais do not automatically give respect or decency to other Thais, it's a mechanism for dealing with people, and they are good at hiding their feelings.......usually!
  22. Well, That paragraph is definitely true. There have been a number of occasions when I have wished that I didn't understand what they were saying.
  23. Could always take them on an educational visit and teach them Chemistry in a Meth's lab on the border with Myanmar. OR.......................... Let's go caving in the rainy season.
  24. That will be great. If they don't shoot each other on the rifle range with the military guys, they can go learn how to drive like a lunatic with a free bike for the day. No crash helmets required!
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